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Everything posted by jimlarkey

  1. For those of you who use Picasa (freeware), or might have missed the freebie, or don't want to add another unknown proggie to your PC, Picasa3 offers watermarking.... "Click the Tools menu in Picasa 3, select Options, then click the Web Albums tab. Select the option labeled 'Add a watermark for all uploads.' Type the text for the watermark in the field below the option." Also Faststone Image Viewer (freeware) supports adding watermarks. Cheers, Jim
  2. Cool....so what's the deal?
  3. A Canon G1 for climbs, a Canon 20D for more serious stuff, and hers is a Canon SD1000, that I maintain. Quite a change from my Nikon film days. Cheers, Jim
  4. Does not installing SP3, cripple or preclude the installation of future patches? Cheers, Jim
  5. Just a thought...when I experience a threat, I upload the suspect file to http://www.virustotal.com/ to see what the consensus is with other AV checkers. Of course, it's good to report to developer, if they can respond timely, like PTE folks. Cheers, Jim
  6. Thanks Lin, I think I understand now. Cheers, Jim
  7. So how does Granot Boxig's exe get PTE to play video? Can PTE be made to support video? Thanks mhwarner for the link to Granot's post and Dom's. Regrading the aesthetics of mixing video & stills.....different strokes for different folks! Cheers Buddy, Jim
  8. Yes Bob, that sure would be strange that PCMag reviewed it in Aug '07 and ranked it as one of their favorite new sites....and no mention of porn: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,2175099,00.asp You can also find many other file hosting review sites, where no other users have ever mentioned that they found porn on MediaFire, such as: http://www.filehostingreview.com/review/728/MediaFire.html I'm inclined to believe that the porn on your friend's PC was picked up some other way, until you can share with us the specifics. However, I do find the 100mb file limit at MediaFire somewhat limiting, so if there are any other PTE users that care to share their favorite file hosting sites that have better features, I would sure like to hear from them. Cheers, Jim ps. I have no interests in MediaFire, other than being a somewhat satisfied user.
  9. Hi Bob, I've used MediaFire for some time and have not encountered your friend's experience.....perhaps you could point out for us where specifically "right under the "Start Download" area" the porno ad is? The "Scan your own computer for viruses" links to a malware scanning site....didn't find any porno there. Porno ads of course can sneak in from a lot of sources, other than a specific domain. Since you've raised my concern about MediaFire, I wonder if you've experienced the porno ad from MediaFire first hand on your PC? Thanks in advance for sharing, and the warning. Cheers, Jim
  10. Thanks for your posts, in particular Lin's very thorough explanation of GPU vs CPU rendering. The video clips as I recall, were poor quality, but I figured that was due to the resolution limits on the point-and-shoot camera, as well as blurring due to hand-held camera recording. It was a cool effect, and I certainly expect that the authors of PTE must have it in the back of their mind to develop this feature in the future. Again thanks for the detailed explanation. Certainly treasure the wisdom and knowledge of posters and users in this forum. Cheers, Jim
  11. Can video clips be included in a PTE show? I attended a presentation last night made with ProShow Gold, where the composer did all the Ken Burns stuff, but also added a nice touch of sprinkling a few crude video clips in the show. Since many of the point-and-shoot cameras include the video-clip feature, was wondering whether PTE is up to the task? Thanks in advance. Cheers! Jim
  12. Can anyone share or point to a simple and short PTE file (not exe) demonstrating panning and zooming. I've read the section in the PTE user guide many times and must have a mental block......can't get it to work. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Jim
  13. I agree with the above poster's caution on using just any brush. I followed Petteri Sulonen's advice regarding brush selection. He has a very informative web site, and his photos are outstanding. http://www.prime-junta.net/pont/How_to/a_B...sor.html?page=4 Cheers, Jim
  14. Good luck Judy Kay, I cleaned my Canon 20D using Eclipse solution wet-method. I tried the statically charged brush.....just relocated the specs on the sensor. I tried the Giottos Rocket....wouldn't budge the specs. Finally tried the Eclipse E2 solution with swabs, as described at: http://www.cleaningdigitalcameras.com/methods.html Got down to one small spec, near the edge of the sensor, and called it good enough. The kit I bought was the DIGI-KIT4-F at http://www.micro-tools.com, for $23. The Giottos blower was another $10. I have no affiliation with Micro-tools. Good luck; various people have reported varying degrees of success with both wet and dry methods. Probably depends somewhat on what you have on the sensor. Cheers, Jim
  15. The current issue of Maximum PC mag (Feb, 07, pg 20) discusses the misunderstood discontinuance of "free" AVG. Maximum PC concludes: "The truth is, AVG Anti-Virus Free continues to be offered for, well, free. A spokesman for Grisoft confirmed that there is, indeed, a free 7.5 version that is Vista ready....... Grisoft, of course, won't guarnatee that AVG will always be free, but how can you complain about it now, when it is." No mention in the article about "crippled" 30-day version. Cheers, Jim FYI, I don't use AVG.
  16. Does this infection have a name, please? Cheers, Jim
  17. There have been some reviews of VISART's digital albums in some of the photo forums.....seems that the resolution of VISART's screen may be lacking. Suggest potential buyers check out reviews in photo forums like dpreview.com. I don't sell them either...just an interested customer that passed them up a few months ago. Cheers, Jim
  18. Is it possible to convert MP3 to Midi? Cheers,
  19. Hello Alan, Take a look at the Inno Setup Compiler at http://www.innosetup.com/ I had a similar problem and found that the collection of utilities didn't handle the nested subroutines that you apparently have also. Check out my thread at http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...&t=2299&hl=inno Think you'll find that the Inno setup compiler is very efficient & flexible. Also note that Inno has a wizard which will do some of the easier tasks. Cheers,
  20. Hi Travis, Have you tried "run application and exit" for your button properties? I have several shows that do what you are trying to do, an opening slide with one song, button transfer to another show with different music. Works OK. Cheers,
  21. Al's suggestion: Scaling of objects so they don't lose position in different monitor resolutions.
  22. Just a short one to say that I've had success with the Inno Setup compiler ( http://www.jrsoftware.org/ ), and to thank all who have offered help. I've been working with the setup script for the past few days, using several of the examples given with this freeware. When I finally was familiar with the language, and began my first setup for my PTE show, I was surprised to find Inno has a wizard which pretty well simplifies the scripting, especially for the simple needs of installing PTE files on a HD. The Inno Setup gave me an installer that allows me to control the setup, automatically copying 8 exes to HD, and automatically executing only one and only one of them. It presents a familiar installer "face" to user, giving him confidence that his HD won't be wiped out (unlike my primitive bat file). It's an elegant "Windows environment" program that allows the user to uninstall the PTE show through the typical Windows "Settings>Uninstall Software". And the best part is that it is cheap....free! So if you've tried Inno but have beeen discouraged by the setup script language, don't forget to try their wizard. Really works great for the simple tasks associated with PTE. ps Thanks to nobeefstu for his post last year, suggesting Inno and others ( http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...&t=1381&hl=inno ) Cheers,
  23. Ken, I'm pretty sure my problem is with the slow data transfer rate of the CD-ROM drive. My exe file sizes range from a few MB to 60 or so MB, so it takes time for the drive to catch up. Running off the HD works great. Regarding Multishow, it doesn't do the trick with nested shows....too much burden on the user to select what to copy, and which exe to run. Prefer installer that is less burden and more transparent to the user. Thanks for your post, and I'll keep looking. Cheers,
  24. Wonder if any in the group could suggest a simple, cheap, and elegant installer? My latest show was having difficulties (stuttering music) running on my Sony CRX100E 24X drive. Show works OK on hard drive (HD). Show works OK on my other Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1212 (32X, CD only) drive. Big difference between 24X & 32X! My concern is that other users will have difficulties with their CD drives, and I'd like the option of installing and running exe's off the HD. All my shows use nested subroutines, so I always have 6-8 exe modules, only one of which initiates the show. Transferring to other routines (exe's) and and looping, exiting is controlled by the user in the show with object screens. Does anyone know of a cheap and simple to use installer/uninstaller for running PTE shows on HD? I've used a not too elegant method currently.....creating a bat file (you DOS users from the stone-age, remember batch file programming?) which does copy the 6-8 exe's and intiates the run of the single start exe. However, I'd like something more elegant for Windows environment that (1) will creat a desktop icon, (2) allow the user to uninstall those files (3) allow me to control the setup process. I don't want the user to be concerned with which of the 6-8 files he should run, or which to copy. I want the install/uninstall process to be automatic and transparent to the user. Besides, I'm not really sure that WinXP will run a bat file that I created (I'm currently running Win98SE :-) I've looked at the Inno installer ( http://www.innosetup.com/ ) that some previous PTE posters.....too complicated for simply copying and running a file. Inno looks very comprehensive and allows register editting, but the PTE "installation" is only a copy and execute process. Very simple that a few batch file lines can accomplish. Are there any other cheap installers out there can be easily programmed to make the install/run/uninstall automatic to the user? Thanks in advance, and Cheers!
  25. Thanks Igor & staff, PTE users/beta-testers for your continued support of PTE. Great piece of software, that gets better and better with age. Really appreciate the effort that Igor spent in responding to the user's requests. Also apprciate the thoughts and beta testing of many of the forum members. Cheers,
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