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Everything posted by jimlarkey

  1. Peace to all in the new year, from Jackson, MI, USA Cheers,
  2. Thanks for remembering our posts back in Feb 10: "I think that we will able to make possible usage of objects in the synch. mode in the nearest next versions. I also very want to see this capability." (Admin) http://tinyurl.com/wb6j Enabling the objects in the synch mode will ease the effort in creating modular shows that give the viewer more control of the presentation. Thanks for remembering, Igor and staff. Cheers,
  3. Hello Again, With regard to the ID of ther startup proggies, check out the alphabetical index, and other resources at: http://www.pacs-portal.co.uk/startup_index.htm Specifically the list is at: http://www.pacs-portal.co.uk/startup_pages...tartup_full.php Cheers,
  4. I'm also running WIN98-SE and my machine had arthritus. If by chance your using McAfee virus scan, you should make sure that you have the latest scan engine...v4240. My machine is still slow and unstable, but not nearly as bad when I had the old scan engine. Currently I disable McAfee when I'm doing local computing that I'm confident of. It makes a world of difference in terms of speed of operations, like exes. When McAfee won't update anymore, I plan to move to AVG whcih I hear is not such a reource hog. Good Luck...Best Regards! Listed below is the FAQ from McAfee site regarding symptoms of old engine: ============================================================= "Update your scan Engine to 4240 Summary: If your VirusScan software is using the 4160 version of the scan engine (please see How to identify the engine version), this new engine may improve the overall performance of your computer and is recommended that you install it. How to Identify the Engine Version You can identify the version of the scan engine that you are currently running by doing the following: From the Windows system tray, right-click the VirusScan icon. Select About (VirusScan 6.0 or older) or About VirusScan (VirusScan 7.0). The version information displays to the right of Scan Engine. Description For customers with configurations such as those described above, their computers may demonstrate the following behaviors: Your computer runs slower or its overall performance has diminished. You may observe exception faults including the "blue screen of death" or your computer stops responding. Rough or erratic mouse sensitivity. Stuttering sound cards. The behaviors described above may be the result of stability problems associated with the 4160 version of the scan engine. "
  5. Hi James, Just a short one to say that I too enjoyed your "Perfect Storm". I've seen the Northern Lights here in Michigan, but nothing compares to what you have presented. Really an enjoyable piece of work! Thanks for sharing. Are the blue-green displays more prevalent than the reds up there? Cheers,
  6. Hi Phill, Sorry but can't use ojects with synched show. Igor has offered some hope though..... "I think that we will able to make possible usage of objects in the synch. mode in the nearest next versions. I also very want to see this capability." You can follow this old thread.... http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ct=ST&f=2&t=337 Cheers,
  7. Welcome back Starfish has already started a wish list: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...t=ST&f=2&t=1073 Cheers
  8. Objects on last page, in synch mode. Thanks.
  9. I haven't really followed this thread completely, so cut me some slack if this has been suggested before. Why can PTE be programmed to emulate other software that models projects? There are tons of other apps such as spreadsheets, scheduling proggies and the like that build projects. Can't PTE's filename/projectname replicate those in other apps? I've always found PTE's project name awkward, but have tolerated it. Let's hope we can arrive at a consensus. Cheers, Jim
  10. Yes!! Thanks & Cheers, Jim
  11. Have you considered JPEG Packer by JSoft? http://www.zdnet.com.au/downloads/pc/swinf...,4575110,00.htm There is a version 2 that I have. Features advertised are as follows: -------------------------------- JPEG Packer Version 2 - August 2001 ------------------------------------- Use this program for free, for YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY. You cannot sell, distribute or make any kind of business with this program, or any of it's resources. If you want to aqquire this program for business purposes, please contact me by email: jsoftw@yahoo.ca -------------------------------------------------------- A cool utility to pack your JPG pictures into a single file. - Create standalone, PPS-style, full-screen slideshows to send to your friends. - Create photo albums, add comments or notes to each picture, and easily browse them, using the thumbnail viewer. - Encript and password protect your personal pictures. - Save disk space by packing all those small jpg files.
  12. Hello Ernst, Igor has recently again promised the feature that I think you are looking for, objects in synched shows. Refer to: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ct=ST&f=2&t=857 I've tried various "work arounds", none of which accomplish the same as enabling objects in synched shows on the last slide. The workarounds are usually difficult and clumbsy, and usually involve some trade-offs with either the visuals, or the music. Igor has indicated that he realizes the importance of this feature.....patience. It reassuring to know that other PTE users value this feature. Cheers, Jim
  13. Thanks Igor for remembering.....as if I'd let you forget The ability to open another app on the last slide (as suggested above by alrobin) has been there for some time, but unfortunately I've found that it doesn't do the trick. I do believe that we are on the same wavelength, and realize the convenience this feature would add for modularizing (if such a word exists) synched routines. Thanks again to all, and Cheers! Jim
  14. Hello Igor & Support, Would you be kind enough to tell me whether the following has been added to the current beta 2? "I think that we will able to make possible usage of objects in the synch. mode in the nearest next versions. I also very want to see this capability. p.s. don't worry, please, that synchronization can be corrupted. Because PicturesToExe synchronizes show of slides, following by the position of the music player. E.g. if third slide should be shown at 47645 ms. and player reported that current position of playing is 47645 ms. then the slide will be shown immediately." Reference forum thread..... http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ct=ST&f=2&t=337 Thanks, and enjoy using P2E. Best Regards, Jim Larkey
  15. For what it's worth.... If your running McAfee AV software, you might want to check with their tech support for a scan engine update. I had problems with PC arthritis, blue screens of death, eratic mouse movements, etc. The McAfee scan engine update solved the crash and eratic mouse movement. As for arthritis, it greatly improved the speed, but I find that if I disable McAfee, there is still quite an improvement in speed yet. SO when I'm doing safe computing, I disable McAfee. I'm sorry that I lost the URL link to the update, but I'm sure if you contact their tech support, they can link you to the update. Cheers, Jim
  16. Confirming previous post(s), Breeze Browser does have the features you seek. - Drag & Drop Light-table. - Automatic Renaming of Resorted Images. Further; - No Graphic Editing features (viewer-browser mainly). - Exif & IPTC editing. - Slick downloader (freeware).
  17. Mike is correct in suggesting that a pause in a show can be a blessing. That is why some PTE folks use modules in their shows to allow the viewer the opportunity to control what and when they see. However the issue that the original Mike initiated is the graceful transition from a menu slide to a module....which is usally quite quick, not enough time for the viewer to be bored yet (hopefully). It would be nice if PTE cuould gracefully transition from one exe to another exe without showing the desktop. I don't really have an good answer, but think that this might be more of a programming issue. Cheers, Jim
  18. Hi Mike, Your suggestion would certainly be an improvement over the glimpse of the desktop, that really is not aesthetic....spoils the visuals. Problem might be that with different CPUs and OSes, the delay time you are suggesting might not have the effect your seeking. I'm not sure I know what a good solution might be. Perhaps others that are more familiar with programming might be able to offer a suggestion for improvement. The loading message was certainly an improvement. I guess I would like the option your suggesting, b ut might also like the option of a blank or black screen (with the loading message). Any thoughts from other PTE folks? Cheers, Jim
  19. Hello Michel, Regarding your post on the menu page with sound, I've used the "run application and exit" button properties, and the looping technique that Ernst mention to affect what your seeking. I've randomized the music selection on the opening menu page, since with the looping process, I felt the show was better with different music each time the user was brought back to the main menu page. The only annoying feature was that during the transition from the menu page to the submenu(s), the desktop is visible while the submenu loads. I would rather see a black screen with the loading message, than the desktop. But that is only a aesthetic consideration, not functional. Cheers, Jim
  20. Thanks Igor, for your consideration of our suggestions. Look forward to the addition. Cheers, Jim
  21. Ian's suggestion would enable new users to easily become familiar with the power of giving the viewer more control over what they choose to see. I would like to add that PTE should enable objects on the *last* slide of a synched show. JRR and others apparently appreciate the usefulness of chaining through objects on unsynched shows. Why not add the ability to use objects on the *last* page of synched shows, to enable the user to create custom, object-oriented chaining? Cheers, Jim
  22. Hi Larry, You can do this by making a separate sub exes for each of the shows, and then let the user call either one from a third "main" exe. You can design both sub exes to give the user the option of looping back to main exe or exiting the show. Igor has indicated that he will enable objects on the last page of th exe with synching, so that will enhance the loping and music transitions. As Igor indicated "I think that we will able to make possible usage of objects in the synch. mode in the nearest next versions. I also very want to see this capability." You can take a look at the following where I discussed this: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...7&hl=subroutine Also you can see my logic scheme at the following site where I created 3 separate sub shows, and a further 5 sub-sub shows: http://www.pbase.com/image/13407511/medium I think you can do it without too much difficulty. Cheers, Jim
  23. I use separate subdirectory(s) to put the various logical pieces of the show, as Ken has recommended. Ususally the original images from my Canon G1 are enhanced and resized for the PTE presentation. It is these modified image files that I keep in the PTE presentation folders. I do not renumber my original slides for archival storage. I change nothing on the originals. When the PTE project is complete, I burn what I call a master CD that is created by simply moving all the subdirectories and their contents (such as the MP3s, PTE data files, JPEGS, etc) to the CD. If several months later I need to examine the PTE project, I simply copy the CD's root directory (and associated subdirectories) to my PC. The CD that I distribute only contains the EXEs and the INF files, in the root directory of the CD.....not the MP3s, PTE data files, JPEGS, etc. Regarding LumenLux's comment on photo managers, I use Mario Westphal's "industrial strength" IMatch photo manager. http://www.photools.com/ WHile my collection is not as extensive as JRR's 35,000, I have currently 10 CDs or approx. 3500 slides in my database. IMatch is probably overkill. I think IMatch has a steep learning curve, only because of all the flexibilty and power of the program. My database is very simple and IMatch does a good job of managing my small collection. IMatch, like PTE is a well-supported piece of software. I hope to grow with it, as my number of slides grow. I've heard that Adobe has a new PhotoAlbum which I hear doesn't have all the features of IMatch, but probably most will not need all the features and associated learning curve. I also use Chris Breeze's BreezeBrowser quite a bit as a viewer and image manipulator. http://www.breezesys.com/ BreezeBrowser has a slide table that will rename files, based on the order in the slide table. Chris has used Canon digitals, so his software general favors the features of Canon cameras. BreezeBrowser is also a well supported piece of software....free upgrades for life. There are many other features of BreezeBrowser that PTE might find useful. You can find a summary at: http://www.breezesys.com/BreezeBrowser/index.html#new Thanks for the opportunity to offer comments on file management techniques. I think this is a useful subject that as our slide files grow in size, something should be used to manage the collection. I look forward to learning what other techniques/software PTE people are using. Cheers, Jim
  24. Thanks Mike, It is indeed a small world....my daughter moved to Durango last month. She will be working for Outward Bound (COBS) as an intern/leader. I understand a lot of the Durango folk were at one time or another associated with COBS. Great town. My highlight on visiting Durango was Carver's & Wildeness Experience. Cheers, Jim
  25. Hi Lumenlux, Checkout: www.pbase.com/jimlarkey/weminuche Cheers, Jim
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