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Everything posted by snewcomb

  1. Have you been able to get this feature to work when you copy your slide show to a cd? I am new to this and am trying to use this same feature. If you have been successful with using the time usage feature, please let me know. Thank you!
  2. What about copying the slide show to a CD, would that work differently than a DVD? This was a very important feature that I really wanted to use in this program, so I really want to find any possible way to make this work. What I am trying to accomplish is making a photo slideshow for my clients that they could only use for a short period of time before they would be forced to come in and order their pictures, so it is a electronic way of doing proofs, so to speak.
  3. I am currently using 5.0 version and here is my problem: I have set a time limit usage on a slide show I have created but it doesn't work. I have set the usage to one time but i can still view the slide show over and over after I have burnt it. What am I doing wrong? Also how can I make sure someone can not copy any of my pictures on the burnt slide show? ANY and ALL help would be greatly appreciated! I've been working on this for quite a while and can't seem to get it. Thank!!
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