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Everything posted by Shooter

  1. I have used a dual monitor setup in my portrait salesroom for about 3 years. P2E has been a major part of it for the past couple years. There are several ways to do what you want to do. If you are running XP you can simply switch the primary and secondary monitors in the settings tab of the Display section of the control panel and switch back when done. Another way is to use a program called UltraMon. This will allow you to start a slide show on the secondary monitor from the primary monitor with a desktop shortcut. I have done this for years. UltraMon will also let you mirror your primary or secondary monitor, change taskbar from one to another and a bunch of other things. You can download it at: www.realtimesoft.com
  2. LumemLux Infranview won't allow drag & drop - get ACDSee 5.0 from ACDsystems.com - this program will allow batch resize, rotate, rename plus drag & drop arrangement of thumbnails. After you arrange them in the order you want you will need to rename them with a sequential number so they show up in p2e that way. ACDSee most definately the fastest viewer and DAM out there. Good Luck - Shooter
  3. Hey Mikey, You'll find your answer at Realtimesoft.com with a product called "Ultramon". I've used this on dual head (crt monitor and lcd projector) for about 3 years. Up until Pics to Exec 4 it has worked perfectly. What ultramon does is allows you to create a shortcut on your desktop to open a show on monitor 2 - or - with the use of a self designated hotkey you can switch the show once it is running from one monitor to the other. With pics to exec 3.80 all was well. Pics to exec 4 will not open on monitor 2 although you can still switch it once the show is running. A blank slide at the beginning of your show would allow you time to switch it with the hotkey. I personally reinstalled 3.80 to solve the problem until I can figure out another answer. Good Luck - Shooter
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