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Everything posted by Lostpixels

  1. Guru: Thanks again for the reply. I am just now getting familar with Al's app. Mark
  2. Guru: Understood and very helpful. Another question, when adding the new slides by adding new transition points how do those new transition points get named, is this done manually by the user at the time the points are added? I would assume that they would need to be numbered according to the image number in the Slide List so that they are linked. Suppose you missed a slide in the middle of the show and you want to add it do you follow the same steps? Thanks, Mark
  3. nobeefstu: This is how I understood that this all worked but it was not working in this manor. Some options that I was applying in the Project Options window were not being applied at all, namely background color and adding a drop shadow in the full screen mode. When I went and began to turn on the Customize Slide button feature for each image after doing the first eight or ten slides all of a sudden the options that I had choosen in the Project Options window were now applied to the entire show, weird. Understood, I only expected to see drop shadows in the full screen mode. It is all working correctly now but for the better part of the day it was acting very strange. Thanks, Mark
  4. nobeefstu: I thought that if I set the background color and drop shadow options in the Project Options window that it would effect all the images in the show, which is what I want. It seems that what you are suggesting would mean that I would have to customize each image one at a time. Mark
  5. I wanted to start this question over on it's own thread, it was getting lost in the other thread. I have been trying to change the background color and add a drop show to images in my show but these Project Options are not taking effect. Transitions Effects are working, Full Screen and windowed is working but changing the background color and drop shadows are not being applied when closing the Project Options window. It is not working with custom colors or any of the color within the color checker, red, white, blue. Any ideas? Thanks, Mark
  6. Guru: You weren't quick enough, I have already deleted the transition points and with the help of adjustor I have gotten things back in order. So at what point can you no longer simply add an image to the show by dragging it into the Slide List? Is it once you have hit the 'Create' button? Guru, can you please give me the steps for adding additional images? Thanks, Mark
  7. Other changes that I make in 'Project Options' are taking effect such as going from Full Screen Mode to Windowed Mode or back, transition effects are working but the changes that I try to make to the background color or adding drop shadows are not working, they are not being applied. I still can not add one more image to the end of the show even though it is listed in the Slide List it does not show in the Preview mode or when playing the Custom Synchronization. Help! Mark
  8. PTE asks for an .ico file for custom Icons, can this be created with PS? Thanks, Mark
  9. I have created a show wherein I am now trying to add one more image to the end of the show plus change the background color and add a drop shadow and none of the changes are taking effect. I can see the last image that I added at the end of the 'Slide List' but it does not appear in the time line of the 'Customize Synchronization' time line. There is plenty of time/space, 11sec, at the end of the show for it to fit into but it is not showing up. With the drop shadows and custom background color the changes that I make are not showing up. Am I forgetting something? XP Pro Thanks, Mark
  10. Al: How can you tell which file is which, I can not see an extension or either file type? I think I have the correct one because the other will not load/import on a drag and drop. When I do this I do not have two different open Excel files, even though there are two in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, it is apparently just one file. Mark
  11. Al: Sorry for the delayed response busy day. For whatever reason it is no longer doing this. FYI, running XP Pro and my copy of Excel is part of Microsoft Office 10. Thanks, Mark
  12. I failed to mention that these files are saved as sRGB. Colors actually are looking good across the board but they are displaying considerably lighter in PTE than PS or even Windows Explorer. Mark
  13. Al: A question regarding the instructoins for importing data into "Adjustor", from notepad: Import data from "ptesource.xls" and deposit it in "PTE_time_adjustor.xls": -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press "Get data" (in column "Q") or use "Control-Shift-G" on the keyboard. This will copy data over from "ptesource.xls" into column "C" (hidden) and also display basic timing data and the names of image files. When I press Control-Shift-G, I get this error message: "File error: Check for ptesource.xls." Any suggestions? Does this Contorl-Shift-G automatically import the data into "Adjustor" file? Or, can you tell me where I can find this "Get Data" in column "Q", is this a button or is it found in a menu, I'am not finding it. XP Pro Thanks, Mark
  14. I have downloaded "Adjustor" but when I try to open a PTE file the VBAProject from within Excel is asks for a password, where do I get this password, any clues? Thanks, Mark
  15. alrobin: Thanks Taking this a step further, can I use this "Adjustor" to also remove images from the time line without screwing up the timing of the other images in the time line? Mark
  16. guru: Cool thanks for the links. Mark
  17. Is there a way to make a selection of multiple images within the Customize Synchronization time line so that they can be more as a selection within the time line so as to maintain timing and spacing within the images of the selected grouping? Mark
  18. Ah that is the key. Do you ever think that p2e will be color savvy and read those embedded profiles? Mark
  19. Does p2e have any way of syncing with system color management? Blacks/shadows in my digital files have no blacks when compared to being viewed Windows explorer or in PhotoShop. Can anything be done differently? Thanks, Mark
  20. While we're making suggestions, ... it would be a great feature to have p2e export as QT movies. Mark
  21. nobeefstu: Thanks for helping me get a better understanding of what is happening. Mark
  22. Although the glitches, hick-ups or repeat frames are gone when playing the slide show on my machine from the HD or a CD, they are present on other peoples machines who are playing the show from a CD even those who are also running XP. Any suggestions on what may cause this problem? Thanks, Mark
  23. I do not have even a clue as to how difficult this would be to do but it would be a wonderful addition to P2E to be able to export slides shows in QT movie format thus making P2E slides shows cross platform. Mark
  24. If P2E can not easily be made to run on a Mac is there any possibly of P2E exporting as QT movies so that they could run cross platform? Mark
  25. That got it there was just a tiny overlap. Thanks again Mark
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