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Geoff Jackson

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  1. Hi Ralph, thanks for clarifying that. I have now put P to E on my laptop so if anyone asks what software I used for a presentation I can now show them and give a quick demo on the laptop, hopefully this will persuade them to buy a copy of Pictures to Exe. Regards, Geoff Jackson.
  2. All Ok now, I have solved the problem. I had a reg.txt for P to E then another one when I upgraded to Deluxe. The first reg went in P to E, the second reg went into Video Builder. All is now working OK. Regards, Geoff.
  3. I have Pictures to Exe 5.1 Deluxe on my desktop computer and I would like to install it on to my laptop. I've downloaded and installed the demo but the reg.txt I received for my other computer will not work on the laptop. Do I have to pay for another registration? I've used the laptop to give a slideshowshow at my local church and some of the group were interested in what software I used and asked how the slideshows are made. It would be easy to give them a quick demo whilst it was connected to a projector, hence the need to install P to E on my laptop. Regards, Geoff Jackson.
  4. What I did was to click on "Templates" then "add template" which lets you save the currently selected template under a different name. You can then see where it is being saved. Go to this location in windows explorer, click on the options.ini file and you will see the count which you can change then save the file. I can't tell you anymore than that as I have only just found out myself thanks to Ken's information. Geoff.
  5. Hello Ken Many thanks for your reply, it has pointed me in the right direction. I had a quick attempt at changing the ini file and it worked, but to get rid of the picture buttons I guess that I will have to make them 2 x 2 pixels as I can't delete them. I should be able to do what I want now I have that information. I will try it tomorrow as it's getting past my bed time here in the UK. Geoff
  6. Hello, I've just upgraded to Deluxe and I am impressed with the quality of the videos it can make. However, I want to put 12 slide shows on 1 DVD and would prefer to have a menu with 12 buttons on, possibly just text buttons and no pictures. Are there any templates that can be downloaded that have more than 4 buttons on a menu page? Or, is it possible to make my own? Thanks for any advice. Geoff
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