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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. Another case (an inconsistency) that may be a bit confusing regarding transitions: In the project options we have only one choice for basic transitions (Dissolve), while for particular slides there are two of them (Dissolve and Quick). Regards, Xaver
  2. If you do it as described above, inserting the video twice, once as a video in the slide track, secondly as an audio clip in an audio track, no audio will be extracted. The exe file will only include the video file once, and it will be interpreted in two ways. Regards, Xaver
  3. I would like to see a kind of expandable timeline in the O&A window including the audio tracks for synchronizing the keypoints. Regards, Xaver
  4. Project Options > Audio > Add audio file > Files of type: Video files. Choose a video file from your hard disk. It will be inserted as an audio clip. Regards, Xaver
  5. See this link: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15367&view=findpost&p=101675 . It indicates that an Italian Guide is about to come. Regards, Xaver
  6. http://www.wnsoft.com/picturestoexe/help/ Regards, Xaver
  7. Doing it in this way seems to be better than using the mouse! You do not even need to lock the track. Only the offset of the first clip is absolute, all others are given relative to the predecessors. These relative offsets remain invariant. In the same way you can shift some clip in the middle and all its successors at the same time. Regards, Xaver
  8. This would be another function to be maintained which may not be used very often. By expanding the timeline you can easily drag the clips on the level of milliseconds. The time box indicates the position of the start of the first clip (if this one has been highlighted). Regards, Xaver
  9. You can drag all clips in a track in parallel using the shift key. Regards, Xaver
  10. It is also a fact that in particular situations v7.x is slower than earlier versions. The reason is that since v7 mipmapping is always switched on. This feature can be switched off in v.6. Regards, Xaver
  11. This gives extra posts! He will outdistance you. Just wait another year! Best regards, Xaver
  12. There was a discussion on this subject some time ago, see here. Regards, Xaver
  13. Viel Glück beim Suchen der restlichen Bilder. Falls gefunden, einfach in den aktuellen Projektordner kopieren! Gruß Xaver
  14. Sorry, but see here. Regards, Xaver
  15. Hallo Dieter, wann findet PTE beim Öffnen eines Projekts die darin enthaltenen Medien? Sie werden zumindest dann gefunden, wenn die Bilder noch am ursprünglichen Platz liegen, genauer: Wenn die Dateipfade noch stimmen. wenn die Medien sich im Projektordner befinden (Ordner, der die .pte-Datei enthält). D.h. zuerst sucht PTE an der ursprünglichen Stelle. Wenn dort nichts zu finden ist, dann wird die Datei mit gleichem Namen aus dem Projektordner genommen. wenn sich die Medien beim Speichern des Projekts in einem Unterordner des Projektordners befanden, auch wenn der Projektordner später mit seinem Inhalt verschoben wird. Es ist daher immer gut, seine Projekte so zu organisieren, dass die Projektdateien und die benötigten Medien (möglichst in Kopie) im gleichen Ordner gehalten werden. In Deiner jetzigen Situation würde ich folgendes tun: Ich würde einen neuen temporären Ordner erzeugen. Kopiere dort hinein die Inhalte aller Ordner, in denen die Medien Deiner Schau liegen könnten (kopieren, nicht verschieben !!!!!). In diesem Ordner liegt dann eventuell viel zu viel, aber alles was das Projekt braucht. Kopiere die Projektdatei (.pte-Datei) ebenfalls in diesen Ordner. Dann sollte das Projekt beim Öffnen wieder über seine Medien verfügen. Mache nun eine Zip-Sicherung des Projekts (Backup in Zip). Entpacke das Zip-Archiv in einen neuen Ordner. Öffne darin die Projektdatei und speichere sie. Dieser neue Ordner enthält nun genau die Medien, die für das Projekt benötigt werden. Der große Hilfsordner und die Zip-Datei können gelöscht werden, sofern die Medien darin wirklich nur als Kopien enthalten waren und nicht als Originale. Gruß Xaver
  16. This is not surprising, in case that my assumption from post #11 holds. All in all, not a serious affair! Regards, Xaver
  17. I just copied the link from post #1 (www.peoplesoftheworld.org/bug%20demo.zip) into my browser. There, it did work Regards, Xaver
  18. Easy demonstration, or not. Even if the highlighted slide has a real transition, if the previous one is set to "Wait for key press", the "toast" will show the previous slide (as in potwnc's example). Regards, Xaver
  19. Regarding the given example, there is a difference between 7.0 and 7.5, but not a serious one. To me it seems that "Start preview from this slide" now (7.5) jumps into the time interval of the previous slide, a few milliseconds before the highlighted one is to start, while in 7.0 the starting point seems to be inside the time interval of the highlighted slide itself. This does not make much difference provided that the previous slide is set to "Show next slide after indicated time interval". In the given example, it is set to "Wait for key press", and we see the said effect. Regards, Xaver
  20. I myself did not try to make the effort of writing a scientific study on this subject. But effects of this kind give rise to some bad feelings, that this version of PTE has not been tested in the way it has been done with former versions. Let's hope that my feelings are baseless. Regards, Xaver
  21. From my recent experience in Turkey, a recommendation on food: Cook it, peel it, or leave it. Have a nice time! Regards, Xaver
  22. I start a new project with v7.5. I insert one slide (5 seconds). I insert some music (6:40 minutes). I start the mini player in the timeline view: The music stops at second 5. I click on the timeline somewhere in the middle of the slide to give the cursor a new position. I start the the mini player again: Now it does not stop at second 5. The music keeps on playing while the cursor stays at second 5. I can stop and start the music with the mini player's pause/play button again and again: I can run through the whole piece of music. The music seems to have its own cursor (invisible). Regards, Xaver
  23. An alternative: Download and install the free codec Xvid: http://www.xvid.org/ Regards, Xaver
  24. Dave, The discussion here on professionals is only a side issue. The question is: Should PTE offer support for resizing images (and for color space transformations, as well)? You like it to ride about quality. In my opinion it should be possible to find a simple logic (depending on mode, screen size , zoom value, ...) that will result in images that will satisfy your requirements. We are talking about an option that could chosen for all, or perhaps only for part of the images. This is not a question of quality, but of usability. Best regards, Xaver
  25. Hi Lin, We should avoid political statements here. Regarding Wings, I just reported a fact. And it is a fact that the high priced competitors from Germany and Austria work with preprocessed image data (including automatic resizing), and they offer color management, as well. I myself have permanent access to a Wings Pro license (dongle), but I have not even installed Wings on my computer, as I do not like it at all. As I only prepare a few AV productions per year, some manual transformations do not constitute a serious problem for me, although it would be nice to have some more support. But I think that a professional AV designer who has to ask for about 100 Euros per hour cannot tell the customer: I have to charge for another 3 hours for image resizing Best regards, Xaver
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