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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. A nice discussion, isn't it? In April 2009, a famous member of this forum has posted the topic "Topics that loose their way" Regards, Xaver
  2. Jose, There have never been any announcements that WnSoft had introduced a 64-bit version of PTE. There is still one installation file that works for all kinds of Windows systems (XP or newer, 32 or 64 Bit). The PTE application only exports one type of executables that run on all Windows systems. How could you come to your conclusions? By the way, this is a forum for user discussions rather than a portal for the manufacturer's user support. Regards, Xaver
  3. This has already been done, see here.
  4. Let us consider two examples: 1. The portrait image should be fully included. You insert the image with mode "Fit to slide", and you reduce the image's size using the zoom function (say: to 80%). In this case the optimal height of your image is 864 = 1080*80/100. OK? The image must not necessarily have an aspect ratio of 16 to 9 (or 9 to 16). 2. The portrait image should fully cover the screen with a vertical pan. You insert the image with mode "Cover slide", and you program a vertical pan via key frames. The optimal width of your image then is 1920. Again, the image must not necessarily have an aspect ratio of 16 to 9 (or 9 to 16). Regards, Xaver
  5. I do not agree with that statement, and it is funny to read other ones here. On the PTE homepage you will find the word "professional". But do you think that an AV professional (who works on AV productions for customers day by day) will use PTE? I don't think so. A professional wants to export executables that are customized with respect to the resolutions and the color settings of the destination monitors. This customization should be done automatically, as it takes a lot of time to do it manually, time that a professional cannot spend. It's almost evident that an AV tool like Wings offers this kind of support. Regards, Xaver
  6. All True Type Fonts that have been installed on your system should work in PTE. Regards, Xaver
  7. Yes, I like this idea. I've made a similar proposal only recently in a thread on color management. Resizing should not be the only option for preprocessing. It should also be possible to choose the color profile for the final presentation device. So, resizing and color management could be done in one step. See also here. Regards, Xaver
  8. Do you like resizing on the fly? It may be that preprocessed resizing plus one extra compression will give a better result. Regards, Xaver
  9. No, this is not the case. This fixed size only prevents enlargement of slides to sizes greater than the one that has been fixed. Regards, Xaver
  10. Hallo Dieter, es freut mich, dass Dir das Programm inzwischen gefällt. Deine Wünsche zu den Audiospuren sind im Forum natürlich gefordert und diskutiert worden. Nun ist ein derartiger Umbau der Programmoberfläche eine große Aufgabe, und nicht alle Wünsche können in dieser Version in Erfüllung gehen; aber in Zukunft wird das alles noch kommen. Derzeit musst Du auf eine Spur klicken und darüber das Hüllkurven-Werkzeug öffnen. Leider zeigt bei der nun kommenden Version die Welle in der Zeitleiste die Amplitudenänderung noch nicht an. Gruß Xaver
  11. A video with 8 bits per channel (normally) has only about 220 steps in lightness, while RGB images have 256 steps. So, it depends on the way the video is mapped onto the screen, if the blacks are really black, or not. When I play a video with the Windows Media Player on my Win XP system, there isn't real black. If I play the same video on Win 7 the video's black is really black. Regards, Xaver
  12. Hi Paul, I'm glad that I could help you. I agree that it would be fine if PTE would offer some support for generating customized exe-files for particular output devices, e.g. adding optional color space transformations (and perhaps automatic image size transformations) to the zip export of projects which should be an easy exercise for the developer. Furthermore let me say that you should be a bit more careful when comparing PTE and m.objects (whose base version is a rather useless one). What does "higher class" mean for you? I don't know about your experience with PTE. If you have just started to use it, I would recommend to read the German article on PTE in AV Dialog 3/2012, p. 31, see here. Best regards und schöne Grüße ins Rheinland, Xaver
  13. Paul, Some people in this forum do not understand, or do not want to understand the color management problem. Keep in mind that PTE presents images as they are, it does not prepare its own modified copies (like Wings or m.objects). So if you want to have color management like it is done by Photoshop (or even XnView), PTE had to do it on the fly, during the presentation. The only AV product (that I know) that manages color management on the fly is Wings, but the manufacturer warns the user to really use this feature, as it yields a significant degradation in performance. My recommendation: Make your own color management. Collect all images that you may intend to insert into your show as copies in a single folder. Use a tool like XnView for a batch processing with an ICC conversion (use the ICC profile of your monitor as output profile). This is a procedure that does not take too much time. If you now program your show with these images, preview and exe-file should be as you like it. Disadvantage: If you present such an exe-file via a normal projector (which in most cases will have sRGB) your presentation will loose its charm. Regards, Xaver
  14. Alena, click here Regards, Xaver
  15. What do you mean? There are opinions that the result of this poll (I do not know it) is not correct; or, there are opinions that (at least in particular, i.e. color managed environments) sRGB can be the wrong color space. By the way, the second statement is not an opinion, it is a fact Regards, Xaver
  16. This is a killer phrase. d67's remarks cannot be regarded as unfair. You can include images with different formats, but there are much better solutions than yours. Your way typically is regarded as a technical error. When watching your show I was happy to notice that the transition points were nicely placed with respect to the music (this does not happen very often here), but there are some places where you could make improvements. The question is how perfect do you want to be? Another question: Why do you switch to a dark screen when inserting the texts? Regards, Xaver
  17. The problem here is not associated with a wrong color space. On my machine (XP SP3), when loading Bert's image into PTE v707, I see the same color effect. Bert's image does not contain any color space information, and even if I strip off all meta data from this image, PTE still shows the strange effect. IrfanView, XnView and Photoshop show the image correctly. Opening and saving the image with all 3 programs yield results that work well with PTE. Maybe, the original image file is a bit corrupted? By the way, a remark on color management: Although sRGB is in most cases a good choice for AV productions, we should not make a global recommendation. Let me once again refer to my earlier post, see here. Regards, Xaver
  18. It's not quite clear what you are thinking of: Upload and download of files (like dropbox or Mediafire), or streaming videos (like YouTube)? In the first case, you may use exe-files, in the second case you can only use video formats. Regards, Xaver
  19. All this reminds me of a post from Barry, 20 April 2012. Regards, Xaver
  20. Normally it is not possible to read the video files directly from the HD, files that were written by a recorder. Regards, Xaver
  21. That's what I said above (post 13) Regards, Xaver
  22. It seems to me, that in the windowed mode we define the inner size of the window, excluding the border of the window provided by the operating system. Thus, in cases where we have this border, the overall window is larger than specified in PTE (inner size plus size of the border). On the other hand, it seems that the overall window can never be larger than the screen. So, in cases where (in PTE) the inner size of the window has been set to the full size of the screen, the effect that has been observed here seems to be quite natural. Regards, Xaver
  23. Eric, It's quite obvious what the abbreviation in your post should mean (screen shot), but just enter it into Google Regards, Xaver
  24. It seems that the the web site of thedom (http://thedom.fr/) has been hacked Regards, Xaver
  25. Isn't this a restricted view? Maybe a quick reply without taking time to think about the problems. On a today's AV festivals you will have contributions that are exe files from various sources (not only PTE), and a large part will be HD videos. Making a seamless presentation with this kind of stuff isn't that easy. PTE v4 or any other version is not a solution. PTE is an AV tool, not a universal AV player. Regards, Xaver
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