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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. Please tell us what you really mean! Regards, Xaver
  2. I don't know what you really want. Maybe, you don't not want to use animated GIFs at all. But if you insert one, you can modify the animation parameters for replay in PTE. E.g. you can change an infinite loop (Repeat = 0) to a fixed number of repeats, you can modify the animation tempo (via Interval), ... Regards, Xaver
  3. Look at it when using an animated GIF! Regards, Xaver
  4. For those forum members who would like to read something in German: There is an article on PTE in the latest magazine of AV-Dialog. For more details, see here. Regards, Xaver
  5. Der AV-Dialog, der Verein für Audiovisuelle Kommunikation, veröffentlicht in seinem neuesten Magazin, Heft 3/2012, Seite 31, einen Artikel über PicturesToExe: Gut und günstig - Erfahrungen mit PicturesToExe Der Artikel kann über das Inhaltsverzeichnis (als Leseprobe) im Format PDF heruntergeladen werden. AV-Dialog, Homepage Inhaltsverzeichnis von Heft 3/2012 Gruß Xaver
  6. xahu34

    Wann Mac Version?

    Hallo Klick, die letzte, offizielle Äußerung von WnSoft zur geplanten Mac-Version befindet sich hier. Vorerst bleibt wohl nur die Möglichkeit, die Projekte unter Windows zu entwickeln und die fertigen Mac-Executables (bei Bedarf auch Videos) dann auf dem Mac laufen zu lassen. Gruß Xaver
  7. Redmond, In which way do you insert your music? Regards, Xaver
  8. F3 ? Regards, Xaver
  9. Reading all the posts from above, I must admit that I've made a mistake. I should have followed Lin Evan's advice: Regards, Xaver
  10. Oh you wise man Regards, Xaver
  11. Wer heute schon seine Reisepläne für das nächste Jahr macht, der sei auf folgendes AV-Festival hingewiesen: Das 9. Diafest auf dem Lande Drüggelte am Möhnesee 30. Mai bis 1. Juni 2013 Veranstaltet wird das Festival vom AV-Dialog, siehe auch hier. Gruß Xaver
  12. A collection of very fine images in a slideshow with background music Regards, Xaver
  13. I would recommend to switch off the LT's monitor after being connected to the projector. In Windows 7 there is the function "Connect to a projector", choose "Projector only". Regards, Xaver
  14. If you are talking about a standard video DVD, you will have to live with the redundancy. If you run your projects from Preview of the PTE application, you can organize everything in a way to avoid duplicated images. But also if you create exe-files for all your projects, there will be redundancy, as well. Regards, Xaver
  15. Sorry, it doesn't. It rather disqualifies Try the easy exercise to create a project whose exe-file is less than 1 MB, but which will fill the whole disk when publishing on DVD. Regards, Xaver
  16. A standard DVD has a capacity of about 4.7 GB (decimal). Do you receive Air Miles for guesses? Regards, Xaver
  17. Sorry, that's not the point of my remark. You were talking about identical results (Exe, Preview). I just wanted to say that this may not be true. Not less, not more Regards, Xaver
  18. It is difficult to give an answer, as I do not really know him. Maybe it's true to some extent. Isn't it better to be related to Davy that to particular other members? Best regards, Xaver
  19. This has not always been the case. There have been situations where the Preview did run better than the corresponding Exe, see here. Regards, Xaver
  20. Take a good look in the mirror Regards, Xaver
  21. I wish you good luck Regards, Xaver
  22. Let's see what will be in v7.5. In my understanding, this feature means that in this situation the audio part will be played independently from the video decoding process. We then have something like the situation described by Lin above, where the audio part is inserted as an independent track. By the way, this is the solution offered by m.objects: There you insert the video twice, into a video track (with muted audio), and into an audio track (only the audio part is played). And of course, there are functions to manipulate the audio track. On the other hand, if we do not like this kind of separated playback (regarding synchronization), it will better to use a video editor. Regards, Xaver
  23. As long as your new images have identical names, and are placed in a single folder, you may outsmart PTE. Put a copy of your project file (*.pte) into that folder. Then temporarily change the name of the original folder (or of some folder along the paths to the images). Then open the pte-file in your new folder, and save it. This pte-project should now use the new images. Rename the folder mentioned above. Another way to go: Make a zip-backup of your original project, and extract it to some new folder. Delete the images in that new folder and put in your new images. Open the project file in the new folder and save it. I must say that PTE should provide a better support in situations of that kind Regards, Xaver
  24. OK, it is not cheap. We bought it during the HDAV Roadshow (Stumpfl) at somewhat more than 4000 Euro. It isn't FullHD, it is WUXGA (1920x1200). Regards, Xaver
  25. I would like to second this proposal. We have been using a Canon WUX10 Mark II since autumn last year, and we are quite happy with it Regards, Xaver
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