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Everything posted by xahu34
The said video shows the same behavior on my system, and I don't believe that the audio part is to blame. I produced a video copy in which I replaced the AAC-audio by MP3 with CBR, then a video copy without any audio (while keeping the MP4 container). Inside PTE I saw similar problems (video runs too fast). Replacing (inside the MP4-container) the original video codec AVC by XVID seems to give a better solution, even when keeping AAC with a variable bitrate. I don't believe that the whole story depends on any kind of fruit Regards, Xaver
In this show, I like the positions of the transitions (in most cases). Often you have chosen long transition times, which do not ask that much for a particular point of time, and they suit well. In general, there isn't much theory to learn. I can only recommend to learn to listen to the music. Is there a kind of climax (?), but also: what are the local strong parts (normally the first beat of a bar). Find out if you have a three-four time, four-four time etc. Try to beat the time like a conductor. While doing that, look at your transitions, and judge if you like them, easy? I often use shorter transition times, and normally I synchronize them to beat 1. Best regards, Xaver
As the option for the mouse cursor is a global feature of the project, I do not see a better solution as the one that you have proposed above for yourself (concatenate two sequences) Regards, Xaver
If I got it correctly, he does not use a laptop. He wants to run a video with the TV's media player from a USB device. Regards, Xaver
Ray, Did you run the video on your TV while using external loudspeakers? BTW: Your MP3 is OK for me! Regards, Xaver
Just a question: Why didn't you try to revise the narration given in your version from November 2011? Regards, Xaver
Two remarks: In case of a high quality MP3 file, recoding to an MP3 with 192 kbps or higher does not add that much damage (in my experience) MP4-videos created with PTE seem to use AAC (not MP3). Regards, Xaver
Perhaps you may like the following simple project (to be used inside the folder with the images of my template from above)? Regards, Xaver Matrix.zip
This thread is kind of a masterpiece: It shows how to produce masses of posts Question: Shouldn't this thread be moved to the Equipment Section? Regards, Xaver
There may me people who just arrange their images in the said way, which normally ends up with a poor synchronization. But if you do it, and if you then change the background music, the function "Arrange All Points" seems to be useful. Regards, Xaver
Try to learn the standard techniques for Pan, Zoom, and Rotation, see here: Then you may have a look at the attached template Regards, Xaver Stapel.zip
Main Window > Timed Points > Arrange All Points. I have never used this feature Regards, Xaver
Do you have some recommendations? Best regards, Xaver
I forgot to mention that you can learn a lot about PTE by looking at Lin Evan's tutorials, see here. Regards, Xaver
Look into the manual, p. 40 (How to create a pan effect). There you can learn how to move images. But: You can do the same with text objects! Regards, Xaver
Whatever this may mean! You seem to have a humor that is different from mine, so what? Regards, Xaver
A very fine show, as usual! I, myself, like the animation, but I respect morturn's remark. A few remarks: Choosing the soundtrack of a famous film is always a bit critical. For people who have seen "Home" several times this may draw off their attention. I think that (in the beginning of the show) the voice has some clipping. Regarding the credits: The composer of the song seems to be Antonio Vivaldi ( ). I would like to see your name in the credits Best regards, Xaver
Diese Prophezeiung ist ganz offensichtlich fiktiv. Der Name des Propheten spielt m.E. an, sowohl auf Nostradamus (der bekannt ist für seine Prophezeiungen) als auch auf den Autor der Schau (der Karl heißt). Hat das etwas mit Vermännlichung zu tun? Ich sehe das nicht so. Gruß Xaver
The music has a very noticeable rhythm. It either has three-four time or six-eight time. Let the show run without looking at the images and try to conduct (or count the beats) in groups of three beats. You will notice the strong positions inside the music (typically beat 1). Once you have managed that, conduct again and look at the positions of the transitions. Good luck Best regards, Xaver
How does your video play in the VLC media player? Regards, Xaver
What do you mean by a "Nikon video file"? It might be of some interest to know what is the video's container format (.AVI, .MOV, .MP4, ...), and which codec (H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, ...) has been used! Regards, Xaver
When talking about the white border, I normally refer to this post. Regards, Xaver
It is a nice show. As there is no narration or anything else that guides the audience, the chosen length is OK. A few critical points (if you like to read them): Either get rid of the white border or make it darker. I do not like that much the white T-shirt on the image at the start. It seems to me that some images suffer a little bit from being cropped. The music is fine, and in most cases, the transitions follow the metric structure of the music, but there are several bad synchronizations. Best regards, Xaver
Hallo Diaschau, dieses Forum soll und darf kein Platz für Anfeindungen sein. Auch ist die Frage zulässig nach einer verbesserten Oberfläche für die zwar vorhandenen, jedoch derzeit nur recht umständlich zu benutzenden Audio-Funktionen. Es kam hier jedoch ein gewisser Unmut auf, als um die Jahreswende mehrfach das von Bässgen nicht mehr gewartete Produkt zur Steuerung analoger Diaschauen zum Vorbild erhoben wurde. Nun ist das doch alles Schnee von gestern und wir sollten die Angelegenheit hinter uns lassen Zu der Frage nach der verbesserten Funktionalität im Bereich Audio möchte ich auf Igor verweisen, siehe hier, Punkt 2. Im selben Thread heißt es (in etwa), dass die Beta-Test-Phase frühestens im Mai beginnen könnte. Erfahrungsgemäß dauert es vielleicht doch noch ein wenig länger. Auch die Beta-Test-Phase braucht in der Regel ihre Zeit. An ihr kann sich aber jedes Forumsmitglied beteiligen und die neue Version schon vorab ausprobieren. Im Gegensatz zu einem deutschen Konkurrenzprodukt, das vielfach sehr fehlerhaft freigegeben wurde, wird bei PTE darauf geachtet, dass eine Freigabe erst erfolgt, wenn das Produkt stabil läuft. Viele Grüße Xaver :)