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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. ... and what the majority will say, will it become British Law? Regards, Xaver
  2. This is true in many cases, but not always. The images used by PTE should have the color profile of the monitor on which the show should run, see also here. Regards, Xaver
  3. xahu34

    New server

    It seems to be OK in the Munich area. Regards, Xaver
  4. Depending on how you do the zoom and the rotation, it may solve your problem if you place the image into a mask container with a rectangular mask. You may also create a small project containing just a single slide with a single, low resolution image that zooms and rotates as you like it. Then create a backup in zip and show this project to us as an attachment. Regards, Xaver
  5. Den Button, den Du meinst, nennen manche spaßeshalber auch "Toast", denn so sieht er ja auch aus. Man kann stattdessen nun den Button mit den vier Pfeilen, rechts unten im Miniplayer nehmen. Der Toast ist aber auch noch vorhanden, allerdings in der Standardeinstellung deaktiviert. Im Menü Einstellungen > Einstellungen von PicturesToExe > Werkzeugleisten findet man den Button: "Vorschau ab der aktuellen Position". Man muss das Häkchen setzen und kann den Button mit "Nach oben", "Nach unten" in eine beliebige Wekzeugleiste verschieben. Gruß Xaver
  6. The Esc button works for me, but the transition to the desktop sometimes freezes. Is it version 4.x? Regards, Xaver
  7. I did not, but all I could fine was an example created with v.5.11 in 2008, and another one with v.5.6 in 2009. On my system (win8-64, i7, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX660) they behave well. BTW: For each PTE project I always keep the images and several versions of the project file in a separate folder. So, once and again I create new versions of my exe-files. Regards, Xaver
  8. I don't think that the video card is to blame. As far as I remember, videos inside a PTE show make use of the CPU which probably likes videos of type MPEG-4 Part 2 (Advanced Simple Profile) more than MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC/H.264). H.264 videos are smaller but they are much more difficult to decode. Regards, Xaver
  9. I ran Tom's example with a solid red shadow. The white line shows up and in addition, the shadow's edge shows stairs, although antialiasing is ticked. Regards, Xaver
  10. xahu34

    PTE 7.5 Ruckeln

    Niagara, Igor sagt: Vielen Dank für die Informationen. Deine Grafikkarte ist sehr leistungsfähig. Mit PicturesToExe erstellte Shows sollten sehr glatt auf Deinem PC laufen. Ich habe zwei Shows zum Testen erstellt, eine mit Version 7.0.7, die andere mit 7.5.10. Bitte (lade die Beispiele herunter und) vergleiche, wie glatt die Schwenks ablaufen. Auf meinem PC sehe ich keinen Unterschied. Gruß Xaver
  11. xahu34

    PTE 7.5 Ruckeln

    Igor, please reply in English, I am going to add a translation. Regards, Xaver
  12. Hallo Spock, dies ist die deutsche Sektion des Forums (WnSoft Forums > Deutsch > PicturesToExe Deluxe). Hier spricht man deutsch! (This is the German section of this forum. Here, the language is German.) Viele Grüße aus München, Deutschland Xaver
  13. xahu34

    PTE 7.5 Ruckeln

    Auch ich beobachte gelegentliches Ruckeln. Es tritt sporadisch auf; möglicherweise in Siutationen, in denen das Grafik-System zwischen Resourcen umschaltet. I also see some jerky effects which show up sporadically. This may happen in situations when the graphics system performs resource switches. System: Intel i7, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 660GTX, Windows 8 64Bit Regards, Xaver
  14. xahu34

    PTE 7.5 Ruckeln

    If needed, I can work out a translation into German Regards, Xaver
  15. Hallo Dieter, schön, von Dir wieder etwas zu hören. Bitte beschreibe Dein Problem ein wenig genauer. Gruß Xaver
  16. This thread has been moved to the wrong forum. I does not refer to PixBuilder! Regards, Xaver
  17. I have been using Windows 8 for a couple of weeks (normal Windows PC). No problems at all, in particular no problem with the PTE license. Regards, Xaver
  18. I have moved this topic. Regards, Xaver
  19. Hi Sue, Typically I concentrate on beat no 1 in the bar (measure). In many cases (but not always) you can see it in the waveform. To some extend, it is a matter of taste if you place the start or the end of a transition to this point. I tend to place the start of a transition to beat 1, in particular in cases of crossfades. In most cases, my transitions do not last longer than 2 seconds. So you notice the point when they start. If you like very long transition times, the position of the transition may be not that important. In cases of animated transitions (e.g. the new image zooms from zero to its final size) I like it if the end of the animation coincides with the beat. There isn't a general rule rule that works for all situations. Transition times should be chosen according to the character of the music. Listen carefully to the music while watching your transitions. Regards and good luck for your synchronization Xaver
  20. The method described by Peter and in my first post really is a simple one. In my PTE workshops I sometimes call it the idiot's method. But it is by no means idiotic! OK, you have to create more slides, but on the other hand, you save time as you do not have to program key points. If you build up a more complex scene, start with the final view and go backwards. One of the major advantages of the "idiot's method" is the ease of synchronization. Not too many people who publish their work in this forum actually take care of this aspect. But the overall attraction of a show rises if you place the transitions (changes of images) according to the rhythm of the music. Doing this job by placing key points inside the O&A window isn't that funny. It's much easier to drag transition points in the timeline Regards, Xaver
  21. If you have two portraits on top of a background, it will impossible just to fade to a landscape without having an unwanted effect at the boundaries. You may choose an animation during the crossfade time, e.g.: Let the portrait images move to their sides until they vanish (to be programmed in the old slide) while the new landscape image zooms in the center of the slide (to be programmed in the new slide). Regards, Xaver
  22. In case you have two portraits side by side, how to replace just one of them? Go to the slide list and copy and paste this slide (which now will appear twice, one following the other one). Open the O&A window for the second one, and replace one of the two images in the properties tab (not in the object list). Choose a normal crossfade transition. This will work fine if the old and the new image have the same aspect ratio. If not, I would recommend the use of masks. Regards, Xaver
  23. I have moved this topic from "Ideas and suggestions" to this place. Regards, Xaver
  24. Hi Lin, I would regard your suggestion as a special case of my proposal from March 2011: Having animated objects that live across several consecutive slides. Regards, Xaver
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