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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. Sorry, not at present time Perhaps in a future version. In the O&A window, you can only hear the sound. Regards, Xaver
  2. What happens if you enter for repeats the value "0"? Regards, Xaver
  3. Zitat Bässgen: "Mit Beginn des Jahres 2012 beenden wir unseren Geschäftsbereich der Dia-Steuerungen. Die Gruppe der Dia-Anwender ist mittlerweile sehr klein geworden. Deswegen müssen wir auch den aktiven Support für diese Technik einstellen." Gruß Xaver
  4. Hallo Dieter, ich denke, dass die Frage nach den Tonspuren hinreichend erörtert worden ist. Im englischen Teil des Forums hat schon vor längerer Zeit eine Diskussion stattgefunden, und WnSoft hat eine Version angekündigt, die den Forderungen Rechnung trägt. Es macht aber meiner Meinung nach wenig Sinn, ständig auf das alte Programm von Bässgen hinzuweisen, da dies zu Irritationen zu führen scheint. Es ist ein historisches Programm aus der analogen Zeit und nicht mehr im Handel. Wenn Du es benutzt, um Deine Soundtracks zu erzeugen, dann ist das OK. Für eine Diaschau der heutigen Zeit ist es ja nicht mehr zu gebrauchen. Gruß, Xaver
  5. Hallo Dieter, inzwischen ist das deutsche Forum geöffnet worden. Dein Problem sollte damit erledigt sein. Gruß Xaver
  6. :) Regards, Xaver
  7. In my opinion, the new navigation bar is quite a useful tool, and it is a matter of taste if it were deactivated by default, or not. If you use it and chose the option "Auto hide", the navigation bar will not be visible, provided that you do not move the mouse. In particular, people who will present their slide shows to the forum in order to obtain some detailed feedback should make use of the new navigation bar. It will make reviewing much easier. Regards, Xaver
  8. Regarding the constant problems with PTE shows and virus software, I would like to propose an additional way for exporting shows: I would think of something like a (zipped?) folder with a data container, a player-exe, and perhaps a configuration file. In this case, the player-exe will always be the same application, and it could be signed by WnSoft. Regards, Xaver
  9. If you set the action on mouse click for a button or an image to "Go to slide with name ..." you will find a list of the slides showing the names of the main images. Regards, Xaver
  10. If the box is not ticked, the numbers for 'virtual size of slide' do nothing but fixing the aspect ratio. So in case of running the show, there will not be any difference if you insert 1024x768 or 1400x1050. The only place where these numbers make a difference is when using the size/position tool in the O&A window. Placing images using this tool refers to the virtual size of slide. This procedure came into the game (as a kind of replacement) when WnSoft canceled (the old form of) the so-called original mode, a mode beloved by many French users. Regards, Xaver
  11. What about installing 7-Zip and making two additional mouse clicks?!? Regards, Xaver
  12. Try to do it yourself, or use my simple template as a starting point. Regards, Xaver Lupe_703.zip
  13. I think that it is a pity that there has not been a response on the observations presented in this thread Here is another odd behavior with the speed options: Consider an image with (say) 5 key points (at times 0:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00), separate the key points (e.g. for Pan) and add speed options as to be seen in the first attached image. Then add another key point (e.g. at time 5:00), and open the speed options window again. What you will see is shown in the second attached image. Odd, isn't it? The speed profile will have been shifted Regards, Xaver
  14. Poor people, the None-German-Speakers I normally use NoScript, and the download page looks as to be seen below, very tidy (just click on one of the blue words "Download", depending on which version you prefer). You have to download it frequently, the version changes very often, as the program is just user interface to a lot of open source stuff (FFmpeg, LAME and others). Regards, Xaver
  15. I would recommend not to leave the digital path. So, why not recode the video to MP3 using XMedia Recode (which means just extracting the audio part, either without change in case it is already an MP3, or with a direct conversion to MP3). Regards, Xaver
  16. A few critical remarks (my opinion), if it is allowed to do: In several places, I would regard the colors as over-saturated. The format change (quadratic image) does work very well. Only Time is a fine song. With vocal music in general, I would expect a correspondence between the lyrics and the images, which I do not see here. Furthermore, Only Time is a very famous song. So you run into the problem that many viewers will have their own associations, not very helpful when regarding your images. In particular, there are hundreds of videos and slide shows on September 11 (mis)using Only Time as background music (look at YouTube). Regards, Xaver
  17. I really like this kind of slide shows. I am not a native speaker, and I have a preference for writing in English rather than listening. Nevertheless, concentrating on your commentary (rather than looking at the images), I could (easily) follow it most of the time. Much has been said on the adjustment of music and voice, and you should follow these recommendations. I don't think that your accent gives rise to a problem, but you may try to improve your articulation. It is difficult to argue on the quality of the voice recording, because of the loudness of the music. Regarding the ongoing discussion in another thread on "BEST METHOD FOR RECORDING COMMENTARY ...", it should be clear that you should not use a headset for Skype, but on the other hand, I do not think that there is a need for high end recording equipment. You seem to have improved the contrast settings of your images. In some places this did not work, e.g. look at the trees on the image at time 5:40. I think that your are on a good way! Regards, Xaver
  18. Untick "Synchronize music and slides" in the Project Options. BTW: I would not recommend to use the music option for sildes Regards, Xaver
  19. I do not want to make a comment on Eric's show. As we can see, people who make critical remarks, a priori, are regarded as nit pickers. As a consequence, the typical show that is published in this form will remain mediocre, as it is today. So what! Regards, Xaver
  20. This may sound a bit misleading. It is not relevant, where the voice is recorded, this may happen inside an arbitrary PC. Important is the place where the A/D conversion takes place. If this happens outside the PC, the innards of the PS cannot do any harm. I think that all devices that connect to the PC via USB do the conversion outside. On the other hand, a simple USB headset may deliver digital audio, but the quality may be poor. As I said above, I prefer a digital USB microphone, and I record directly into Audacity. So, I can check the recording immediately. A device like the Zoom H2N can be used as an external recording device, and it offers the functionality of a USB microphone, as well. As I never do any recording outside the house, a pure USB microphone saves money and (perhaps) offers a better quality. Regards, Xaver
  21. Export all shows using the same version of PTE (e.g. 7.02). Concatenate the shows using the command "Run slideshow on exit". Regards, Xaver
  22. If you decide to make only indoor recordings, I would recommend a USB microphone (like the Samson C03U or better) to be used with a silent computer (notebook). You can record directly into Audacity. The A/D converter is inside the microphone. So, the quality of the recording computer's sound card does not play any role. Use a cardioid pattern, and try to avoid reverberation (e.g. speak in front of a wardrobe (full of cloths) while doors are open). Use a pop filter. The attached image shows my "recording cabin". Regards, Xaver
  23. Highlight a slide, open the O&A window, create a few key points, in the drop-down menu of Pan (or Zoon, or Rotate) choose "Setting up". The window with Speed options will open. It is the place where you separate or glue the key points, and where you define the speed profiles. Regards, Xaver
  24. This is a good joke, isn't it? Regards, Xaver
  25. The speed options seem to work correctly, also in cases where they have not been updated. Nevertheless, I would recommend to fix this issue. I noticed it while looking at Morasoft's project on the new 7 wonders. Firstly, I thought that he had done something wrong, and it took some time until I noticed the said inconsistency. Regards, Xaver
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