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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. I think that Da Campos wants to have a plugin for Lightroom that allows you to choose images in the Lightroom database that can be resized and exported into a PTE project. Regards, Xaver
  2. I have moved this topic. Regards, Xaver
  3. Yes, this seems to be true. Is there anybody at WnSoft who knows about all hotkeys? Or is it DG's task to maintain his list? Regards, Xaver
  4. My observation, v7.5.9, Windows 8: I drag some image to the slide list. I open O&A I set the size to "Auto" I insert a text object (The word "Text" in Arial shows up.) I add "/" to this text, and the size changes to 100% I reset the size to "Auto" (or to some other value different from 100) and add some characters to the text. In case of "/" there will be the change to 100% again. Regards, Xaver
  5. It has been my experience that making comments of this type is an invidious task. Typically transitions are placed in a random way. Here, they follow the melody (and in a lot of places they are at beat one, but not always). But I would have preferred beat one in all places, as well. Regards, Xaver
  6. For a couple of days I have been using Windows 8, and I'm quite happy with it. Until today, I do not miss the start button. It seems that I get used to the new user interface. Regards, Xaver
  7. VirtualDub now seems to read the correct frame rate, and also Windows Media Player runs my test video correctly. That's fine! Regards, Xaver
  8. Here is an example that shows the Virtual AVI Bug in version 7.5.8: Open the project and run the Preview. You will see three color changes in synchronization with the sound of three claps. Then use the navigation bar to move to 20:00 minutes. You will see the same effect (three color changes in synchronization with the sound of three claps). Then create the virtual AVI and open it in the Window Media Player. In the beginning everything is OK. But: If go there to the time of 20:00 minutes you will see that the AVI has lost its synchronization. Regards, Xaver Virt-AVI-Test.zip
  9. I made another test. I create a Virtual AVI at 30 FPS. VirtualDub interprets it as a video with 30 FPS. But I force VirtualDub to transcode the Virtual AVI at the reduced frame rate of 29.97 FPS, and what happens: Video and audio now remain in synchronization! Funny, isn't it? There seems to be something wrong with the Virtual AVI in v.758. Regards, Xaver
  10. Sometimes I export a PTE project as a Virtual (temporary) AVI in order to transcode it to an Xvid encoded video using VirtualDub. In the past, this process has worked very well. With version 7.5.8, using the dialog as shown in the attachment, I have noticed a problem: VirtualDub records the video at a frame rate of (precisely) 30 FPS (as it is indicated to VirtualDub by PTE), but it seems that PTE delivers the frames at a rate of 29.97. In the beginning, the recorded video looks fine. But after a few minutes, the video part is significantly ahead of the audio part. The synchronization is gone. Regards, Xaver
  11. xahu34


    Daniel, die Version 7.5 erschien im November 2012. Wenn ich die Regeln richtig verstanden habe (siehe auch hier), dann muss Deine Lizenz schon aus dem Jahr 2010 stammen. Einige ältere Versionen lassen sich übrigens noch herunterladen: http://www.wnsoft.com/de/archives/. Gruß Xaver
  12. xahu34


    Hallo Daniel, da Du die Version 6.5 oder eine frühere Version gekauft hast, solltest Du in jedem Fall die Möglichkeit haben, bei den Versionen 7.x die sogenannten Standard-Features zu benutzen. D.h. der Editor sollte in vollem Umfang zur Verfügung stehen, ferner sollte die Erzeugung einer Exe-Datei funktionieren. Gewisse Video-Funktionen wie das Brennen von DVDs und der Export von MP4/H.264-Videos funktionieren ohne Update in v7.5 nicht mehr, wenn beim Erscheinen von 7.5 der Kauf zwei Jahre zurück lag. Es sollte Dir also möglich sein, die Version 7.5 ausgiebig zu testen. Frage: Hast Du beim Kauf der Software einen oder zwei Keys erhalten (einen für die Standard-Funktionen und einen für die zusätzlichen Deluxe-Funktionen)? Gruß Xaver
  13. This may be true, but see the chart here: AV-Test, English version here. Regards, Xaver
  14. In the beta version of 7.5.9, this bug seems to be fixed! Regards, Xaver
  15. This is a good idea. I once missed this feature for the diamond, so I went for the circle. Regards, Xaver
  16. Maybe a good idea, but who of the moderators would like to do this job, I myself would not. We should not over-organize the forum. It seems to me that the British AV scene may use PTE but does not publish in this forum, and most of those who do it do not seem to be willing to learn. So for years, the quality has remained on the same level BTW: Xaver isn't thin-skinned Regards, Xaver
  17. Excellent equipment, great! No problems to run the sequence. Regards, Xaver
  18. Would you regard this as a great risk? Regards, Xaver
  19. I do not want to argue on the question, if I am a professor, or not, and it would be nice if you would avoid it. I think that it is clear to you that it isn't your job to distribute the work of Richard Goldsworthy and of mine. On the other hand: Why don't people ask me? Regards, Xaver
  20. Do you think that this is legal? Did you ask the photographer? Did you ask the composer and the interpreter of the music? Regards, Xaver
  21. Daniel, on my old Win XP system with Windows Media Player 11, Kasse.wav runs well. The same holds for VLC 2.0.6, MPC Homecinema 1.6.5 and 1.5.2, and IrfanView. Regards, Xaver
  22. This is not a good argument. Please consider comments independently. You may just believe me that programming a sequence with synchronized rhythm and transitions provides some noticeable advantage (although there is no need to do that, do what you like to do!). In a case when the music is rising you may show a post box and a badly illuminated agricultural tool with background showing a motorway and a large blown-out sky. Do it if you like to do so, I don't! But: Is it allowed to make this kind of comment, or is it not, or shall I just say "great"? Regards, Xaver
  23. :) Regards, Xaver
  24. Sorry , no change. Regards, Xaver
  25. Sorry for the fact that my comments sometimes have the tendency to look unfriendly. But you won't gain any improvement from comments of type "Great" (IMHO). Regards, Xaver
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