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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. Ken, Although the expression “to stir the pot” does not belong to my restricted vocabulary, I am rather convinced to know what you mean (by the way, you are a typical representative of those users who normally do not care very much for others not being native English speakers). If it is a problem to open an appropriate section for all odds and ends, we have to live with the situation as it is. What I do not like are situations where people try to brush things under the carpet. Regards, Xaver Munich By the way: The Munich Oktoberfest 2008 just has started. In which forum shall I make an announcement?
  2. Slide show created with PTE? It seems to be difficult to assign off-topic posts in this forum! Why? Regards, Xaver
  3. Hello Ken, Let me remind you of the necessity of an OFF-TOPIC section Best regards, Xaver
  4. Tom, I don't think that this is a question of being nice or not, and I can't believe that Ken feels hurt by my contributions where I avoid personal aspects and try to be clinical. Merging threads has not only the disadvantage that there is a change of title, but (even worse) the flow of the discussion will be destroyed. Best regards, Xaver Kind regards to Ken
  5. If it had not been my opinion I would not have posted it! The threads in question were related but not duplicate. Best regards, Xaver
  6. See for example the sections "Criticisms" and "Kritik" in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmail and http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmail. Best regards, Xaver
  7. Who uses Gmail? Not a good decision with respect to privacy! Best regards, Xaver
  8. If you do not change one title, then the other one will be changed. All in all, not a good idea to merge threads! Best regards, Xaver
  9. Open the pte-file (or a copy of it) with a text editor (notepad, UltraEdit, emacs, ...), and search for "mp3". Your should be able to read the slide numbers, and you should find the path names, as well. Regards, Xaver Munich
  10. Congratulations Tom, You've won the match! Best regards, Xaver
  11. Tom, You can generate a Bitmap of size 32x32. Open the image with IrfanView and decrease the color depth to 256 (image menu, this can also be done in Photoshop). Then save this bitmap with IrfanView in *.ico format. Assign icon in PTE via Project options > Main. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  12. Peter, I would like to see you as a moderator of this forum! Regarding this thread, I do not see any knee jerk reactions. A particular member has used some words which others did not consider as being appropriate, that's all; and there will always be discussions if off-topic subjects should be placed somewhere else, or if it is useful that some members offer their products/tutorials/templates again and again. In April this year I made an experience having quite a different "quality", where somebody tried to shift me into a particular political corner. Best regards, Xaver
  13. Ken, I totally agree, and even experienced users feed or even initiate these off-topic threads. Let me again propose to open an off-topic part of the forum where all these repeated SP3 discussions and similar ones could be moved. Best regards, Xaver
  14. Hello Anthony, Do you really expect a response? I consider my question (more or less) as rhetorical in nature. Best regards, Xaver
  15. robertg, In Germany we use the expression "Die feine englische Art" which expresses something like "The proper way to go about things". How would you call your style? Regards, Xaver H. Munich
  16. As far as I am informed, you only have to pay the update. I would recommend first to install the standard version on your new computer, you even must not uninstall it on the old one. Maybe that this link will help you. Best regards, Xaver H. Munich
  17. Regarding SP3 we could go on with this discussion without finding an end, in this thread, or in a couple of new ones. Now there could be the remark that some time next year, systems without SP3 will not have security updates any more. Then some users would answer that they were in the position to protect their systems, without using Microsoft’s patches (not very convincing in my eyes). And so on, and so on ….. Let us stop this discussion, there won’t be any new aspects! Best regards, Xaver Munich
  18. Barry, You made 3 installations of SP3 - no problems occurred. I made 4 installations of SP3 - no problems occurred (I reported on my experience and on precautions). Hundreds of users actually had various problems. Even Microsoft published articles like: "Steps to take before you install Windows XP Service Pack 3" "You receive a “Stop 0x0000007E” error message after you upgrade to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3 on a non-Intel-processor-based computer" What is the message of your post? Do you consider it to be a well-founded recommendation for a user who is about to install SP3? Best regards, Xaver Munich
  19. Sorry Peter, The FAQs are new, and I forgot referring to them. I'll try to do my best in the future. Best regards, Xaver
  20. This may not be regarded as an elegant way, but it works. In cases where the music on the PC is not given as an original but only as an mp3-file, this method avoids an additional mp3-compression. Regards, Xaver Munich
  21. If you do this, which means that you insert music via "Customize slide", it will not play in the mini player and you will not have the wave form (there will be other disadvantages). So, synchronizing music and transitions is hardly possible. Regards, Xaver Munich
  22. Insert the music via "Project options > Music", and tick "Synchronize music and slides" (Project options > Main). Best regards, Xaver H
  23. No, you can't. A workaround is given by organizing the whole audio part of your show (in a non-destructive way) as an Audacity project which accompanies the production of the PTE show. I Audacity you can do what you like (shifting audio clips, volume control, mixing of tracks,...), in particular if you use the latest version (1.3.5 (Beta), but 1.2.6 also works fine). At any time you can export the actual project as an mp3-file and use this as the background music within PTE. So, Audacity may work as a kind of audio plug in for PTE. Best regards, Xaver H. Munich
  24. Peter, I don't like the PS way either, but no objections from my side against your proposals! Regards, Xaver
  25. Peter, what you ask for refers to settings and a kind of history. John (JEB) in the initial post of this thread asked for direct input, i.e. typing directly into the text frame on the O&A screen (similar to Photoshop), quite a new feature! Regards, Xaver
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