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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. With version 7.5 you can open two projects at the same time, select a slide in the slide list of one project, copy it (ctrl+c), and past it into the other project (ctrl+v). Regards, Xaver
  2. In situations like that, I sometimes proceed as follows. I temporarily give a new name to some folder along the path to the original images. Then PTE will not find these images, and it will look into the new project folder and load the new images. Then I save the project, and the project file now should have the new paths. Then I rename the folder again. This is not an elegant way but it sometimes helps. Regards, Xaver
  3. If I remember it correctly, this is not a new suggestion. Nevertheless it is a very good one. I think that user Jean-Claude made a similar suggestion, a couple of years ago. Regards, Xaver
  4. I just made a similar test with version 7.0.7. This version shows the same odd behavior as 7.5.3. As I said in my Post #7: I have observed similar effects with earlier versions, as well. Regards, Xaver
  5. Peter, Your example really does not differ very much from mine in Post #7 (if at all). The situation is really odd. Keeping my notation from Post #7, you are working with a newly saved project Test2, and when closing it (in particular situations related to the Undo operation), you will be asked if you want to save the original (first) project Test1. In case you cancel saving, add another image, and start another closing operation, you will be asked again for saving the first project (Test1) while still working with second one (Test2). But what happens in case when you do the save operation? In my test, the open second project was closed, and the changes were saved to the second project, as well (although the old project was indicated). When doing that kind of close operations, the mini player sometimes freezes. Regards, Xaver
  6. I have observed similar effects (as described by Peter) with earlier versions, as well. My recent test with v7.5.3: I open PTE for a new project, enter two images, save it as Test1, and close it. I open Test1, and save it as Test2 Without closing Test2, I insert another image, followed by pressing the undo button. Again, I go to "Save file as ...", and PTE suggests to save it under the name of Test1. I cancel saving, and try to close my present project (which is Test2), but PTE asks me if I would like to save changes to Test1. I cancel closing the project and insert another image. I try to close the project (still Test2) again, but PTE still asks me if I would like to save changes to project Test1. There seems to be something wrong! Regards, Xaver
  7. ??? He asked for 7.0.5, I pointed out to 7.0.7 (not 7.5); enter brain before ... Regards, Xaver
  8. Via the link provided by Yachtsman1 you will obtain version 7.0.7, not 7.0.5. But I think that 7.0.7 will be the better choice. Regards, Xaver
  9. There is no doubt about your advantage in the use of the English language. In Germany we say that we have seen a film, but most of us will have heard the soundtrack, as well. If you would like to do it, we could continue this discussion in German via PMs Viele Grüße, Xaver
  10. Having seen some of your productions, it may no be unfair to say that for that kind of soundtracks Audacity is more than sufficient. Regards, Xaver
  11. Like a mantra, some people use to say sRGB, whenever color problems show up. The only AV program that I know to offer dynamic color management is Wings Platinum. On the other hand, the manufacturer of Wings does not recommend to use this feature because of dramatic performance degradation. So what could future versions of PTE offer? Perhaps a function for copying projects (project files plus media) with user defined destination color profiles. On the other hand, we can easily produce a normal copy (via Zip Backup), and use a free tool like XnView to run a single batch processing in order to mange the desired color space conversion Regards, Xaver
  12. This is not very important for me. If I would like to have such a video without audio track, it would be easy for me to copy the video while deleting the silent audio part. From an aesthetic point of view, I would like to say: Fix it! People who transcode a Virtual AVI (e.g. using VirtualDub) may obtain a video with an uncompressed audio part that is silent (not very clever). Please make your own decision Another question: What about AAC (instead of AC3) for MPEG4-ASP AVIs (see here)? Regards, Xaver
  13. I installed the test version. It installed as v7.5.3, and v7.5.2 isn't there any longer! Is that correct? Is this test version the final v7.5.3 ??? The new version worked correctly regarding the Clipboard Problem. With this version, I made several video tests with Project_Black. The Brightness Problem seems to be solved. The Virtual AVI, and the real AVIs created with the new version are still much larger than those made with v7.0.7 (1.8 MB compared to 150 KB) When creating the AVI with the new version using the external XVID codec, the status window of XVID pops up but does not show anything. Regards, Xaver
  14. Igor, My computer runs with Windows XP SP3 32bit. The XVID encoded videos that you received via e-mail were created with XVID 1.3.1. I uninstalled it and installed the latest version XVID 1.3.2. In the attachment you will find the two black videos from project "Project_Black" that I created with 707 and 752 using the newly installed codec XVID 1.3.2. It seems that the results are the same as before. While creating the video with 707, the XVID status window was shown, which did not work while 752 created the XVID video. Both videos play in VLC. Regards, Xaver XVID132.zip
  15. Please have a look at the other cases, as well (external XVID codec, Virtual AVI). Regards, Xaver
  16. I can live with the present situation, but if the Fullscreen mode would be preserved, it would be fine, as well. I do not use the Fullscreen modes that much. Regards, Xaver
  17. ... no problem to wait
  18. I'll send you my 6 video examples via e-mail. Regards, Xaver
  19. Just a test: Open one of your TIF images with Photoshop, and make a color space conversion to the present color space of your monitor. Then save this image as a JPG. Run the JPG in PTE. Does your problem still exist in this case? Regards, Xaver
  20. In the attachment you will find a nice PTE 707 project, just one totally black slide (fixed size 1440x1080) running for 10 seconds. I created 6 videos (all with size 1440x1080) from this project: Project_Black-752.mp4, an H.264 video created with PTE 752 Project_Black-MPEG4-752.avi, created with PTE 752 using the internal MPEG-4 codec Project_Black-XVID-752.avi, created with PTE 752 using the external XVID codec Project_Black-VirtAVI-VirtualDub-XVID-752.avi, created with VirtualDub (using the XVID codec) via the Virtual AVI created with PTE 752 Project_Black-XVID-707.avi, created with PTE 707 using the external XVID codec Project_Black-VirtAVI-VirtualDub-XVID-707.avi, created with VirtualDub (using the XVID codec) via the Virtual AVI created with PTE 707 I ran all 6 videos using the internal media player of my Samsung TV. We all would expect in all 6 cases that the screen would remain totally black. This is not the case. Only the numbers 1, 5, and 6 behave as expected. The 3 AVIs created with PTE 752 show an array of size 1440x1080 that is dark grey but not black. Furthermore, the 3 videos running correctly all have sizes of about 150 KB, while the 3 "bad" ones have sizes of about 1.8 MB. Related observation: The Virtual AVI created with PTE 707 is about 12 KB, the Virtual AVI created with PTE 752 is about 1.7 MB. Running both in the Windows Media Player shows that the Virtual AVI from 752 is significantly lighter than the one from 707. Regards, Xaver Project_Black.zip
  21. PTE isn't a color manged application, it does not care for color spaces. If your monitor isn't set to sRGB, then sRGB should not be the color space of your choice. Convert your images to the color space that has been assigned to your monitor by your calibration software. Some people in this forum always recommend to choose sRGB. In many cases, this will be a good choice (e.g. with many projectors), but typically not for calibrated monitors. Regards, Xaver
  22. You should not try to compare PTE and Photoshop. Photoshop has parallel layers all of which have the same coordinate system, and there is a particular rule how to evaluate a tower of several layers (including blending modes), and this is the model we need in case of image manipulation. PTE, having the parent/child mechanism, uses a scene graph model. Each image object has a coordinate system that sticks to this object, and which serves for describing the positions and the relative animations its children. The animation parameters of the object itself refer to the sticky coordinate system of the object's own parent (the screen being the parent of all top level objects). Systems of that kind are used by programs like computer games, and the situation of nested coordinate systems seems to be well supported by DirectX. Regards, Xaver
  23. I am pretty sure that Lin is right. An image is zoomed and rendered only once. Nested frames and containers above have only influence on the mathematics. Regards, Xaver
  24. In the meantime I've noticed that my statement was not quite correct. As long as the called shows are in the same folder as the menu show, the construction will work, even if the menu and the called shows have been moved in the system, although (after being moved) the path information in the menu isn't correct any longer. I do not like to place the called shows into the same folder as the menu, but put them into a common sub-folder, e.g. called "Shows". Then I use relative addressing as shown in the attachment. Regards, Xaver
  25. The given construction has a particular deficiency: It isn't mobile. I would recommend to keep the menu show and shows called from there in a separate folder, while programming the calls relative (instead of using absolute addresses). Then it is possible to move this folder to other places on your computer or even to other machines, as well. Regards, Xaver
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