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Everything posted by xahu34
Hello Fred, In this forum I did not notice any rules on posting, and I actaully like the liberalism which has been practiced here. If we now call for general policies we are faced with the problem that they will have to be published and enforced. It will always happen that unexperienced or thoughtless users will post things of this kind, but we'll get over it. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Wouldn't that mean an integration of mini-player and O&A-window? Best regards, Xaver Munich
Igor, Would it make sense to introduce the option of AES encryption for images where the key is derived from a user chosen password (up to 20 digits, alpha numeric, case sensitive). Best regards. Xaver Munich
Just a question: What are the advantages of mp3-audio-mixer over Audacity? Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hello ferrolux, You may keep PTE and Audacity open, make your audio editing and testing in Audacity, and then export the actual version as mp3-file using a new name (same directory). Then replace version n by version n+1 via the Music tab within PTE. This is perhaps more comfortable that closing an reopening PTE. Best regards, Xaver H. Munich
Hello, I would like to propose the feature of a storyboard: If you call this function while running a PTE exe-file, a board containing thumbnails of the main images should be shown in order to restart the show at a random position. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hi Dave, I do not think that there is a bug. The headlines in the two configuration windows (Messages tab and Customize Startup Window) just indicate the user which fields (for user input) in the two configuration windows correspond. These headlines are taken from the language files, and they change according to the chosen language. I think that it would be much better to have a configuration table (matrix) in a single window. Best regards, Xaver Munich
I shall use a magic hood! Have a nice time in Tirol. Xaver
Thank you Dave! An easy way to see it is to download and open my example project and to start the preview (or generate an exe-file). Best regards, Xaver munich
Example: In the message tab I entered "Verfasser" into the author field (just a translation into German). The word "Verfasser" now replaces the word "Author" in the first line of the Startup Window (left part). The name of the Author (now called: Verfasser) in the "Startup Window", here "Xaver Huber" (my pseudonym) has been entered in the "Customize Startup Window". Best regards, Xaver Munich
Does this example help? Best regards, Xaver Munich
You may look above, at Peter's post No. 10. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hello Peter, In Germany it is very dangerous to offer copyrighted material for download, you should even be careful with links on your homepage. The German law has a mechanism of written costly warnings (Abmahnung). There is (for example) a particular lawyer in Munich who is known for sending hundreds (or more) of these warnings. There are major labels among his clients. Here everybody seems to be on the radar, and such a warning will cost at least several hundred Euros. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Sorry for being too late! Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hello walusa, Sorry that my explanation was not as clear as it should have been! Here is another try: 1. Save your show, and PicturesToExe generates something like "YourShow.pte" 2. Close PicturesToExe 3. Move all media and YourShow.pte (not a shortcut, as Ken pointed out) to the same folder. 4. Open YourShow.pte (double-click) in its new location, and save it again. It will be updated. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hello walusa, If you move the media and the PTE file to the same directory, PTE will find what it needs when opening the project file. When saving the project the paths inside the project file will be updated. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hi Peter, Did you ever try the following workaround: Prepare a black object (Word, PowerPoint, ...) and export it as PDF. Open the Run window and type the name and path of your master show without starting it. Open the PDF with Acrobat Reader in full screen mode. Use Alt+Tab to bring the Run window to the top, and start the master show. Hopefully the desktop flashes remain invisible. You may also try IrfanView with a black image instead of Acrobat Reader. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Peter, Thank you for the fast and exhaustive (hopefully the correct expression) reply! Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hi, Just a question: To which buttons refer the entries in the window "messages"? Thanks in advance! Xaver Munich
Hello Bart, I don't think that it is convenient to offer a website (forum) where the guests' access rights are totally restricted! Why should I register? Best regards, Xaver H. Munich
I think that this would be the better solution. Just another remark on the grid adjustment: If "In Pixels" is unchecked the slider only delivers values up to 20, while manually you can choose greater values, as well. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Barry, I can't say that this forum is necessary for me to survive, but I could learn quite a lot, so far. In particular I found the link to your web site where I could catch a couple of good ideas - Sorry for not buying your CDs/DVDs . Best regards, Xaver munich
Hi John, I agree with most of what you said above. But I would like people to avoid the unreflected use of superlatives. PTE is very good (from am absolute point of view) and has an excellent price-performance ratio. That's enough. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hi Peter, In principle I agree, but I only have doubts that the export function will be feasible. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Barry, I think its not the question of having a fully featured audio editor, but its would be helpful to have several audio tracks on which you can shift audio sequences, and with a non-destructive envelope function for the volume. Best regards, Xaver Munich