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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. Hello, On my private PC I avoid MS Office and use the free OpenOffice instead (of course both office suites will coexist, if needed). OpenOffice can read and write (more or less) the MS formats, and it has an excellent built in function to export documents in PDF. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  2. Hello, New installation with key from old computer: The value of the key can be found using regedit on the old computer and searchig for "PTE" (you will find an entry like: "key"="....."). Use the text file given in the attachment and replace the stars by the (very long) key value. Install PTE on the new machine and use key.txt. Best regards Xaver Munich Key.txt
  3. Hello Brian, I don't think that your move procedure will work. In version 5 the key seems to be contained somewhere in the registry. Best regards Xaver Munich
  4. Hello dofminster, I do not know which of the said blending modes can be achieved for 2 images which move independently. There are slide show programs which offer (beside alpha-blending, as done in PTE) a so-called "additive blending" which is similar to the Photoshop mode "Screen" (an imitation of the situation where 2 (analogue) projectors throw their light onto the same screen). As this mode tends to produce highlight clipping, it only makes sense in combination with individual control of image lightness. Best regards, Xaver H. Munich
  5. Hello DaleB, Did you try to use for the show copies of your images which are re-sampled according to the resolution of your monitor/beamer? Best regards, Xaver H. Munich
  6. Insert any of your own images with appropriate names. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  7. I hope that it is allowed to ask the question if the state of silence would be advantageous for this forum. Best regards Xaver Munich
  8. Hello Flying S. On the subject of combining several shows, see here. Further search in the forum will lead to additional information (I would guess). I do not believe that it is possible to avoid a short delay when starting the second show (or some other application), but you will manage to get rid of the flashing desktop. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  9. Hello, As I mentioned above, I only wanted to point out that the said problem could be solved in principle, using the ideas of JPD, who actually cut a picture into 45 pieces which were animated simultaneously; in his case to realize a zoom in a window having a moving background. By the way, last weekend I attended a workshop led by a German expert on diaporamas. Here, examples of Werbrouck, Bidouze, Coles, Bateman, and others were presented. Having this in mind I ask myself if the problems of making good slide shows find their solutions in technical finesse. Best regards Xaver Munich
  10. Hi, the falling water should consist of 20 - 30 separate (disjoint) files, like the image inside of JPD's frame, each one to be switched transparent after passing the surface of the lake. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  11. Hello Lin, in your example you could apply (in principle at least) the technique of Jean-Pierre (JPD) from "Dis, la nostalgie": Cut the falling water into horizontal stripes and switch them off when they are no longer needed. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  12. Sorry Alan, but the PTE developers allow for the value of shadow seize also numbers smaller than 1, e.g. 0 for really sharp shadows. The problem now is, that on a slide where all texts should have such a sharp shadow (e.g. seize value 0) the long text entries cannot achieve it, their shadows are blurred. I helped myself by splitting a longer entry into two shorter ones. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  13. Hello Colin, Wouldn't it make sense here to recommend PTE v.4.49, or v.5.5 with deactivated hardware acceleration, instead of buying the next product? Best regards, Xaver Munich
  14. Hello, Has anybody made a similar observation when using shadows for text objects? In the attached example (made with version 5.5) all texts have the same size, and all shadows have the same parameters: distance 50, size 1. Observation 1: The sharpness of the shadow depends on my computers (monitor: 1280x1024) on the length of the text, see slide 1 in my example. Observation 2: After rasterizing to PNG, this effect is still to be seen but the distance of the shadow has changed (but not the distance parameter), see slide 2. Observation 3: Shadow parameters - In the size field I can enter values smaller than 1 only using the slider. The input field does not accept the input "0.**" (automatically changed to "1.**") Best regards, Xaver Munich ShadowTest.zip
  15. Of course, you can use any command line tool (cmd.exe, command.com, powershell, ...). The command "C:\> slideshow.exe -slide 4" will only work if slideshow.exe is located in in the root. Otherwise, the path has to be included into the command, or the directory has to be changed to the one which contains the slide show. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  16. Hello JRR, There are several ways to run a command. Method 1. You go to: Start menu > run, then type the command including the (absolute) path information (e.g. c:\Folder1\Folder2\...\SlideShow.exe -slide 7) Method 2. Write the the same command into an empty text file (using notepad), call it "Start". Change the file extension from txt to bat. Double-click Start.bat. If Start.bat is located in the same folder as SlideShow.exe you can omit the path information. Best regards, Xaver H. Munich
  17. Hello Peter, The attached project works well on my office PC with on-board Intel graphics, and 1280x1024 monitor. Best regards, Xaver Munich test_1280_v55.zip
  18. Hello Igor, does a description of the command line options for PTE-exe-files exist? Best regards, Xaver Munich
  19. Hello Argonaut, For an exe-show you can try the following: Start your show with a black image or any other one. Place big transparent frames on top of this slide (non-overlapping). Use positions you will remember! For each frame specify an "Action on mouse click": Go to slide number ... 13 or 22 or 31 or 45 ... While the first slide shows up you have the option to go to the specified fixed positions inside the show. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  20. Hello Bruno, I opened your project with version 5.5. I saw 7 slides, each of which has been given its own transition effect using "customize slide" (4 different effects were used: 2 different diagonal page curling effects, unrolling from top, mosaic). The mini-player, as well as the project preview show exactly what has been programmed! Best regards Xaver Munich
  21. Hello Argonaut, Volker, have you ever thought of organizing, editing, shifting etc. your audio files (in wav-format) within an Audacity project (in a non-destructive way). You can export this project at any time (as mp3-file) to the location where the corresponding PTE project expects to find its background music. In this way, Audacity works as kind of audio plug-in for PTE. Best regards, Xaver Munich
  22. Kurt Tucholsky once wrote: "Wer keine Sorgen hat, der macht sich welche." Sorry for writing German! Best regards, Xaver Munich
  23. Hello Peter, a similar effect is to be seen if you change the main image. If you do it in the main window, the object name remains as it is, while changing the image in the O&A window, the corresponding object name changes, as well (in 5.1 and in 5.5beta). In the first case you have to use the name field in the common tab to give the object any name you like. Best regards Xaver Munich
  24. Hello, let's return to the subject of this thread, or at least a related topic: Let me again ask for the windowed mode in fullscreen variant with an aspect ratio as input (helpful for users with Win XP and ATI graphics cards). Best regards Xaver Munich
  25. Hello Lin, provided that this means that I were offended or aggrieved (whatever may be the right expression), let me say that I am rather amused than anything of the other stuff (while a little bit of politics is in the game, I admit). Maybe that my humor is different from your's. Best regards Xaver Munich
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