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Everything posted by xahu34
There are more differences between the human eye and the camera's sensor. You may look at the Adobe whitepapers written by the late Bruce Fraser: http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/pdfs/linear_gamma.pdf http://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/pdfs/unde...lrawcapture.pdf I agree, and this is the reason why I like techniques for shadow enhancement and other stuff for contrast regulation. Best regards Xaver H, Munich
This is the really best thing to do! Best regards Xaver Munich
Dadou, Let me remind you that I intended nothing else but presenting two versions of an image that had been taken under extreme sunlight conditions, and to show the effect of particular technique. What do you mean by "very bad sound for many of us here". Does "here" refer to "some people in France"? It will happen again and again, that in different countries a particular word will be interpreted differently. Let me remind you that this is an English forum, and I am neither English nor French. Anybody who may try to position my person into a particular political corner is absolutely on the wrong track, or (as other members in this forum say) barks up the wrong tree. Referring to offenses against my person (by a particular forum member, not you), let me follow Konrad Adenauer and say: "Nicht einmal ignorieren." Best regards Xaher H. Munich
This is not the way I were able to express it - but: I agree! Best regards Xaver Munich
You are right. Good images alone do not make up a good show (here I will have to learn a lot). On the other hand, the bad images should not constitute a significant part of a show. Best regards Xaver Munich
What is your problem? Cremation (German: Feuerbestattung, French: incinération??) is quite common today, it’s about 40% in Germany, but about 90% in Thüringen (federal state where Weimar is located). From Wikipedia: … Cremation occurs in a 'crematorium' (German: Krematorium) … A crematorium may be part of chapel or a funeral home ... Kind regards Xaver Munich
Patrick, just to keep you informed: What you see on my picture is nothing but the rear view of the consecration hall of the municipal graveyard at Weimar, the town of Wieland, Herder, Schiller, and Goethe. It just happened that I was working on this particular image when reading through this thread, an image with extreme lighting conditions. As I announced, I presented the image for nothing else but for demonstrating contrast masking. I do not mind if you like this technique or not, but please keep your KZ-fantasies private!!! With kind regards, Xaver H. Munich
Patrick, please be so kind and give me (a simpleminded inhabitant of Munich) a more detailed interpretation! Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
I got similar feelings! There is actually no need for looking at the Weimar crematorium that often;-) Thank you for your remark. Best regards Xaver Munich
What do you expect from a photo showing a crematorium?! Best regards Xaver Munich
Do you like slideshows whose images do not have the reputation of being good isolated photos? Chacun à son goût! Best regards Xaver Munich
Hello Patrick, being the first member within this thread who made a remark on "your shadows", let me finally say that I do not see any problem in accepting your images just as they are. As mentioned before, I like your slide show, the first version much more than the second one (which could have been avoided). The only thing which I do not accept is the remark on flat images. You may see here for an example showing that hard work on the shadows must not naturally lead to flat images. Best regards Xaver Munich
No reason to give up, but it seems to be possible to express comments in a more diplomatic way. Best regards Xaver Munich
Hello Patrick, reading through this thread, I would like to ask you if your statement really can be taken literally? Sorry, but this is not relevant for anyone else than you. Others will see the pictures just as they are! Using appropriate contrast masking, the problem can be solved. The easiest way is to use (as mentioned by bbdigital) "shadow/highlight" in Photoshop, keeping in mind that this particular PS-function tends to produce halos (In most cases I use my own workflow). Best regards Xaver Munich
Here is a second version of my example (exe-file in zip). Kind regards, Xaver H. Munich
Thank you Jean-Pierre, You are right. The frame and the distorted image should have parallel edges. In addition: The way I did the distortion actually stretches the scene. The whole thing could have been done with much more care, but I did it during an extended work break, when I saw Lin's presentation. Best regards, Xaver Munich
Hello Patrick, this is a slide show that I like very much, showing pictures of a town which I visited several time when I was much younger than today. Maybe it was a bit uncomfortable for you and your family, but the change of the weather (mood) was very good for your presentation. Regarding the music, you made a good choice. My impression is that in the first part the time intervals were chosen too short. On the first day the lighting conditions were very extreme, and regarding exposure, you did a very good job. The consequence of preserving the highlights (not being clipped) are rather dark shadows on several pictures. It might be possible to apply contrast masking techniques to obtain some more structure in the some of the shady areas. All in all a very good work. Best regards Xaver Munich
Does this example look a little bit more natural? Best regards Xaver Munich
Question to greenlight: How does your collection of links fit into the context of this thread? Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
Hello, has someone experience with the German freeware "XMedia Recode" (www.xmedia-recode.de)? The tool has an English UI. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
LumenLux, it is very funny to consider John (JFA) as a young German girl, and to invite him (her) three times to give some feedback. Maybe it's worth a try;-) Best regards Xaver Munich
Hello Peter S, reading your contribution makes me feel happy, as it proves that there exists at least one forum member who interprets my posts just as they are. Beside Cor's argument, there may be a another mistake in your calculation of the 1.9% of 877. I am pretty sure that the 17 contributors produced multiple clicks, and a walk through to the 2 pages always produces 2 views. Hence, the world may not be that bad!? Even if some of us (including you and me) do not like to ask for comments in a formal way, I come to the conclusion that it seems to be necessary. I still wonder about the logic behind the fact that people are said to publish something within a forum while rejecting feedback. Best regards Xaver Munich
Hello DaveG, maybe you think of "Willie Nelson - Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone". But does your second point mean something which is different from morturn's remark in post#21? I also agree that critique should not be repeated again and again (1 or 2 repetitions can be helpful), but presently this is not the major problem in this particular forum. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
What a pity, I thought that giving feedback were a natural process within a forum! Best regards Xaver Munich
Charles, did you deactivate SSL/TLS within Firefox? Kind regards Xaver Munich