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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. bbdigital, I do not see any substantial contradiction in our positions, but why to ask for comments explicitly!? Best regards Xaver Munich
  2. Hello John, in my eyes asking for comments looks a bit like "fishing for compliments". I myself think that it is quite natural, when publishing some work, that there will be reactions on it. These reactions should be presented in a constructive way, as mentioned by morturn in post #21. Reading your post #22 it is very likely that the show which I posted the other day was put to your recycle bin, as it surely is not near to exceptional. Nevertheless, some comments would have been helpful. Best regards Xaver Munich
  3. I bought PTE via regnow. I could pay in Euro (presently the prices are 26.68/40.38 Euro), but I had to pay the German VAT (19%), as well. My major problem was to present an e-mail address that was accepted by regnow. My experience is, that regnow does not accept customers using freemailers. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
  4. Igor, thank you for the good news. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  5. Hello Peter, I do not have any experience with Elements, but here is the way how to apply high pass sharpening (PS version): You copy your image into a second layer. Highlight the copy, go to "Filter > Others > High pass". Apply the high pass filter with a radius value between 1 and 3 (for 10 MP images, for smaller ones choose a smaller radius, make experiments!). The upper layer will become medium grey, but you should see the edges of the original. Use Overlay as blending mode. The effect can be reduced using the opacity slider. Good luck Xaver Munich
  6. Hello Ken, Thank you for your colourful remark. By the way: In Germany, we spell the name as I did it. The island belongs to Spain but it is rather Catalan than Sanish. So, in the language of the people who live there, the name is "Mallorca", see also here. Best regards Xaver Munich
  7. Hello, as an input to this topic: My show "Memories of Mallorca" has been downloaded approximately 80 times so far. Three user posted, two posts contained substantial comments. This seems to confirm Peter's statement on a low feedback percentage. I also think that this is a pity. Detaining critique may be polite, but it is by no mean helpful. Best regards Xaver Munich
  8. Hello admin1, thank you for the information on the new version. Would it be possible to offer the windowed mode in a fullscreen variant with an aspect ratio as input. This would be helpful for users with Win XP and ATI graphics cards. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  9. Hello Peter, maybe that I am somewhat late, but it took me until today to watch your show on Whitby Abbey. I like it very much, the photographs and their presentation, as well as the music; all fit together perfectly. Some (really) minor remarks: - In some images there is some highlight clipping in the sky (not easy to avoid) - On 1 or 2 images there are persons with red cloths; you may reduce saturation and possibly shift the red colour. - For the upright images you may choose a different aspect ratio in order to reduce the gap between the 2 images. - You may experiment with sharpening algorithms, maybe highpass sharpening would be a good choice. Best regards Xaver Munich
  10. Hello admin1, it is very nice to read this news, an overview of the included improvements, changes and (new) features wouldn't be bad either. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  11. Hello Peter, don't take this affair too serious. You actually do a lot of good work in this forum, but forum postings often are spontaneous in nature, and they must not have the standard of a carefully edited encyclopaedia. Best regards Xaver Munich
  12. On Fujitsu Siemens Lifebooks, FN + F5 means "display scale", and FN + F10 changes the display (monitor, projector, or both), while on the Fujitsu Siemens consumer notebooks other settings hold. Kind regards Xaver Munich
  13. Hello, I do not know what this feature means from the implementation point of view, but I think that it is not one which the majority of users needs. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
  14. Peter, thank you! One could live without personal settings, but it is very nice to have them. Best regards Xaver munich
  15. I would like to go a little bit further. Wouldn't it be nice to have (beside factory default values) user defined default values referring to other subjects, as well (aspect ratio, time interval, effect duration, effects, etc.). Example: I myself do not like the randomly chosen effects, and it is one of my first actions to change the effects to simple alpha-blending. I'd like to fix this as my default setting. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
  16. Hello, you may prepare a zip-file (using WinZip) which you can split into parts smaller than 100MB. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
  17. Hello, when I follow the link, I can see a mask for entering a unit price in dollars. It remains to be dollars even if I change the country to Germany. Chosen once, the unit price cannot be changed. If I want to do that I have to click on the Paypal button again. I chose credit card payment, and the language changed to German. I did not enter my credit card number so far. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  18. Diese Frage habe ich auch schon gestellt. Die Antwort ist leider: Nein (The answer is: No) Grüße in den hohen Norden Xaver München
  19. Hello Henri, my idea would be that PTE should save a pte-file any x minutes (x maybe fixed or chosen by the user), without destruction of the history, of course. After a system crash the history would be gone, but at least a recent version of the show under development were still available (be be opened via the file menu). Best regards Xaver Munich
  20. Hello Ray, maybe, the following thread is of some interest for you, see here! Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
  21. It might be useful to have a recovery function in PTE, which means that the program should automatically store the actual state of the running project, any 5 or 10 minutes, in a separate directory. So, whenever your system or even PTE crashes, you can reopen PTE and go back to a rather new version, and only the work of a few minutes is lost. Kind regards Xaver H. Munich
  22. Hello Jean-Claude, It seems to me that the tool tries to open infinitely many windows. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  23. Hello Jean-Claude, I'm sorry, but on my older office computer (Intel based, WinXP SP2) GUS.exe produces an access violation error and can only be terminated using the task manager. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  24. Hello admin1, thank you for your reply. In the meantime I found a review of our club beamer on "ProjectorCentral.com" from 2005. Though being rather enthusiastic on this machine, the reviewer reports an occasional loss of frame synchronization in the buffer leading to a horizontal separation of the image. So I think we have to live with this problem and take care of it. Best regards Xaver H. Munich
  25. Hello Cor, a very impressive show. I am going to present it to the members of my photo club within the next time, as an excellent example of a PTE show. Best regards Xaver Munich
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