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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. A remark on the so-called Hawk Method: This method still works, it has not been negated. But we have to face the fact that this "method" was nothing but a horrible workaround, as with former versions of PTE there was no chance to copy slides from one open project to another project being open at the same time. Presently we have the small bug that has been reported in this thread. Once it will be fixed, copying slides across projects (now simultaneously open) will work in a way that is much more user friendly than with the older versions of PTE. The Hawk Method did its job, but the change was overdue. Regards, Xaver
  2. For me, in order to see the said effect, the clipboard may be empty, but it must not be empty. It also "works" in cases where I copy some contents to the clipboard using other applications (LibreOffice, Text editor, Firefox, ...), different from PTE, and do it before opening the two instances of PTE. I think that the condition is that there must not be some PTE slide on the clipboard. I called this "clean" in post no. 1. Regards, Xaver
  3. I do not refer to copying slides from one project to the other one, but only to copy and paste within the same project, the one that has been opened first. Regards, Xaver
  4. Did you exactly follow my steps from above without doing anything else, without having other open instances of PTE? I did it with Win XP. Regards, Xaver
  5. Forget about the Hawk method. I know about it, and there is no need for me to search for it. This method was based on the fact that each instance of PTE had its own internal clipboard for copying and pasting slides. V7.5 works in a completely different way: Now the general Windows clipboard is used, and on my system the access to the Windows clipboard shows a strange behavior, as described above. Regards, Xaver
  6. I have two PTE-projects on my HD (v7.5.2). I care for a "clean" Windows clipboard (no PTE slide on the clipboard) I open Project 1 I open Project 2 I highlight a slide in the slide list of Project 1, and copy it to the clipboard In this situation, it is impossible for me to paste the copied slide to some place in the same Project 1. In order to do that, I have to close Project 2 first and copy the highlighted slide again. Regards, Xaver
  7. OK Regards, Xaver
  8. In the attached zip file you will find a screen shot of the O&A window of a slide built in v.707. Furthermore there are two screen shots of the preview of this slide, one preview running with v.707, the other one with v.751. Edges look much better in v.707. Regards, Xaver Anti-alias.zip
  9. Good luck! I'm sure you will show us your results Regards, Xaver
  10. I got the impression that FT3 produces static images. Regards, xaver
  11. What about using Blender? Best regards, Xaver
  12. Would it make sense to have a menu "Tools" in the main application containing links to the tool? Regards, Xaver
  13. In cases where I see obvious spam, I just delete it. If that's not correct, and if I have to fill in several forms before doing something against spam, I will avoid doing it. Regards, Xaver
  14. Users who work with menus, in particular competition organizers, typically are of the sophisticated kind. They should be able to manage the situation. What about making your own tests instead of asking that kind of questions? Regards, Xaver
  15. I have to add a remark to my previous post, first a correction to my post no. 5: What does Paul want to have: He wants a show with manual control (transition times unpredictable) in which the music runs independently from the slides, and that with particular slides new songs start to run. In the old versions you could do this with sound comments (not interrupted). In the old versions you could do this with "Play new background music" in the Customize Slide Window. If you do this (using "Play new background music" in the Customize Slide Window) in a project of v.7.0, and then open this project in v.7.5, you will find the feature "Play new background music" at least for those slides which already had this kind of local background music. But if you start a new project in v.7.5 you will not find this feature any more (at least I did not find it). Regards, Xaver
  16. Now I must admit, that I have problems, too. The funny thing is that Paul (Politer) and I seem to have made the same observation when comparing 7.0 and 7.5. It may be that both of us made the same mistake (mix-up). Perhaps we used sound comments in 7.5, but local background audio in 7.0. Sorry Regards, Xaver
  17. Such a fine sequence, and so much junk about zip Regards, Xaver
  18. From my post above: I have a slide with manual control and slide time (say) 2 minutes (long enough to make some life comments). This slide has some music as sound comment, and this music should go on playing with the next slide. I finish my life comments for this slide after 30 to 45 seconds. Then I decide to go to the next one (so this point of time is not predictable). When I do the manual change, the song does not go on playing continuously (as with former versions), it jumps to second 120. In version 7.0 the music does not make this jump, provided that we have the options: No synchronization of music and slides, Sound comments not interrupted. In 7.5 the jump always takes place (it is independent from synchronization of music and slides) Regards, Xaver
  19. No, I do not know such an audio clip. Until now, I have never used the view with separated channels. My post no 8 from above only gives a correction of KSF's statement (post no 7). Regards, Xaver
  20. So, I'm not alone Regards, Xave
  21. On my system (Windows XP) the start menu for v7.5 does not contain the link to the tools (video converter, video builder). Regards, Xaver
  22. Excellent music. Furniture too large, TV too small. Regards, Xaver
  23. Maybe that V7.5 uses features of DirectX9c that your graphics system does not support. In my opinion, with this hardware you will not be very happy with PTE or similar AV software. Regards, Xaver
  24. Tom, Don't you fear that your topic will get moved? Regards, Xaver
  25. I'm still working with Windows XP, and on my machine your example is OK. What about a screen shot of your grey O&A window? Regards, Xaver
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