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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. Davem (dgd), What about creating a new project with one silde and low resolution images including the effect that you see. Make a backup in Zip and post it here. So we can see what is wrong. Regards, Xaver
  2. I do not see the blue color, but I see the line. I have no idea why this happens. Maybe the cursor should jump to the end, but it doesn't do so Regards, Xaver
  3. Dave, this cannot be a solution. He obviously wants to have smooth concatenations of shows. Furthermore, if the command "Run slideshow on exit" produces error messages of that kind, it does not make sense to suggest any workarounds. There seems to be a bug!!!!!!! Regards, Xaver
  4. xahu34


    Tatsächlich, ich glaube nicht, dass hier etwas passieren wird. So weit ich weiß, und es war auch mein Betreiben im Forum, werden die Sound Comments demnächst abgeschafft und vielleicht durch normale Clips ersetzt, vielleicht solche, die an bestimmte Sildes gekoppelt sind. Vielleicht passt da das alte Konzept nicht mehr so ganz hinein?? Zu diesem Thema wird es noch einige Diskussionen geben. Man sollte sich einmal anschauen, wie die Sache bei m.objects geregelt wird. Gruß Xaver
  5. xahu34


    Wenn das passiert: Mache einen Screenshot und poste die Beobachtung als Bug-Meldung ins englische Forum, Sektion PicturesToExe. In der Vergangenheit habe ich so etwas weniger oft beobachtet. Ich glaube, dass diesmal sehr viel am Programm geändert wurde und dass die Beta-Test-Phase eventuell zu kurz war. Gruß Xaver
  6. xahu34


    Hallo Paul, ich denke, Du kannst mit einer anderen Konstruktion zurechtkommen: Entwickle alle Deine Teile der Schau, die jeweils mit einem neuen Sound beginnen sollen, als eigene Projekte, jeweils mit Soundtrack der nicht synchronisiert abläuft. Erzeuge separate Exe-Dateien, alle mit derselben Version von PTE. Über die Projektoptionen lassen sich diese verknüpfen (Run slideshow on exit). Alles läuft dann in einem Player ab, so dass die Übergänge nahtlos sind. Gruß Xaver
  7. Hi Daniel, in the meantime I came to the conclusion that Paul's problem can be solved using Run-Slideshow-Commands and concatenated shows. Best regards, Xaver
  8. You may have a look at post No. 3. BTW The Mixed Channels option shows the mixed channels, hence only one wave Regards, Xaver
  9. Hi Daniel, Creating AVIs with custom codec (e.g. x264vfw, the one that you like) can be done with earlier versions, as well. Two comments: 1. It is said that the AVI container is not well suited for H.264 encoded videos; 2. Take care if the AVI that you obtain in this way can exceed the limit of 2 GB, older versions of PTE could not do that. I myself prefer the Xvid encoder, my TV (Samsung) likes it much more than H.264. My way to go: I create an uncompressed virtual (temporary) AVI with PTE, and transcode it with Virtual Dub to an Xvid encoded AVI. Virtual Dub can make AVIs of larger size. Regards, Xaver
  10. How to call this? Cop-out? Lame excuse? ... ? Regards, Xaver
  11. Hi Daniel, Maybe that your German is as bad as my French. So, I can understand that you did not follow the given link to the discussion in the German section. What does Paul want to have: He wants a show with manual control (transition times unpredictable) in which the music runs independently from the slides, and that with particular slides new songs start to run. In the old versions you could do this with sound comments (not interrupted). In the new version I see the following problem: I have a slide with manual control and slide time (say) 2 minutes (long enough to make some life comments). This slide has some music as sound comment, and this music should go on playing with the next slide. I finish my life comments for this slide after 30 to 45 seconds. Then I decide to go to the next one (so this point of time is not predictable). When I do the manual change, the song does not go on playing continuously (as with former versions), it jumps to second 120. Best regards, Xaver
  12. Paul, I've changed the name of this topic (it now includes the word "Bug"). Let's hope that Igor or Artem will notice it! Best regards, Xaver
  13. It seems that I was a bit lazy Regards, Xaver
  14. You seem to read my mind Regards, Xaver
  15. Save a custom transition in some folder that contains all resources of this transition. In the transition editor: Take care that all paths to the resources lead to this folder and not to copies elsewhere. Move (not copy) this folder to some other place, or rename the folder. If you now load this transition into some project, PTE will not find the resources. Regards, Xaver
  16. If you program a custom transition that contains a particular image twice, this image will be included twice into the exported zip archive. During unzipping WinZip or 7Zip will show an error message. Regards, Xaver
  17. For me, this does work in cases where I want to store a modified version of an existing effect under a new name. Furthermore: The option "Save as .." should be visible, and not only given as a keyboard shortcut. Regards, Xaver
  18. Marcel, The new attachment is identical to the former one. Regards, Xaver
  19. When opening a project which includes a missing custom transition, the user should obtain a warning! Regards, Xaver
  20. In v.7.5.1, non-interrupted audio comments that run across several slides seem to run synchronized with the slides, even if "Synchronize soundtrack and slides" is switched off. This is not good for shows with manual control. You may have a look at the discussion here. Regards, Xaver
  21. xahu34


    Diese Beobachtung scheint richtig zu sein. Vielleicht laufen die Sound-Kommentare fälschlicherweise doch synchronisiert ab!?!? Ich werde eine Fehlermeldung ins englische Forum einstellen! Gruß Xaver
  22. Yes, this seems to be correct. Regards, Xaver
  23. Sorry, my fault, I did not see that. So, it would be fine to have custom aspect ratios, as well. Only recently, I could watch shows with 1:1 and 2:1. Furthermore, why isn't there the option to modify a custom effect and save it under a new name (save as ...)? If I have an effect for 4:3, and if I then modify it for 3:2, I may like to keep the old effect. Regards, Xaver
  24. xahu34


    Ehe ich lange herumprobiere eine Frage: Verwendest Du einen "normalen" Soundtrack (über Project Options > Audio). Das sollte hier nicht sein! Alle Clips müssen lokal eingebunden sein. Gruß, Xaver
  25. Do not move this topic: This is rather a bug report that a suggestion! If we create a new custom transition in a project of arbitrary aspect ratio, the editor for the custom transition always has a screen with AR 4:3. This is (in my opinion) not a good concept. It should be possible to create transitions for dedicated aspect ratios. You may look at the attached projects, one is 16:10, the other one is 4:3. Both use the same custom transition that has been created inside the 16:10 project. During the transition you should see the text "Next Slide!" three times, but it only works correctly for the 4:3 project. Regards, Xaver NextSlide_16x10.zip NextSlide_4x3.zip
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