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Everything posted by xahu34

  1. I open a project which uses a custom transition for a particular slide, while the corresponding ptef-file has been renamed (so is no longer there). When I open the Customize Slide window for the said slide, I obtain an error message. Regards, Xaver
  2. A slight modification seems to work better. Nevertheless it should be clarified why the other version shows an unwanted effect. Regards, Xaver Effect8.zip
  3. In the attachment there is a simple example for the aspect ratio 4:3. It works well in the effect editor, but when I apply it (on my computer), it shows a backside flash (backsides can be seen for a moment, although they should be invisible). Regards, Xaver Effect7.zip
  4. I think it should be possible to create some slicebox effects using masks (perhaps with some restrictions on the aspect ratio). Regards, Xaver
  5. xahu34


    Ganz so, wie man es sich wünschen würde, geht es nicht. Ich stelle kurz dar, wie man bei PTE 7.5 in einer manuell gesteuerten Schau bei bestimmten Bildern (z.B. Nr.10, 20, 30 ...) zwischen zwei Soundtracks (Sound-1 und Sound-2) wechseln kann: Zuerst sind die beiden Soundtracks extern aus den gewünschten Musikstücken zusammen zu stellen, etwa: Sound-1.mp3 und Sound-2.mp3 In den Project Options, Advanced: Deaktiviere "Synchronize Soundtrack and Slides" In den Project Options, Audio: Aktiviere "Do not interrupt audio comments ..." Füge die Bilder in die Bildleiste (Slide List) ein. Markiere alle Bilder zugleich, und gehe in die Bildoptionen (Customize Slides): Setze die Bildstandzeit (gleichzeitig für alle Bilder) auf einen hohen Wert (2 Minuten oder 10 oder noch mehr) und stelle das Weitergehen auf "Wait for key press to show next slide" ein. Die Schau läuft jetzt vollkommen manuell ab. Markiere Bild 01 und gehe zu Customize Slide > Audio und füge dort Sound-1 ein. Markiere Bild 11 und gehe zu Customize Slide > Audio und füge dort Sound-2 ein. Markiere Bild 21 und gehe zu Customize Slide > Audio und füge dort Sound-1 ein, bei Bedarf mit individueller Startzeit und Hüllkurve. Markiere Bild 31 und gehe zu Customize Slide > Audio und füge dort Sound-2 ein, bei Bedarf mit individueller Startzeit und Hüllkurve. Die Schau lässt sich nun manuell gesteuert abspielen. Der Sound spielt unabhängig von der Bildsteuerung. Die einzelnen Sounds sollten lang genug sein, um jeweils 10 Bilder zu überdauern. Bei den Wechseln von Bild 10 zu Bild 11, von Bild 20 zu Bild 21, von Bild 30 zu Bild 31 wechselt jeweils der Sound. Schönheitsfehler: Der alte Sound blendet nicht aus, sondern endet abrupt, den neuen kann man einblenden lassen. Gruß Xaver
  6. You're comparing apples and oranges. Flac is a loss-less audio codec, the one that you want to use. Ogg is just a container format (file format) for audio or video. See the section on codecs for ogg, here. In many cases, inside the ogg container, people use audio that has been compressed with the codec "vorbis" (not loss-less, but may be better than MP3). So, if people talk about ogg audio files, they often mean "ogg vorbis". But you can place loss-less flac encoded audio inside the ogg container, as well. PTE can play flac in ogg Regards, Xaver
  7. PTE does already accept flac encoded audio files (at least in 16 bits) provided that the flac audio is inside the ogg container. You may use a tool like XMedia Recode to change the container format to ogg (with option "audio copy", i.e. no change of audio data). Regards, Xaver
  8. In v.7.0 we had the following choice for the background music: "Mixed channels" or "Left and right channel". For the audio tracks in v.7.5 we can only see the mixed channels (in normal view or in compact view). Regards, Xaver
  9. If this were true, I had to admit that I did not belong to the majority. I use masks for showing sections of images, for pans and zooms in "windows", etc. People have asked for inheritance of opacity, but I have doubts that this would be a good concept. The parent/child mechanism describes nothing but a scene graph, and the only things which a child inherits are the parent's position and a coordinate system defined by the parent's height and width. Regards, Xaver
  10. I'm glad to read this :)/>/>/>/>/>/> Regards, Xaver BTW: The sequence of characters />/>/>/>/>/> that follow were inserted by pressing "Preview Post" 6 times
  11. Improving the performance for masks is a good decision. It is my experience that zooms of images in mask containers run much better in v.7.0.7 than in v.7.5.0. Regards, Xaver
  12. Hallo Alfons, In der Anlage findest du ein kleines Projekt, in dem ich versucht habe, den Effekt aus Deinem Video nachzubilden. Ich verwende dazu keine Masken (wie von Lin vorgeschlagen), sondern asymmetrische Zooms (starkes horizontales Zoomen, kein oder geringes Zoomen in vertikaler Richtung). Bitte das Zip-Archiv in einen Ordner auspacken und die PTE-Datei mit PicturesToExe öffnen. Gruß Xaver Muster_Nov28-2012_15-52-54.zip
  13. Hallo Alfons, gibt es irgendwo im Web ein Beispiel (etwa bei YouTube), das diese Art des Bildübergangs zeigt. Dann ist es einfacher, dazu etwas zu sagen. Gruß Xaver
  14. By the way: Children do not inherit opacity from their parent. Regards, Xaver
  15. Yes, it's an easy and obvious construction, but it isn't really the same (beside performance aspects). The circle based on a mask cannot be placed into a mask container, and that's the place where I like circles to be Regards, Xaver
  16. I have never used the feature that you are missing. It seems that you now have to use mouse plus shift key Regards, Xaver
  17. I would like to second Tom's suggestion on circles as geometric primitives, of course with color options as they are for rectangles. Dave's example does not really work with respect to colors, as PTE does not provide additive mixing. Regards, Xaver
  18. Regarding this forum, your expectations should be not too high. Of course, you can ask particular technical questions, and there are some users who will give you very useful hints (but not all users who rush in with their comments may turn out to be really helpful. You must decide for yourself which ones are good and which ones are not ) If you look at the comments on slideshows you will often read something like "Love it", "Nice pictures", etc. Comments of that kind may be well-intentioned, but they are useless, as well. You do not learn anything from that kind of remarks. On the other hand, if you try to be clinical and express what see (provided that you are in the position to see something) people will start to mock on you. So isn't it the best thing to say something nice or nothing at all? Regards, Xaver
  19. Sounds like a contradiction! Regards, Xaver
  20. This is a funny thread, isn't it? Someone has started it in order to show us how to insert images on top of a running video, but everybody is talking about links to YouTube (where we can find a video that does not show the effect) :)/>/> By the way, the method described here obviously works, but in my opinion it isn't a clever one. Having the video and all still images in one slide, while working with key frames and opacity, will cause a lot of trouble in case you want to make changes to time points when particular images show up or vanish. It might be better to have the video in several consecutive slides, the first one as Master video track, with the followers linked to it. In this situation you can show additional images via normal transitions, and transition points can be easily shifted. Regards, Xaver
  21. Just a remark: There are still patents on mp3. Regards, Xaver
  22. In v7.0 or earlier, two instances could not share slides. Each instance had its own clipboard for slides. The new situation has already been mentioned several times. Regards, Xaver
  23. What I see on page 8 does not say that there exists a button, sorry Regards, Xaver
  24. In deutscher Sprache kenne ich so gut wie nichts, außer dem offiziellen Handbuch, das derzeit nur für v7.0 vorliegt, sicher aber bald auch für v7.5 erscheinen wird, siehe hier. In englische Sprache gibt es einiges. Das ist jetzt nicht speziell auf V7.5 zugeschnitten, aber sicher gut anwendbar: How To' / FAQs von Peter Appleton (fh1850): http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/forum/18-frequently-asked-questions-and-how-to/ Tutorials von Lin Evans: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/7901-pte-made-easy-tutorials-continuously-updated/page__view__findpost__p__49109 http://www.learnpte.com/learn/learn.html Du kannst natürlich auch direkt Fragen "posten", entweder hier in deutscher Sprache oder in Englisch in den großen englischen Teil des Forums. Gruß Xaver
  25. Another aspect that may be of interest is that it is now possible to insert audio clips that use other codecs, e.g. AAC (inside the MP4 container). Regards, Xaver
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