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Everything posted by CorVdK

  1. Hello Peter, To project without problems with a laptop and a projector, some simple actions are required: When connecting your projector the correct order is important. Connect the cable between the laptop and beamer. Then turn on your projector and allow to warm up until the projector is ready for projection. Then turn on the laptop. By this order the laptop will recognize the projector and usually also the correct resolution. If that fails you can use the external signal in the laptop. By simultaneously holding down the FN key and the monitor button and choose for simultaneous display. Each laptop is different but usually FN + F4 or FN + F5 or FN + F7. This information is based on some practice experience. Greetings, Cor
  2. Hello Eric, Click on "Insert template" and then choose "Slide number". All your slides will then be numbered. If you want the number on a certain spot on your slide, you can choose "Position on a slide", then "Top", "Right", "Bottom",... Greetings, Cor
  3. Definitely not, if you add a slide the template will be executed on the added slide, not on the existing slides, when you click on the button "Set for existing Slides" all slides will be adapted.
  4. Don't forget to click on the button: "Set for existing slides". Greetings, Cor
  5. Hello Steven, Your first song, A is 4:40 and you want a silence of 6 seconds, so B will start at 4:46. Go to Project Options - Music: click on your song B to activate. Now click - Customize - Audio clip properties, you see Start time and duration of your song B Click Offset to activate (blue point) and type 4:46. Now your song B will start at 4:46, six seconds after song A. Do the same for C; Activate C in Project Options - Music. Go to Customize - Audio clip properties Now your timings are: A = 4:40 + 6 seconds + B = 3:15 + 6 seconds When I calculate it right that's 8:07 So type 8:07 in Offset and C will start at 8:07. I hope that is what you wanted. Greetings, Cor
  6. I'll vote for option B. Thanks, Cor
  7. Although, the best manual for PicturesToExe, in my opinion, is the French book by Mr. Jean-Charles Pizolatto, avatar "Aginum". That book can be used as a perfect and complete manual. But the first thing that one should consider, is to ask Aginum if he gives his permission for a translation to an other language! Greetings, Cor
  8. Yes, we can. But here is a pretty good explanation of what I mean: Making Masks with Channels Cor
  9. Yes of course, it is with new and different ideas that we try to think along with Igor. AV is not only, beautiful pictures with some beautiful music (sadly no matter how beautiful, but soon very boring). PicturesToExe provides many opportunities for so many different minds. Also PixBuilder Studio would be a very nice alternative to the expensive Photoshop. When PixBuilder Studio would be made really functional for PicturesToExe users, possibly with a direct link to the program. Yes, PixBuilder Studio has channels and an alpha channel. But when it would be possible to copy the R, G, B channels that could give a boost to both programs. Cor
  10. Currently there are three forums discussing this experimental feature. The conclusion, so far: The hotkey Ctrl+Shift+P, in its present form, is very limited and requires adaptations to be really functional. Change the image in black and white could be useful for making masks, but we must be able to adapt the mask in PTE and that's not possible now. As in Photoshop where we have Channels to work with. With Channels your able to make selections (and masks) the easiest and accurate way. Some time ago I asked if it's possible to have Channels in PixBuilder Studio. So far no go. About the Ctrl+E in Object and Animation, this function is also experimental and need adaptations. Because it's only possible to move all the keypoints at once. Not usefull in complex animations. You need to select keypoints first. And what about Parent and Child logic? Let's see what Igor intends to do with it. Cor
  11. Hello Andrew, Very touching AV. Good pictures and well chosen music. While on this subject many audio visuals are created, the implementation nevertheless is always different. As you could experience, this part of the history will not be forgotten by the Belgians and quite right. About the German Cemetery at Langemark I know there is another approach in the construction of the cemetery. (translated from WESTHOEK.BE) The vegetation is very sober. Designer Tischler wanted the cemetery to look as an oak woodland. Therefore the cemetery is not "strict aligned" as the other cemeteries. On the street side there are bushes with rhododendron and the footpath is leading between two hedges. In the first half of the 1950 the governments of Belgium and Germany decided that only four German cemeteries would remain: Hooglede (remained unchanged), and by the evacuations there was a strong expansion in Vladslo, Langemark and Menen. More than 9000 remains of identified bodies of 14 cemeteries in the vicinity of Langemark were transferred. All "non-in-name-identified" from the whole Belgian territory were also transferred to Langemark. (Therefore, there are several people in one grave). Just for your information: The city name Ypres is in French, also most commonly used in English. The English pronunciation = /'i:prə/ The town lies in the Dutch part of Belgium and his original name is Ieper, pronounced ['ipər]. Greetings, Cor
  12. Yes Peter, I'm still playing with it. But it's very powerfull.
  13. Hello to all, I accidentally stumbled on a feature in Object and Animation that I did not know before. I did some searching on the forum and looked in the manual, but I think, so far, nobody mentioned this hotkey in Object and Animation: Ctrl+E In the Main Window, Ctrl+E, shows the Manage Templates window, but in Object and Animation it shows a small window to fine-tune a Keypoint. I found this a nice feature. See pictures. Perhaps the hotkey can be of some interest to other forum members, who do not know this hotkey. Have a nice day. Cor
  14. Does PTE need a better Help system? Peter, Apparently not, because so far there is not much interest. People apparently prefer to ask 10 to 15 times the same question about the basics of PTE on the forum. Most of the time the questioner receive his answer in a few minutes. So don't worry be happy! Cor
  15. Hello to all, Since 2004 I'm occupied with the Dutch translation of PicturesToExe. I do this, with pleasure, in the little spare time I have, because I still have a full-time job. The program has evolved rapidly in recent years. Not only the functions expanded in a short period of time, but also the layout and user interface of the program underwent a certain transformation. So there is a need to give the functions a proper name, allowing users to quickly master the program. However there are still some imperfections, which are situated in the complex world of interpretation and translation (see the recent debate on "tiled image" which I translated into "Achtergrondmotief", literally "Background pattern"). Beyond the issue of word choice is also the interpretation of the functions. As a translator, of course, one must try all the features of the program, otherwise you can never find the right words for these functions. A literal translation of a word (such as translation machines do) is easy, but finding a correct interpretation of a word is not so easy. At the start of PicturesToExe we were in the era of innovation from analogue to digital. The program was originally intended for digital photographers to make shows or business presentations, such as an alternative to PowerPoint. Similar capabilities are still there but unfortunately also the designations of the past remained. We have for some time passed "the age of the slide" but still use the term in PicturesToExe, ex. slide(s), slide show, slide list, customize slide, etc. We do not use real slides anymore in PicturesToExe, except as scanned digital images. The significance of a slide in PicturesToExe is a container that can contain any object ... So name it that way, slide is not the correct word for that. PicturesToExe also provides many more options than just making "slide shows". The suggestion to have "Tool Tips" in the program is a very good idea. Currently it is only partially implemented. I do not know why Igor and team have, so far, not fully applied it, because a lot of "Tool Tips" are already present in the language files and therefore already translated. Programmers should only use the tool tips. Regarding the current official English language manual, my opinion is: - The manual is not complete and in many cases too brief (for newcomers not always clear what is meant). - The wording of the functions in the manual does not always match the wording of the functions in the program. - The manual is not very commercial, it starts with enumerating "problems". Please indicate possible solutions at the end of the manual, talk about some guidelines to follow, but do not talk about "problems", most people don't like "problems". The best manual for PicturesToExe, in my opinion, currently up to version 7.01, is the French book by Mr. Jean-Charles Pizolatto, avatar "Aginum". That book can be used as a perfect and complete manual. Have a nice day. Cor
  16. Hello Igor, I fully support this initiative. As for the links to the French forums, this saves me a few mouse clicks, as I read these forums regularly. Maybe a little comment concerning the German speaking forum: In the first topic, which was transferred, there are some interventions that reports that the forum is in English. To avoid confusion for new users it is perhaps appropriate that this is removed by a moderator. Have a nice day! Cor
  17. After pushing F5, I see: Everything OK now, thank you, Cor
  18. Hello Igor, I use Internet Explorer 9 version 9.0.8112.16421 With Vista Home Premium 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Thank you, Cor
  19. Igor, Good news! But just look for the layout, the language indication is a bit everywhere: Greetings, Cor
  20. June 05 2007 Igor wrote by adding the function in version 5: "..., in v5.00 we added simple protection of EXE file of slide shows. And if EXE file damaged (not fully downloaded for example) or infected you will see warning when try to run this EXE file." In the list of new features and changes for version 5: "Added global option "Allow modification of EXE file with slide show" (Main menu | View | Advanced). This option disabled (by default) and if EXE file with slide show damaged or infected, it will warn that slide show damaged and will not run. When this option enabled, you can use EXE packer/crypors to pack or additionally protect EXE file." + good explanation by nobeefstu thanks, Cor
  21. Dutch translation: A "translation machine" will give you: "Waar heb je gehoord over deze software?" (= word by word translation) My personal translation is: "Hoe leerde u het programma kennen?" or if it is about PicturesToExe (what I suppose): "Hoe leerde u PicturesToExe kennen?" Cor
  22. Sorry Jeff for the false positive with AVG on the computer of your colleague. But he can be sure that there is nothing wrong with the .exe or that there is any harmful trojan in the AV. Maybe he can temporarily disable AVG when he wants to see the AV. Thanks for watching. Cor
  23. Hello Ken, I'm not an expert in security programs, but I also used a few in the past (avast, norton, kaspersky,...). My experiences are that those programs become heavier and heavier on your system. One day I stumbled on MSE and did not change since then. It's very important when you change from a security program to an other that you clean the old program completely from your computer, otherwise it's a mess with errors and other unusual things. About MSE: It works in the background but it is really effective, I've encountered that in the past. It registers viruses, trojans, etc. put them in quarantine or destroy them. In addition, a number of settings (like in other security programs) can be adapted and changes fine tuned, for example to scan your computer regularly. It's important that you keep MSE up-to-date (but that's normal behavior). MSE keep things up-to-date for you daily, or manually if the user want it. For me it is really a good program. I'm generally not that Microsoft minded, but I do like MSE, I'll give it a big +. Cor
  24. Hello Jim, "Microsoft Security Essentials" is here: http://www.microsoft...ls/default.aspx I use it myself for several years now, for me it's perfect. It's working when necessary, for the rest it's in the background. So far no false warnings with PTE. Cor
  25. Hello Davy, Thank's for watching and your comments. Indeed it's not always easy to cover a "piece of someone's life". I'm glad that despite the Dutch narration the message came through. I was quite impressed by the artist Helen Martins after the visit and afterwards I did some research. To work on the sequences was a lot of fun for me and I learned a lot more about PTE. Cor
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