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Everything posted by CorVdK
Hello Xaver, I am sure that Igor will be interested in corrections/changes as you mentioned. The reason that I started with the translations in those days was because I felt I could do something back for Igor and WnSoft, and in the context of this forum to be helpful and constructive. The program gave and still give me a lot of joy. It was a lot of work and took also a lot of my spare time (I am still far from retirement ) Besides that I think, as you mentioned, it could be a benefit to better and faster understand the program by those people who do not speak very well English or an other language. So translations could only be done by those who have some knowledge. Nobody is pushing, it's up to you, with respect for your decision . Greetings, Cor
Hello Xaver, It is not my intention to push you to start with the translation in German. But you can start to do it for yourself and see how far you can come. Maybe there are some reactions from other members afterwards. When there are only some words to adapt or change, it is very easy to do it in the "German.ini" file. To begin, make a copy of the file and rename it, ex. "German (old).ini" in the "WnSoft PicturesToExe\5.1" folder (to save a backup copy). When you double-click on the original file "German.ini" it will open in Notepad. There you can find the words to change by searching (ctrl+f), you type the wrong word in the search window, ex. "Transparenz". It will bring you to the right spot and you can change it there after the "=" with your translation. After changing(s) save your work (Ctrl+s). Close the "German.ini" file and start PicturesToExe. You must see now in the program on that specific spot, location, button or field the word(s) that you changed. Make a copy of your changed "German.ini" file and save it on a safe place on your computer. You can copy this file over and over again in the program folder of new versions. Good luck, if any questions, just ask. Greetings, Cor
Hello Henri, Thank you for your answer. Greetings, Cor
xahu34 Why not making a German translation yourself with the assistance of other German speaking members? Just do it. It's a lot of work, I know, but it's very easy to adapt things in the text language file. By doing this you learn the program inside-out. I started October 20 2004 with the translation of the existing Dutch language file that came with PTE v.4.30. The old and original Dutch file was made by Mr. Van Klinken in the early days of PTE. The old translation "was out of sync" because of the fast evolution of PTE. With the cooperation of two Dutch speaking members of this forum - from The Netherlands - we made the up-to-date translation. It were the members "Purist" -miss Victoria Down and "Marianne" -miss Marianne from Renswoude The Netherlands. We continued together with the same team until version 4.40 beta #6. August 28 2006 I adapted the Dutch language file of PTE v.5.00 beta #5. From then on I made every Dutch translation of the different versions alone. In the topic that day, I asked Dutch speaking members to participate in the discussion and asked for some useful ideas. I asked for comments and to post these in the topic. Unfortunately we never had an answer. So be it. Igor knows that he can count on my participation to do the Dutch translations in the versions to come. Henri I do not know what is wrong with the German translation, I do not speak very well German, but I hope you will give the Dutch translation at least a try. If you did not try it so far, what do you mean with "I appreciate your suggestions regarding the German (or Dutch, in my case) user interface very much". If you did try it, are there things you feel are wrong? To all Dutch speaking users Every manipulation in the program is compared very securely to the English and Dutch text, menus and instructions. The grammar is checked, wrong typos corrected and the same words are consequently used to prevent confusion. A correct Dutch language for Belgium and The Netherlands is used. Are there other suggestions about the Dutch translation? Have a nice day, Cor
Hello Lin, Some feedback on your "panozoomtest": Begin with text: OK. After +/- 15 sec. music stops playing for 1 sec. (hic). Begin of pan = small jump of the image. During pan some shimmer (flicker) in the middle of the screen (strange "pulling" in the middle of the image). Zoom to chimneys is smooth. Small jump after zoom-out. Panning from left some jerks in the middle of the screen. Shimmer (flicker) stays all the time during fast pan. Zoom-in on buildings: OK. Zoom-out some hic. Zoom-in on squirrel (or whatever it is ): OK. Faster zoom-out shimmer. Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2,00 GHz, XP sp2, 768 MB RAM, graphics card NVidia GeForce4 MX460 with 64 Mb of graphics memory. Greetings, Cor
To Igor and the team of WnSoft, Congratulations! A fantastic achievement. Thank you again for a superior product! PicturesToExe has already given me hundreds of splendid hours. It's a piece of software with endless possibilities and it's a creativity stimulator. Every day I learn something new. I already look forward on the evolution and future developments of your program and hope I can be of any use in translating PicturesToExe in the Dutch language. But now take a break first to load up the batteries! Have a nice day! Cor
Hello Igor, Just for your info, making the translation in Dutch from the reg_Nederlands.rtf file, I noticed that the new prices are not adapted in following files: reg_Italian.rtf reg_Spanish.rtf Just to prevent confusion for new members and/or new customers. Greetings, Cor
Marcel, my navigator is Windows Internet Explorer 7. I tried again and still without succes. The other links work well. Greetings, Cor
Bonjour Crifon, Marcel (Cèlou) lui même a aussi une site très intéressante et plain d'information concernant PicturesToExe. Très, très éducatif! Voir et clic sur "Déclics et montages" (en rouge). Hello Crifon, Marcel (Cèlou) also has a very interesting, personal site where you can find a lot of information about PicturesToExe. Very, very, educational! See and clic "Déclics et montages" (in red). Bonjour Marcel (Cèlou), Juste pour ton information. Si je veut ouvrir, sur votre site "Déclics et montages" dans "Technique", "La troisième image" le link ne marche pas, toujours un erreur. Merci, Cor Hello Marcel (Cèlou), Just for your info. When I want to open, on your site "Déclics et montages" in "Technique", "La troisième image" the link is not working, it shows always an error Thanks, Cor
Hello Lin, Thanks for the advise. When I want to move on in AV and take advantage with the possibilities of PicturesToExe, I think I'll have to do something in the near future. Hello Al, Yes, with the computer that I have now, I have to take in account what is possible with the configuration and what is not. When you know the restrictions of your system there is still a lot possible with PTE. Ha, it is in a very short period that we are used to all those magnificent possibilities and effects. A few years ago I remember myself trying to make decent fades with my slides and Ektapro projectors. Greetings, Cor
Hello Al, I also watched your BrasovPano and BrasovZoom. The pano was very smooth on my computer. With the zoom I have also "the shimmer" (the one pixel lines) as you described in your post above. But indeed once the image becomes larger, the lines are gone. My computer is 5 years old: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2,00 GHz, XP sp2, 768 MB RAM, graphics card NVidia GeForce4 MX460 with 64 Mb of graphics memory. After the test with Lin's Cliff Palace show, I think that with the configuration that I have now, it will be a problem to play back shows with combinations of pan-zoom-rotation, specialy when those animations come on the same time. With "normal" resolution of 1024 x 768 images it's possible for me to bring in one animation at a time, otherwise playback is jerky. I think I have to live with it or buy a new computer. Greetings, Cor
Hello Lin, I just watched your single slide slideshow: Cliff Palace. Title text: OK Panorama: Travel very smooth until zoom-in to 2 persons; zoom-in smooth; then new travel to the left and slow zoom-out: light "hic" and some "movements" during travel (also white lines visible every 1 cm), after a second, travel is smooth again. When I played the show a second time, results where better (no white lines anymore), still some "trumbling" where travel stops and zoom-out starts. Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2,00 GHz, XP sp2, 768 MB RAM, graphics card NVidia GeForce4 MX460 with 64 Mb of graphics memory. Best regards, Cor
Yes, if this would be possible. Multiple tracks with possibility of combinations of sound, slides, text, video and objects (with visual key-frames). And this with the stability and quality of the program we know now. It's a dream! It will beat everything on the marked. Cor
Hello Ron, Hello to all, This is a first try to make a description of the comment utility. It's for shure not complete. Maybe we can make it complete with your input and put it in the "Tutorials and Articles" section were everybody can read/use it. There are 3 ways to put text/titles/comments on a slide: 1) Project Options | Comments | Set text comment for new slides : you can choose from the drop-down list (click on the paper icon to see the list) a picture name, a path, etc. Instead of using something from the drop-down list, you can type your own text, title, comment. Anyway, your text placed here will be put on all the slides of your show when you click on the button "Set for existing slides". When you choose "Empty" from the drop-down list, all the text will be deleted from your slides. To adapt the font you can make fine-tunings in "Customize comment font". The text is shown on your slide when you open "Objects and Animation". It's also in the "Objectslist" as "Text comment". When you click on the text on the slide or on the object "Text comment" it's possible to adapt the font, color, size,... of the text. When you want specific comment on selected slides only (different comments) see point 2. 2) Highlight a slide in the "SlideList" on the Mainscreen by clicking on it. Put your text/comment/title for your current slide in the space "Comment". This text will only be shown on that selected slide. You can click on the paper icon at right, a box will be opened and here you can type your text. It's also possible to load text from a file on your harddisk (see "Load" button and follow the path). If you have put a text in "Project Options | Comments" valuable for all the slides in your show, this text will be overwritten by the text/comment/title you put here in the "Comment"-space. The text is also shown on your slide when you open "Objects an Animation". It's also in the "Objectslist" as "Text comment". When you click on the text on the slide or on the object "Text comment" it's possible to adapt the font, color, size,... of the text. 3) Objects and Animation | on the right hand you have your "Objectslist" with one or more objects (slides, frames, rectangles,...) | click on the "Add text" button above left in your screen (the A). A "Text"-object appears in the "Objectslist" and you can adapt the layout of your text in "Properties". You can use the text as part of an animation. The text you use here will not be shown in the "Comment"-space on the Main screen (see point 2). The text used here is part of the Objects and Animation and has nothing to do with point 1 and 2. It is possible to have a combination of comments/text/title with point 3 and point 1 or point 2. Greetings, Cor
Hello Lin, I have Flash 9 player installed. The link opened immediately. Resolution 400 x 300 on screen. Sharp image and snow falling as it should. I have an older computer: Pentium 4, 2.00 Ghz, 768 Mb RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 460 with 64 MB. Best regards, Cor
Lin, I also want to wish you a complete and quick recovery. Back on the forum after some time, I started reading, and saw your message. I can imagine a little bit how you must feel not to be able to do what you like to do. Anyway take time to recover and take care of yourself. My best wishes to you. And also greetings to Sherry, take good care of him, Lin is very important to us! Many thanks, Cor
Hello Henri, Bonjour Henri, I think you are from France, because you are talking about "sound B" - "son B" - , (in the English version "Sound" on the main screen of PTE). As Igor planned it, it will be available in version 5 Beta #9. See also: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5173 Cor
Dominique, The same happened to me. Completed al the necessary questions, correct email address. No confirmation mail, error message and no login possible. I appear as #36. But now everything is working, account activated. Many Thanks, Cor
Hello Dominique, Up and running again, fantastic, and so very quickly. Congratulations for that enormous work. I have no doubt that your new site will be better, one can see it already. So I tried to register myself, but did not receive the activation by mail. Is it possible to activate my account manually please? Many thanks in advance and a lot of succes! Cor Ps: I have send this message by mail to your adres thefreedom@free.fr, I post it also here because I don't know if you have received it. Thank you.
Hello Larry, I think John and Ken are right. We must look in that direction. It proves that you (via Task Manager) have shut down Media Player the right way.
Hello Jon, Welcome to the forum. - "Play background music" must be activated - Beta 5 v6 is working with "wave" and "mp3" files, not with "ogg" for the moment (version 4.48 does). - Look for the kind of file you use Hope this helps, Cor
Hello Larry, First, you have to know I am not an expert, just try to help. In the past I had also a problem with starting Media Player, after some search, this is what I did to fix it: - Go into Task Manager - You see the first tab (for me it's in Dutch "Toepassingen") in English it's "Applications" I think - When you see Media Player activated, stop the activation: Highlight the line and push "End task" button right-under. - Stay in Task Manager - Click on the second tab "Processes" - Now you see a list with programs that are started and are running on your computer right now. - Look for "wmplayer.exe" (it's there one or more times in the first column, it depends how many times you tried to open the program) - NOW, BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO DELETE SOMETHING ELSE! - Click on the first "wmplayer.exe" (highlight it) and push the "End proces" button right-under the window. You have a warning window now and confirm with "Yes". Do the same for every "wmplayer.exe" that is in your list. - Leave Task Manager. - Restart your computer. - Click your "shortcut button" to Media Player, when the pad to the program is right, Media Player should open now. I hope this helps. Cor
Michel, Entering your site back to normal, thank you, merci . Cor
Hello Jean-Pierre, My experience is that with 1600 x 1200 JPG-pictures and with my computer Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2,00 GHz, graphics card NVidia GeForce4 MX460 with 64 Mb of graphics memory: Fading is smooth at all times and also with most effects of PTE, when I go from one picture to an other (fading procedure). However when I use Panning and Zooming and use more than five 1600 x 1200 JPG-pictures to make an effect, I have sometimes some "hics" (short hop) in the fading to the following picture (after the effect). Also the "hic" problem seems to be frequent in a Pan-Zoom effect when I use one or more PNG-pictures. I think that the "hic-problem" is also a question of my videocard, only 64 Mb, and the NVidia GeForce4 MX460 is not what you say a brilliant quality videocard, also aged. Recently I made a show about Rajasthan (India). It's a show of 34,5 minutes and about 233 Mb "big" with music, narration and 334 pictures with a size of 1600 x 1200. To run it (completely) smooth on my computer I had to bring the pictures back in size to 1024 x 768 (JPG high quality). The file is now 141,5 Mb and runs very smooth. Cor
Michel, 1) Download back to normal. Very nice pictures, beautiful sound, smooth show, except small "hic" between the end of the panorama and the first fade. Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2,00 GHz, graphics card NVidia GeForce4 MX460 with 64 Mb of graphics memory. 2) Still not possible to enter your site www.lediaporama.fr with my usual pasword . Cor