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About masrawy

  • Birthday 09/01/1953

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  1. excellent environmental images .. nicely done.
  2. Hi Lin, although I'm comfortable in Photoshop I will check it out, it is faster then it's the better tool for the job. Regards, Sami
  3. Hi, it did not take 30 years .. today I managed to crash PTE after dissecting DG " strips no mask " style then trying to produce different style. Searching the forum for this error brought me to this old thread, I taken it's not dummy proof yet. I'm not normal either!! Regards, Sami
  4. Hi Lin, I think I got it .. it was aha moment!! also it will not work for irregular shapes unless there is other syntax I'm not aware of. I'll have to use masks then .. Regards, Sami
  5. Lin, thanks for the style .. I am trying to figure out you guys are doing this by dissect this but no luck, it would be very helpful can do a little tutorial of the strips basic. I'm thinking of a project that require irregular shapes .. Sami
  6. Hi, thanks for the explanation and pointing to the complex masks ... got it. regards, Sami
  7. thanks .. much needed specially the splitter I could not wrap my head around why needed, crystal clear now. Sami
  8. thanks Lin for the video tutorial. Sami
  9. Hello, the property tab in objects and animation listed in the help document. http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/objectsandanimation/main I am curious/confused about and usage particularly: Convert to Alpha Image Animated Image Hide Child Objects Thanks in advance Sami
  10. I was wondering why PTE does not have click and drag to select objects in this panel? a basic window function to select more than one item. It would be helpful to have the ability to turn objects visibility to on-and-off similar to Photoshop layer eye icon, in PTE you have to turn the opacity to " 0 " to turn the object on-and-off. Regards, Sami
  11. Lin, very good and helpful visual tool .. I'm also interested in learning the why and when you use certain object like "masks", "frames" and hidden shortcut not in the document. Maybe in the form of tidbits ... I just discovered in O&A adding the shift key control the Y and X rotation. best regards Sami
  12. Lin, if I understand it right it is better to use JPEG as a mask in the mask not necessarily pure black and white. I'll try to create some with different degrees of tone/color to see how it affect the image. thanks again for your help Sami
  13. Thanks Lin for explaining both .. I'll have to play little with both methods and see what I can come up with. If I understand masking in PTE it can be JPEG or PNG white reveal and black conceal, what about halftone or transparency. Obviously can't have transparency with JPEG
  14. I'm interested in exploring cinemagraph & parallax effect in PTE!! Thanks Sami
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