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Everything posted by masrawy

  1. excellent environmental images .. nicely done.
  2. Hi Lin, although I'm comfortable in Photoshop I will check it out, it is faster then it's the better tool for the job. Regards, Sami
  3. Hi, it did not take 30 years .. today I managed to crash PTE after dissecting DG " strips no mask " style then trying to produce different style. Searching the forum for this error brought me to this old thread, I taken it's not dummy proof yet. I'm not normal either!! Regards, Sami
  4. Hi Lin, I think I got it .. it was aha moment!! also it will not work for irregular shapes unless there is other syntax I'm not aware of. I'll have to use masks then .. Regards, Sami
  5. Lin, thanks for the style .. I am trying to figure out you guys are doing this by dissect this but no luck, it would be very helpful can do a little tutorial of the strips basic. I'm thinking of a project that require irregular shapes .. Sami
  6. Hi, thanks for the explanation and pointing to the complex masks ... got it. regards, Sami
  7. thanks .. much needed specially the splitter I could not wrap my head around why needed, crystal clear now. Sami
  8. thanks Lin for the video tutorial. Sami
  9. Hello, the property tab in objects and animation listed in the help document. http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en-us/9.0/objectsandanimation/main I am curious/confused about and usage particularly: Convert to Alpha Image Animated Image Hide Child Objects Thanks in advance Sami
  10. I was wondering why PTE does not have click and drag to select objects in this panel? a basic window function to select more than one item. It would be helpful to have the ability to turn objects visibility to on-and-off similar to Photoshop layer eye icon, in PTE you have to turn the opacity to " 0 " to turn the object on-and-off. Regards, Sami
  11. Lin, very good and helpful visual tool .. I'm also interested in learning the why and when you use certain object like "masks", "frames" and hidden shortcut not in the document. Maybe in the form of tidbits ... I just discovered in O&A adding the shift key control the Y and X rotation. best regards Sami
  12. Lin, if I understand it right it is better to use JPEG as a mask in the mask not necessarily pure black and white. I'll try to create some with different degrees of tone/color to see how it affect the image. thanks again for your help Sami
  13. Thanks Lin for explaining both .. I'll have to play little with both methods and see what I can come up with. If I understand masking in PTE it can be JPEG or PNG white reveal and black conceal, what about halftone or transparency. Obviously can't have transparency with JPEG
  14. I'm interested in exploring cinemagraph & parallax effect in PTE!! Thanks Sami
  15. Igor I sent support request for my old license to upgrade to v8 then v9, I'm a bit infused between your first and last post? please explain ..
  16. Wow, maybe I should skip V9 and wait for V10!!
  17. Thanks for the update .. looking forward for the beta release soon. I'm sure it's almost like the process of giving birth, the sooner you deliver the sooner you'll have less pain fixing bugs.
  18. Partly agree with you .. some software companies will push the software and then released new update within 15 days, it leaves a bad taste in the user mouth. Corel Painter did this before they released painter 2016, it give the impression that they were not honest. I have seen it done by other software companies also ..
  19. Lin, I believe you I came to this conclusion about three months ago, I almost bought the upgrade but the developer still promising of new release date. btw for a simple slideshow Photoshop CC is more than capable, I will expect Adobe will add more features and subsequent release. I agree with you Adobe also badly managed their update and drove third-party developers and some users nuts. Bottom line there is no perfect software!! lol Regards Sami
  20. Lin, Sure, I give you that PTE is easier and has features that might not be in other software, I will have to dissect your great PTE presentation to see if it could be done in aftereffects. First time I saw the animation feature in PTE is a wow that's mimicking after effect I could be wrong and maybe Adobe is mimicking PTE!! ;-) Yes I am still using version 7 but I downloaded the demo for version 8 and most probably I would have upgraded six months ago if I knew back then it will take six months and counting. That's why I said it makes me doubt if there will be release anytime SOON. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18762-upgrading-to-the-latest-version/&do=findComment&comment=125219 Best regards,
  21. Lin, I appreciate your reply .. You stand correct Photoshop average new release WAS two years, I've been Photoshop user since version 2.5 and upgraded every single time since then. As a professional I need to be up to date with hardware and software thankfully PTE is not a major tool that I must have. Photoshop CC made this two years an obsolete as you may know, it update often with new features and every six-month or so there is a major update with complete overhaul to the apps. To be honest with you I have not tried other slideshow software to recommend one in the stead of PTE, I bought long time ago when it was 1.5 MB to download. The Adobe creative cloud CC includes After Effects application which is much powerful than PTE, that's what I recommend ( since you asked ), sure there is a learning curve but if your Photoshop user the transition is much easier. The original author of this thread was asking the developer to stop this major rewrite to accommodate future release for the Mac. I think the developer is making a mistake by neglecting current users which include Mac User too. I do not buy the argument for the delay to get the perfect software, there is no such thing it's the nature of the beast, bugs and more bugs .. that's how you find bugs leaving the big kahuna Microsoft. Each Cutting slack to Winsoft .. I wonder if you're aware of how many times it has been said by the developer beta release will be in December ( last year ), next month, in 15 days etc. makes one doubt if it will ever happen, I'm not making this up!! Best Sami
  22. I think it's a valid question to ask after two years!! With all due respect Judy I have to be honest with people who ask what software you used, I tell them PTE but also let them know they should be aware with this upgrade issue. Besides anyone who searched the forum here will find out .. I don't speak ill of the software, I just tell my experience!! Thank you
  23. bump I think it's a valid question to ask after two years!! I stopped recommending this software to colleagues just because of these delay and promises of new release date. Thanks,
  24. Hi Jean-Cyprien, I was wondering if you could post a direct link to some of the French slideshows site. Specially The ones you think they're worth watching .. Thanks ~Sami

    1. Jean-Cyprien


      Hi Sami,

      Here are the links for several sites :




      For those two sites you must be registered to download the slideshows



      You must be registered and be an active member


      The three previous sites offer slideshows made with several softwares.


      One site offers slideshows made with PTE only, and the files could be downloaded without being registered :


      You have to click on the pink button "Liste diaporamas". You can change the order of the list (by name, auteur, pseudo...)



      I send you a PM







    2. Jean-Cyprien


      Hi Sami,

      It for difficult for me to put names on the forum.

      On the Diapositif.net

      You'll find my AV (generally technically complex) under my name Jean-Cyprien Vignaud

      Jean-Pierre Dollangère had made fantastic AV, alas, he died five yeas ago. See Penser avec son pinceau, Mon Maître,

      Gérard Duchein uses the transition on a beautiful manner See Trésor et Lumière du Roman, Basilique Saint-Sernin

      Marjolaine Gellf gives always very delicate AV  See   O... comme Oeufs   Nuit de Chine

      Chantal Ledain   Le souffle sacré   Leviathan

      Patrick Mourava  A demi mots, (as a tribute for the death of Jean-Pierre Dolangère)

      Jean-Charles Pizollato  Jazz    Terre di Siena

      Alain Vanhoutte


      Kind regards



    3. masrawy


      Thanks for the info and all the links I really appreciate it, I'll try to navigate through the French site to register and hopefully be able to download some of these great wonderful slideshows.  

      The quality of the French slideshows are much higher than the sample what I have seen here.  I downloaded two of your slideshows you posted for Igor and I was truly impressed with the quality and technicality.

      The best


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