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  1. nobeefstu/Mary, I tried that and it works perfectly - you wouldn't even know you were in window mode. My monitor is 1280x1024 which is 5:4 format. If I need to show it on a normal 4:3 screen all I need to do is change the window size and create a separate .exe file - not too high a price to pay for the workaround. Thanks Stan
  2. I've since found out that if you uncheck Hardware Acceleration in the Screen tab of Project Options this problem goes away, but of course this also causes problems with smooth movements in animations and negates any reason to upgrade to version 5.0 in the first place. For users of ATI display cards it looks like a compromise between smooth animations or correctly displayed screen colours!
  3. I have this same problem on my desktop computer (ATI display card). My monitors are profiled using Spyder 2 profiling software and when I run a slide show produced in PTE 5.0, or do a preview in version 5.0, the profile is immediately disabled. Interestingly this does NOT happen when using PTE 4.48 or playing slide shows produced in this version of the program. I would add here that PTE 5.0 is not the only program to cause this problem. I even had to turn off my screensaver for the same reason.
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