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  1. admin1, JudyKay Thanks fo reply. Of course, my current locale is Russia (sorry 4 my english:). When i try to build EXE from picture seqence what contain russian filenames, PTE show error message and hang's up (screenshot in 1-st attachment). In Preview mode all pictures with cyrillic symbols substituted by PTE generated slide with "Image_not found:" message(screenshot in 2-d attachment), latin-named pictures are represented in Preview Mode correctly. I think it's a trial version limitation or bug.
  2. Hi, Does PTE works with picture files with non-latin symbols in а filename ? Or what should i dо? I've tried to use a picture files with cirillic letters in names, as result - in preview mode PTE can't find the file-slide with "Image not found ..."error , but all represented correctly in another panes (including timeline window). BR Fedot.
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