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Everything posted by photogman

  1. I need help quick. I have to have a DVD ready for a wake/prayer service tomorrow. I can create a PC executable and I can create a DVD using the DVD builder in PtoEXE 6.0.......the problem is the quality is superb when I create a PC executable file, but when I create a DVD video disk the quality is terrible and the images are out of focus. Can anyone help me here?? Your help would be a lifesaver since the family of the deceased is depending on me.
  2. You are absolutely right, the music should continue playing after the video reaches the last slide, but it doesn't. What helpful details can I give you?
  3. I created a program tonight with 55 images with a time interval of 10 seconds. I have 7 songs for a total of 21 minutes 30 seconds duration. The music is set to repeat after the program is finished. The music mysteriously stops and the video slide show continues after about 19 minutes into the show. I"m at a loss to figure out what has caused this. I am running version 5.03. I never seemed to have this problem with older versions. I've read through quite a few posts and wasn't able to garner anything that seems to help from them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Hello all, Newbie here I'm scanning in some pictures for a 50th birthday gig. Is there any harm with building the project/eventual DVD with pictures at 4x6 @300 dpi? Will the finished DVD run slow with this high of a scan resolution? Also, should the music I add from mp3's be at 320 bit rate to have decent sound quality? Thanks for your help! PS...I did do a search and nobody really gave a definitive answer on the scanning res/dpi subject.
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