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About sdavis

  • Birthday 11/29/1948

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  • Location
    Sirok - Hungary
  • Interests
    Books, gardening, photography, teaching English,

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  1. For whatever reason picturetoexe does not want to connect to youtube. I even changed my password it still dos not work.
  2. I have been using PicturesToExe for several years now. Not as an expert, but more like a keen amateur, taking pictures of special events and putting them together with nice effects and music. Thank you very much to the developers for their work and enthusiasm. Sarolta from Hungary
  3. Thank you very much, Lin, I did buy the upgrade. Sarolta
  4. Yes, I do want to have the new version of video builder, or de-lux, and no, I did not find an "upgrade" option. OK. Igor, what shall I do? Thank you for your prompt reply Sarolta
  5. I'm also confused. I have bought a de-lux version, some time ago (2007) since then I do try to upgrade to the latest version, and it is only now, that I can not use the software to its full. OK. I understand, I have to buy an "upgrade licence", but how do I go about it? I could not find an easy way to do it. Thanks for your help Sarolta
  6. Dear Colin, Thank you very much for your kind words, yes, I do appreciate help and advice. I like making slide-shows, here is the one I made in the spring of our garden. http://www.mediafire.com/?m1ly3yqzt1w I am not an expert (went to photography evening classes), but like to take photos and like to make the best of them in slide-shows. On the other hand, good advice is always welcome. Sári
  7. has not set their status

  8. I am Hungarian/British, currently living in Hungary in a small village amongst the hills of the north-east of the country.

  9. Yes, here it is in zipped format: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3668486/Sirok%202010%20Jan.zip Sári
  10. Thank you very much for your comments, I think you were right. I will try again soon with a different subject. Sári
  11. Thank you very much for your advice, I keep it in mind for my next slideshow. Sari
  12. As we seem to be having a severe winter, I thought you might like to see my slideshow made in a small Hungarian village, showing the beauty of the season. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3668486/Sirok%202010%20Jan.exe Any comments on how to improve the slideshow would be welcome
  13. Sorry, I was wrong, It is "objects and animation" when the problem starts. Sári
  14. I've recently installed windows 7 home, and finished a lovely slideshow which I had started before the new windows version. I wanted to start a new slide-show today and it stops every time I try to go to "customise slide". If you need any more information I'm happy to try. Sári
  15. Thank you very much for version 6.0. Will enjoy using it. Sari Davis
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