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    Devon UK

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  1. Just figured out where I was going wrong Durr! the string of numbers were so long they had vanished out of the side of the e-mail message window, wouldnt be suprised if that hasn't caught a few folks out?? I hadn't put the full code in , all sorted now,( thanks for your help) all I have to do now is learn how to use the software. Cheers.
  2. This is what I got Ken?? and I have no idea how to use it??[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WnSoft\VideoBuilder] "Key"="0UBYcJVyh6cYWhMQYd7tgh6k7pmvP0fPgTbfqNIuI7zCZR3LObcp9p1gChbfHsay5mkFUDtS3voIRkNL04OboTWU9KT/b5+AdpgDU48vtpnAxI9k/txNL6cIAHgYDr0n0EBhmbeY3EjU5ei/R7FvuQvcfYL9RaJb8h6pHOOzPkHM=" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="0S32QvaFUT+Db+F+ZFNzsHiyUsylwpKJbBnCta74k2kMtoas5ZGiO6ZUUQrIqj/5gYLpJYDmwVl5uL5mh4KpmZz/MRgiKD2Y5c/PFYoSh7osymQitnD8AXorbDsW03ceAtBzQ92AQk/dgC8t77jS5OIFrJpXoZI1KnwnY1IikDjk="
  3. Hi you seem to know what your talking about , so when you say all you have to do is copy it out of the e-mail what exactly do you mean ? do you physically type it as a word document or what as I cant find any way to get it from my aol e-mail to a place where I can get it on to a disc, would be grateful if you could give more detail as I cant seem to get a reply from tech support. thank's
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