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  1. Hiya First of all thanks for help re the jittering audio. Using internal player didn`t solve the problem on the pc but dragging to hard drive cured it. funny thing, the CD`s run a treat on my lap top. Anyway, looking around for a projector and there are many models on the market with so much jargon that it has a become a nightmare chosing. I run 1024x768 on my pc and wondered what effect this will have on any projector i choose? It would seem that the prices are kept quite high for these projectors and most companies that sell them are fairly large organisations that give little away. I have been pointed at the Hitachi CPX 327 at £1750 + vat, add to this a screen and your getting up around £2500. Any help on what to look for and where would be gratefully received. BTW my intention is to put on AV`s for clubs etc, one of the main questions I`m being asked is what size audience will i be playing to, well who knows at present. Has anyone had any experience playing DVD`s through the projectors and whats the quality like? What I don`t want to do is to jump in the deep end and spend this amount of money to find that I`ve over killed what I need or if I`d spent a little more I would have gotten something more suitable. thanks in advance Dave C (UK)
  2. I have found my way around the prog well, my problem lies with the audio when I burn the exe to disk. When played back I get a slight jitter sometimes.I tried burning slow and I have allocated plenty of memory to the writer , cleaned the heads etc. The prog runs perfectly on the PC before burning.
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