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Everything posted by Diver

  1. Time Sorting in 4.10 Beta 11 My problem with time sorting for time lapse photographs (sorting on date and time) has been solved by Beta 11 .... my thanks to those (and of course - Igor - who amazes me the work he and the crew put into this) who helped clarify it. Good job. Doug.
  2. Sorting problem: The file I need to post is at home but here is how it happens with the image capture program I am using: 1). an image is captured every 20 seconds. The program names with the date and time in the name. It also (of course) has the date of creation in the file information. 2) I want to put the files into PTE slideshow sorted on the creation date (it does not do this correctly now as it confuses pictures taken at 0700 to those taken at 1000 ... it will put the 1000 ones first. The pictures have to be in chronological order AND maintain their file name (that has the date/time in it.) Reason for doing this is because if you run a slide show sorted in this way, the filename (with the date and time) can be shown at the top of the slide to show when it was taken - so renaming the files (to sort some way) is not a practical work around (I have over 1500 images X 10 days of time lapse.) As I said in another post, another reason to do this is to take files from many digital cameras that have documented an event , throw them all into a big file someplace, sort on date - and then you would have a chronological slideshow if the cameras had their clocks synced. (how about an example of this being done at a riot or something - you would be able to see what happened when relative to many different images - some seconds apart and a different angle.) So - I dont if Igor said Beta 11 will handle this - but I sure hope so because it is pretty important (to me anyway). Thanks for all the help to all those helping! Doug.
  3. Bill, Yes - that is correct. I do have a long file name (in which the date and time is embedded into its name), so I cannot change the naming of the files as I need it to show up in the description or filename of the time lapse. So... I need to sort on the actual time and date of the image - NOT the filename. (I know I could simply use another program (batch rename or something) so rename the files after sorting them correctly by the file date and time, but then the file name (which has the date and file in the file name) would not be correct and I could not display it right. That means I have to have PTE sort the files by the actual date/time that the time lapse was taken in order to get it right. Another example is that I sometimes shoot events where all the digital cameras on the project are syncronized with the date and time . When all the photos are downloaded into one big file folder (no matter what the camera), the pictures can then be sorted by time/date so that they all tell the story (as in a "day in the life of" type of event. So, it is important that PTE be able to do this (like most programs do) so that the slides are in order - no matter what the file name is called. I THINK that this should be a "simple" tweak to get PTE to do this right. Doug.
  4. Bill, Yes ... the problem I have regarding renaming the files so they line up right with a 3rd party software rename utility (in my case, ACDsee 5.0) is that the file name contains the date/time information - so renaming them is not an option. The date/time file name is needed to show in the slideshow output. I agree, seems to be a bug and not a re-write type of thing as the files easily sort correctly by date/time in other programs - it is just that PTE is not doing it. Nice if it could be fixed ..... a real problem for me if it can't . (So Im begging on me old knees!) But again - great program that keeps getting better all the time. Regards, Doug.
  5. v.4.10 B#10 does not sort on date and time properly. I have 1300 images from a time lapse that have to be in order but the sort does not work. Things starting at 10:00 are before events that have happened at 08:00 or other 0700, etc . I have noted this in other versions too and it seems to have not been corrected. Great program though .... keep it up! But the time sort is important if the slide show is to be cronological. Regards, Doug Elsey.
  6. Ive done that but to no avail. It has trouble I believe with 0800 or leading zeros. It does not seem to sort correctly between 0800 and say 16:00 hrs. It gets confused with the leading zeros. Application is to keep the shots in cronological order. Bug???
  7. I have an application where I need to sort the slides by time. The times run from 0800 in the morning to 16:00 hrs. No matter what I do, it will NOT sort correctly on the time of saving (it will in other programs - PTE will not. I cannot rename them as I use the names in another program for database lookup. I need to sort on the time of saving. Anyone else find this too?? .... or is just me?
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