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Everything posted by cumbleton

  1. Many thanks for all the helpful input. I will download 4.48 and give it a try.
  2. One final question I forgot to add to the last post. As 'Advance on mouse click' is an important feature to me, which version of PTE should I be aiming for as I see it is not in all versions. I don't need the DVD burning features of the 'Deluxe' version, but does the 'Standard' version have the mouse click feature? Thanks
  3. Thanks for these helpful comments everyone. I guess when I said all I wanted to do is show pictures that I advance manually I was rather understating things. As a phtographer (amateur!!), image quality is important to me and I have encountered various suggestions that Powerpoint handles images comparativley poorly while PTE is said to be much better. I also would like an increased range of better-executed transitions and to improve on the "unweildly and difficult to annotate" aspects of PowerPoint that Brian mentioned and with which I agree. Given the price, the advice to try it and see makes a lot of sense!
  4. Hi, I'm not yet a user of PTE but am looking for something better than PowerPoint. However, all I intend to do is use it to prepare lectures with pictures that I would advance manually on mouse click (i.e. I don't need presentations that will run themselves). Would PTE be good for that or is it overkill considering all the features I would never use?
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