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Everything posted by verasmith

  1. Hello, As a relative newbie to digital photography (other than point then shoot) and most things computer related, I was really pleased to read the question posted by Russ when using the search facility to find information on file and photograph size. It's clear that I have a great deal to learn but I've printed the replies and will try to follow the advice. Trying to get my head around my camera instruction manual, Photoshop and PicturesToExe will keep my grey matter well exercised. Now that I have more time I'm really looking forward to seeing what I can do. Please be patient should I ask the most stupid of questions and when the first "show" is ready to upload I'd really appreciate any constructive criticism. For the time being I'm just taking it step by step like the start of the long journey it is. Trouble is things keep getting in the way - time to get some dinner on the go. Until the next time..... Vera
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