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About Tomuk

  • Birthday 12/05/1942

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    Runcorn - England
  • Interests
    Photography - Digital imaging - 2008 system upgraded to include a Canon 450d with a Canon 18-55 is lens, Canon 55-300 is lens and Sigma 18-200 walk about lens.2016 added iPad Pro 12.9 and Procreate.

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  1. I haven't made a DVD since 2014, I now prefer to make MP4 video and save to an external hard drive and play them on my TV. i also put a copy on a thumb drive for projecting at camera clubs, I think DVD is now old tech,does anybody disagree?.
  2. Hi! Eric, Thanks for the idea, I have Camtasia 6 on disc but as yet no computer to load it onto,(I don't like to use P2e on this laptop),I'll give it a try when the Insurance company provide the cash. Tom.
  3. Thanks Spock.I'm not to sure if Camtasia will capture the sound track tho?I'll let you know how I get on. Tom.
  4. Hi! All, I wonder if any of you knowledgeable experts know of any software that will convert P2e exe. files to any video files. I have recently had a bad experience,I have had my computer and external Hard drives stolen,all I have left are my exe. completed files that I saved to discs. I now require them on mp4 video to post to Vimeo so I can share my work with other. Hope somebody can help with a solution or work around. Tom.
  5. Thanks Guys, Your replies have given me a lot to think about. when you mentioned screen recording software I realised I had the solution on my main machine, it's "Camtasia Studio", I've tried it briefly but as with all software it requires the usual learning curve, results for first attempts are very encouraging. I'll report back later. Tom.
  6. Hi! Dave, If I required any form of video your suggestion is an excellent one,but I require a format that Pte will accept as a slide or object and at the time of writing, Pte doesn't support DVD into projects.( Igor are you reading). My laptop and Sony dvd recorder both support Hdmi so the quality would be first class and Hdmi will carry the sound. Tom.
  7. Hi! Lin, You would think that somebody with my experience with using Pte would know better, I saved a lot of my project folders onto an external hard drive,then lost the hard drive (physically lost), lifted from my car while visiting a camera club. All I was left with was the Exe.files saved on disc. I still have all the images from each of the shows of course but it means I have to reconstruct each sequence from scratch, but they won't be the same will they? A hard lesson has been learned. I think I already knew the answer you have given, I was just living in hope. Tom.
  8. Hi! All, I've done a search and can't find an answer to my question so I've come here..... My question is this...Does anybody know of any software out there that will convert Pte Exe.files to Video that Pte will accept into a project? I have quite a collection of my sequences that I would like to creatively include into future projects but first They must be converted. I would be most grateful for any help and suggestions. Tom.
  9. Igor, Thank you for replying, as you can see from my post above, my problem has been solved. I still don't understand why you couldn't open my Clip tho?. Tom.
  10. Lin, Thanks for replying so quickly. If you have downloaded my file, please run it from your desktop and note when Photoshop opens up and the voice over to actions of the curser. Now insert the file into P2e and run a fullscreen preveiw, note the difference. Ralph, (The Hawk) has also sent me an e-mail, he down loaded my file,and run it through a programme called "Divx Plus Converter" this programme not only cured my problem but reduced the file size considarably thus helping P2e. So my problem has been solved. Tom
  11. Hi! Igor, Please find below a link to my troublesome video, it's mp4 format having been converted from Avi using a freebie converting programme. It runs correctly when played via VLC, but insert it into a project and problems,the video and audio run out of sync. I would be most grateful if you would have a look at it and try to determine the problem. Thank You. http://www.mediafire.com/?vjutcot1jn2 Tom.
  12. Hi! Igor, Re my post # 272 I think I have solved my problem......... It appears that "Wait for a click of the mouse" is only available as an global setting in Project Options under the control tab, In the customize Slide Tab, Only "Wait for a Key press to show next slide" is available. As I use a wireless mouse to control my shows I would like the ability to set Mouse click in customize option to be available as most of the time I'm away from my computer and projector at the front of my audience, so heres hoping. Tom.
  13. Hi! Igor, I'm not sure if this is a bug, it maybe something that hasn't been restored as this is only a beta (11) version but here goes, I only hope I can explain myself..........I have created a project in the following manner..... Opening slide containing objects ( scrolling titles and such) then a blank (using the insert blank feature) then video (mp4 created by P2e from one of my projects) then another blank then video etc:-. now comes my problem, I have customized each of the blanks with the command "wait for a click of the mouse", this works great but when I run a full screen preview all the videos also accept the right mouse click command,video stops and advances to the next blank and waits.. a right click and sequence advances to the next video. I have created an exe file and the problem persists Tom.
  14. Hi! Bill, Glad you enjoyed it, Harvey gives the whole of my family a lot of pleasure with his ability. Harvey himself is interested more in the amounts of hits he's getting on U-Tube...LOL. Tom.
  15. Hi! Lin, Thank you for your kind thoughts. You are correct on both accounts...... The camera shake was due to hand holding and I was required to switch on the music at the start, the remainder of the clip was hand held. Yes ..Harvey has joined a gymnastics club, he started at the beginning of this year on the recommendation of his shool teacher, he now lives and breaths gymnastics. Tom.
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