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Everything posted by Tomuk
Hi! All, I have been following this thread with great interest and it seem to me that the answer for the short term and maybe even the final solution is right under our noses…. The users with the most knowledge and experience have already written comprehensive Tutorials and produced AVi Video’s that give visual aid, these have been posted on to Dom’s site and made available to all, would it be to much to ask for a link to this site is placed under the Help menu, then we would have an unlimited supply of help and information at our finger tips, I do not know what the legal side as far as Igor and Team would be, but I think it’s an idea that can be expanded upon, can anybody suggest something simpler. Tom
Hear,hear Mary, Very well said, Sometimes it pains me when people want a magic button and someone to provide all the answers, that way everything is done for them. As creating pictures and making slide shows from them is my passion and my hobby, I would much rarther strive to work on problems and have the satisfaction of being able to say"I created that", Igor and the team provide us with the tool (and what a tool) but they don't produce sequences for us. Having said that, it's always nice to have the members of this forum to provide ideas,critique and advise. Tom.
Very very clever Lin, are you now going to tell us how you did it???? Tom.
Ron, I have downloaded a trial version but couldn't get to terms with it, I couldn't get it to play back in full screen mode, the video and sound controls were always visible, it's probably just me as I don't know the software but I also downloaded a copy of screen recorder (£14 after trial) and came to grips with it right away. It records to avi and I have imported them to DVD builder in P2e delux and made dvd's. Just what the doctor ordered. Tom
My thanks to Roger and Al, I have downloaded a trial version of Camtasia Studio and am trying to get on terms with it, the little bits that I have recorded have very small file sizes,just what the doctor ordered, thanks once again. Tom.
Hi! All, Please can anybody help?, I am looking for some screen recording software(for video tutorials and the like), unfortunatly I don't have any experience in this field but I know you knowledgable lot will have the ansewers, I have read posts and seen tutorials done by..Dom,Lin and ronniew, I would like to hear their recommendations,also would you please recommend a codec that will run the presentation on most computers, I await your replies with cheque book at the ready. Tom.
Thank you Igor and the Team, I have made a DVD using this beta (#8) and it plays on all my DVD players and very smoothly I might add, I now look foreward to making another sequence using all the bells and whistles to test them out, I shall keep you informed of the result. Tom.
Hi Prashant, Just downloaded your show to my desktop, download compleated and got your shows icon, on clicking on it I got the Message " The trial period for this show has ended" and I was returned to my desktop, can you please repost it. Tom.
Igor, I am also happy to help cut out this RUBBISH,what I am not happy about is to be given the power to delete posts, I would worry about deleting a valid point becouse I got the wrong end and missed the point, I shall continue to use the report button,after all thats what it's designed for. To take the load off Igor and the team,It baybe a good idea for Igor to choose one or two volunteers from our advanced membership and give them the power. Tom.
Hi! All, While trawling around looking for a new card, I came across this beast, have a look. http://www.eclipsecomputers.com/product.as...de=gcx-xn88gtx7 Tom.
Igor, Have you tried a pint of English Best Bitter?. Tom.
Happy irthday Igor, and many of them, TomUK.
Hi! Al, Thanks for the prompt reply. I am now trawling around looking for a mic that will do the job for me, the rest of your advice is right on the money although I don’t think I am quite ready for a Padded room yet…LOL. As to DVD production, I feel that Igor and the team will iron out all the problems very soon, I think they have only to find a DVD burning library that will satisfy everyone’s needs, the conversion and rendering side of the process is pretty much complete. At the moment I am using DVD Builder to Write DVD folders to my hard drive by selecting (Create DVD folders) only, then burning the disc using NTi DVD creater software, success every time with the disc playing on both my computer and DVD/TV. At the end of the day, with PTE extra, the team will have a programme that will take a lot of beating by the competition and one that they can be very very proud of, I’m sure you will agree. Tom.
Hi! Al, I have just downloaded your mini demos, most impressed I was to. I was particularly interested in your voice over in “Big Bend”, your voice comes over rich and with no background noise, I have been struggling to get this quality, please can you let me know what microphone you used and under what conditions. Your Mini Demos…… I downloaded both versions and burned a DVD using NTI DVD-maker, the disc ran on both my computer and dvd/tv, but on the dvd version played via my tv, the shows went into a loop and kept playing over and over utill I pressed stop on the remote,was this intentional if so ,how did you do it?????? Looking foreword to your reply Tom..
Hi! Lin, Sorry it's taken me a while to reply. As you may have gathered from my previous post,I managed to overcome my problem with my friends machine reading my AVi's, this still leaves the problem of my movies playing on other computers. I have tried the codec you suggested,the problem is Screen Recorder does'nt seem to like it, I have e-mailed the support team for SC and requested some assistance, I shall keep you posted as to the outcome as I gather from other posts you are keen on this sort of thing. Tom.
To.....TheDom,jevans, Al and Ken........ Cheers lads once again you have come up with the goods, yes it was the codec. The AVi file I created (In screen Recorder) used FMcodec.dll a codec that comes with Screen Recorder, but not with Windows. Here's what I did.....I went into Windows system32 folder and copied the codec, saved it to usb flash memory and installed it on my friends machine and......... Bobs your Uncle,Fannies your Aunt, The AVi video now plays in his WMP. This does'nt realy solve anything fo the long term, I now have to find a common codec that I can use in my copy of Screen Recorder that will produce AVi's that will play on most machines, any ideas????????. Tom.
Hi! all, I have a problem with AVI files playing in Windows Media Player, I created the file using Screen Recorder and saved it to my desktop then on to CD. The result plays on my machine in Media Player but not on my friends, all he gets is the sound track and a black blank screen, can anybody supply the answer????. Tom.
Igor, I re-downloaded your utility and this time with success, I have burned a disc as you suggested but this time it plays on my computer but not on my DVD player to Tv, I get the message on my TV screen (this disc is not compatable)> My hardware is:- Computer:- Slimtype DVDRW SOSW-833s (Laptop). TV. Panasonic DMR-E65 DVD Recorder. Tom.
Igor, I have made the download as you suggested but the application will not run, I get the error message:- Application has failed to start as STARBURN.DLL was not found., Tom
Hi! Guys, As I reported in a previous post in this thread. I have exactly the same problems burning as Lin, I took the advice about disc brand and purchaced 25 cheapies, guess what.... exactly the same result..... Hears what I did.....In DVD builder I unchecked everything exept create DVD folder and rendered a 4 min show into my docs folder, I then copied these files into a prog called Arcade and burned to DVD from there....the result played in WMP and on my domestic DVD player to TV and ran whith exellent quality, if I could just get DVD builder to also do the burning I would be a happy man Tom.
Igor, I could have written Lin's post above, I have the same problems to the letter, I to am going to wait and see how things develop. Thank you for all your hard work to-date, I have every confidence in you and your team getting these problems solved. Good Luck. Tom.
Craig, THe first thing you should do after taking your images is to save them down to CD,CD_Roms are a lot cheaper than high priced TV's and monitors, you will also get a better reproduction of your master pieces as they would have been saved as taken. Tom.
Cheers John, I have also received the font, I needed a font like this for a Halloween sequence I am working on for an evening of A.V. I am doing at my Photo Society,thanks for your help. Tom.
Gary. Individual sounds can't yet be put to slides in 5b6.We have to wait untill the final version when it will be available. One way around your problem is to measure the time scale between your sound effects and the next slides using Timeline and add silence between them in Audacity or fact simular.Don't forget to check..(close the slide show after last slide) or your sound track will keep looping untill ESC is pressed. Another useful method is to create a Mp3 music track for the full length of your show and insert your sound effects at the correct times, then mix the hole shooting match down into one track in Audacity. Hope this has been of some help. Tom.
Hi! John I have sent you an e-mail about this, I have the same problem as Ron. I have chosen a different Font for my project but followed your method. saving each letter to a seperate layers as Png files and then using individual letters as objects onto one slide in 5B5, the result thanks to you is quite staggering, thanks once again. Tom.