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Everything posted by Tomuk

  1. Ken, I know understand, I will have to reconstruct each sequence in P2e and make the Avi file before hitting the create button. Thanks for your help, your a star. Tom
  2. Ken. Thanks for your very speedy reply. I have already read the thread you suggest but it dose'nt answer my question... How do I create an Avi file from previous created pte sequences?, (if it is at all possible). Tom,
  3. I have been using P2e for some considerable time and would now like to burn my sequences to DVD, could anybody tell me if it's possible to convert exe files(created sequences) to Avi ready for converting to Dvd,if poss whats the method?.
  4. Marianne. As most digital projectors have a max resolution of 1024x768 it would be pointless creating your shows at a higher setting. As to your problem with unsharp jpegs, the problem could be twofold: If you are using a digital camera set to fine to take your photos, remember that they are already compressed as jpegs in camera; over jpegging an image will soften it. As previously said in the posts above, if your show was produced at 1024x768 and you have your screen set at a higher setting then the image will appear to be unsharp. Tom.
  5. Ken. Who’s a lucky guy, my 903 doesn’t come with a level, but who needs a level when we have a view finder. Tom.
  6. Ken. It’s all very basic stuff, don’t use a wide angle lens with a focal length shorter than 28mm as this will course curvature, use a tripod in low light situations and “Look through your view finder”. Tom.
  7. Alrobin,guru… Thank you for your advice, as I am not very technical minded in these matters and I find your advice invaluable, it’s true I do use the fit to screen option, in fact I think I have used it in every sequence I have made, not anymore!!. As to setting your monitor to 1280 x 960, I was under the impression at this resolution everything on screen; in particular text would be too small to read, am I also wrong in this matter? Finally, to Guru, am I right in thinking that if you size your images: 1024x768 with a resolution of 72, your photos, (on a monitor set to 1024x768) would be viewed as the author intended? I.e.: full screen (and sharp). Tom.
  8. Hi! Marianna. You are the first to say my photographs are unsharp; I assure you they are sharp. As to the reason for full screen, well I take my sequences along to my Photographic Society on a regular basis, there we have a digi projector for projecting on to a large screen and as our membership have been brought up on twin projector pulsed sequences, they don’t appreciate the change in format, they like pictures to fill all the available screen space. My London sequence went down like a wet blanket, some of the comments: To gimmicky, the presentation took away the meaning of the show, you can’t win. To answer your question I size my photos: Size……..1024x768 Resolution…72. Saved as jpeg with a compression ratio of 6. Hope this is what you wanted. If you know of a better method, please don’t hesitate to post it. Tom.
  9. LumenLux, to answer your question, I do make a point of trying to speak to my subjects but to do so before taking the picture would defeat the object. As you can see from my sequence, all my candid shot were taken abroad and so we have a language problem. The one subject I don’t photograph candidly is children, in these times it could course a lot of problems. Thank you for your advice concerning the two pics with the arrows; in the making I thought they might raise a smile. Tom.
  10. Hi! Gang. I have just uploaded my latest offering “ Nerja Costa –de-Sol”, please have a look and come back with your usual constructive comments. Tom
  11. JJR. Thank you for your post, The method I used was a simple cut and paste from the stereo tracks and pasted on the end, my problem is smoothing out the join. As this is my first attemp I didn't have a clue as to making a seamless join, I tried both of your suggestions on a trial and error basis but ended up with only error, I shall keep plugging away with lots of practice, I sure I'll get there sooner or later. Once again thanks for your welcome advice. Tom.
  12. Ken, I had no problem getting on to her site, I used the link that you provided but ommited the /sharon, from there I followed the link to her site, give it a try. www.fractalus.com Tom. p.s. Why is it that web addresses don't give a direct link when typed into this forum,anybody know?. Tom
  13. Ken, Thanks for the info. I have had a look at Sharons work and to be quite honest her formulars are far to complicated for me at the moment, I am just starting out on my learning curve and using the juliet formulars as a starting point. I have just grasped the basics of re-colour mapping and rotation. I will be able to use Sharon as a form of inspiration and hopfuly move foreward. Thanks again. Tom.
  14. Hi! All Yesterday I uploaded a sequence called "Playing with Fractals", would you please have a look at it and come back with your very useful hints and tips for improvement. I would appreciate some advice on editing sound tracks, at present I am using Audacity, a programme that was recommended on this forum, but as you can hear on the track for Fractals, my skill in using it leaves a lot to be desired, how for instance do you make a seamless join when splicing two peices of the same music together (to make the track longer) ?. Tom
  15. Hi! CC. You are correct it isn't a Sync show, I like to be creative as much as possible with my transitions, using the sync feature takes this away from you as each slide is assigned equal air time so as to fit the length of the music (this is how I understandit,please correct me if I am wrong), I create the visuals to my liking and preview the sequence without any music or sound effects, I then edit my music track to fit using a free programme called Audacity from the Web. Audacity will edit all formates of audio and after editing exports it as an mp3 file, very cool. Tom
  16. Hello to Alrobin. I used v4.0 for this show, but recently (like the rest of you) I have upgraded to v4.10. You have hit the nail on the head, I must have forgotten to disable the mouse in p2e before creating, I'm sorry for any inconvenience, It just proves that I must be stupid as well as illiterate . Tom
  17. Hi! All, Well it's taken me a while to finaly read this post and needless to say I will be only to pleased to explain the Hows and whens, but I do need a bit more info on the effect you are after. If it's the one I think you mean, and I arrive at this conclusion becouse you can't find it in Photoshops filter and effects, it's this:- You will need a graphics tablet (mine is a Wacom et-0405-u), open up the image to be minipulated in Photoshop, add a new layer and fill it with white, drop the opacity down untill the underneath image can just be seen, with your new layer being active, choose the paint brush tool and take a small hard edged brush, make your foreground colour black and with your pen and tablet start to trace your photo. When you are satisfied, bring your layer opacity back to 100% and start to hand colour your new image, to add to the effect you can use the eraser tool (using your touch sensative pen) to bring back as much or as little of the underlying image as your creative urge allows. I hope this has been of some help?, if not please e-mail me. Tom
  18. Harold, Thanks for pointing out my not so deliberate mistake, I have now rectified the error but how do I recall the original from the cottage,any idea!?. I intend to re-upload. Tom
  19. Hi All. Thank you all for your passed help and advice, well I'm at it again, I have just this moment posted a sequence entitled "Aspects of Rome". Please have a look and let me know what you think and come back with your comments via these paged. and please don't use the words " Use a better photographer". Tom.
  20. Sorry Al, As I'm relativly new to .Pte and this forum, would you please enlighten me as to Boxig's utilities and how I can obtain them.
  21. Thanks Al, thanks for your speedy reply. I understand all that you say, but what I am looking for is a method for a continuas disc made up from previous created shows and not from project files, is this possible?. Most of my projects were deleted from my system after I completed the create command, a lesson I have learned to my cost, in future I will put all my project files into one folder and save them down onto cdrom. Tom.
  22. Is it possible to have more than one application (i.e. .exe file) set to run via run application after the last slide command in Project options/Advanced.What I would like to do is compile a CDROM containing sequences that I have created in the passed and have them all run one after the other with only a dark slide between them……can anybody assist…..Tom.
  23. Ray Try a piece of software called Photos on CD & DVD by Magix, I have cerated a few shows using it and they are great, scrolling text for titles and a large array of transitions. Use a search engine to find their nearest stockist to you. Hope this has been of some help and I am sorry to have had to plug another piece of software over our beloved P2e. Tom
  24. Michel, You say you are off to London later this week, you might like to have a look at my "London" sequence I have posted on Beechbrook Cottage. Have a great time and take loads of Photos. Tom.
  25. No problem Bart, Hope you enjoyed the show. I am at this moment working on a sequence on London (England), when I upload it, please let me know what you think. Tom.
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