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Everything posted by Tomuk

  1. Hi! Xaver, I'm loath to use Beta software unless I'm very familiar with previous stable versions. would you be kind enough to post when 1.3.5 is released as stable, along with any tips and tricks you may have, it would help with the learning curve. Tom
  2. Barry, I park on double yellow lines most days and quite legally, I'm the holder of a disabled blue badge permit. So it follows that all you need to use copyright material is a permit. Tom.
  3. Ralph Thanks for your hard work, I myself have created DVDs from AVi tutorials in the past, (also using Video builder), I think the problem is with the none standardization of video cocec, while while different software providers are using their own we will always have this problem. Tom.
  4. Hi! John & Ken, Thanks for your kind words. As to the codec problem, I myself suffered form this at the beginning But Lin Evens soon solved it for me by recommending a Video/Audio player called VLC, you can download it free of charge from the Internet, and as Lin said, I have not been able to find an audio or video file it won't open and play. As Lin is our resident expert on all things Video I'm sure he will be only to pleased to help with any problems you may encounter. As other members of this forum suggested, I have now consigned Windows Media Player to the recycle bin where it belongs. Tom.
  5. Hi! Everyone, A week or so ago I promised to make a video tutorial (using Photoshop) on how I selected the penny-farthing cut out for my sequence “Stepping back in Time”. I have now completed it and the link is below, please don’t expect to much as I’m not very good at this Tutorial business. I hope you can follow it, but if not you can always contact me. I have also provided a link to a tutorial on one of the methods I use for producing shadows, please have a look and give me feed back if you found them useful and easy to follow. Here’s the links….. Selection http://www.mediafire.com/?mnbnyowusld Shadow http://www.mediafire.com/?vjutcot1jn2
  6. Good Afternoon John, Thank you for sharing your sequence with us. I think your photography is top draw but I must agree with Barry as to the sound track, I think a change of music and therefore the pace and mood would be better served if we had a change at each section of the show, all those drums started to give me a headache toward the end. Having said that, for me it's still a keeper and I shall be adding it to my folder of other peoples shows. I look forward to your next production. Tom.
  7. Hi! John. Video is is the pipe line. For now I have taken a bit of a liberty with your image, have a look What do you think? Tom.
  8. Peter. Shh! It's a ploy to get Ronnie to do the hard work. Tom.
  9. Hi! To all above, Thank you for your kind words and critique. Bill. Thank you for your kind offer, I will upload after I have made a few tweaks. John,Keith and Barry who commented on the Penny F cutout method I used. Well I didn’t use Barry’s method to cut out between the spokes, this work (IMHO) was to delicate, I used another method that’s to long and drawn out to try to explain in a post, but I did use Barry’s method of layers and layer masks to cut out most of the characters, and yes brushes set to <10%. As to the spoke cutout I’ll try and produce a video tutorial in the next couple of days and post you a link, (as I’m retired I don’t have anything better to do). I’m also going to ask Ronnie West (If he can find the time) to write it up as a PDF and post it on his Web Site (I can’t afford Acrobat on my measly pension). Now that Bill has given the invite, please lookout for my future sequences on his site. Tom.
  10. Barry you are a star, I did notice the floating effect and was pondering how to cure it, I'll get right into Photoshop and create something. I used to use Kai's power tools to create shadows, it was a doodle but after an F format to my hard drive I lost the software. Another problem is the one that Yachtsman flagged up (sunglasses), on reflection I should have asked him to remove them, no pun intended LOL. Tom.
  11. Hi! All, Below you will find a link to a little sequence I have created, I make no apologies for Photographing Bliss Hill and the Black country Museums as I know it’s a favourite haunt of Barry B, I also make no apologies for using some of the Photoshop techniques also used by Barry in some of his shows, if you want to learn, why not learn from the best? I’m sorry that it’s a mediafire link as I can’t afford my own site on my pension. LOL. Here’s the link, please download and enjoy. http://www.mediafire.com/?jiqbyiyymgm Tom.
  12. Peter, I think you are right, the little Grey cells are diminishing As I type this reply. Thank the Lord for people like you, Ron,Ken and Lin keeping me awake...... Now if I can just find somebody to keep my bank balance healthy I will have it made. Tom
  13. How thick can one Liverpool scouser be...? I did notice the arrows you mention but they were grayed out. I'm once again cooking with gas, thanks to you Lin. Tom.
  14. Hi! Can anybody point me to the new home of the undo button on the O&A screen, cut and paste are available but not undo. I used this feature quit a lot, particularly after deleting an object from the list in error, it got me out of a lot of trouble. Thanks. Tom.
  15. Thanks Ron for your kind words, I get a lot of pleasure in my twilight years making sequences like this one. Tom.
  16. Hi! Barry, I must agree with you 100%, I to have had to tolerate misguided comments in camera clubs, and this from those I once considered my peers, they seem to be the opinion that if a sequence doesn’t contain a story line with a beginning, middle and end, accompanied by narration explaining what’s going on, then you don’t have an A.V. I have for a long time admired your work and have produced a little show inspired and photographed from one of you favourite haunts… Haworth in Yorkshire. I have placed it with mediafire as I don’t have my own site, the link is below, please have a look, your comments would be appreciated. http://www.mediafire.com/?nzgvcytcczb Tom.
  17. Igor and the team, congratulations and thank you for a first rate package with V.5.5, your software has become a must have for the discerning A.V maker. I'm now looking foreword to your next project. Tom
  18. Hello yachtsman1, try this link to e-bay, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Acoustic-Energy-Aego...1QQcmdZViewItem Tom
  19. Barry, I have the same set-up from AE as you, I purchased them about two years ago on the recommendation of Maureen Albright. You are correct, they are superb, quality and power first rate and to crown it off, very portable. Tom.
  20. Nice one Barry. Tom
  21. Igor, You are a star; if you can reinstate this feature it would put the icing on the cake for me. Tom
  22. Gary, I have just tried the procedure I mentioned earlier and it worked a treat, I don't know why your version of windows wont allow you to make an association with Pte, Please follow my instructions with care and let me know how you got on. Tom
  23. Hi! Gary, It looks like you have come across a bug, as Pte doesn’t automatically produce a project Pte icon. In the mean time until this is corrected I have a work around: Go to the folder where you saved your project and Right click on the icon produced by windows for your project. Choose open with, (at this point you wont have a prog listed that will open this file). Choose browse, nav to programmes folder, choose wnsoft pictures to exe and open folder. Open folder 5.5 beta 9, Click on the file .apr, Then check the box (always use this prog to open this file) Hope this has been of some help as I myself experienced this small problem. Remember, if you open Pte First and nav to you project within, Pte will always open your project. Tom
  24. Lin, Does that mean any programmes you have installed can only access 3.2 gig of your total memory? Tom
  25. Thanks for the Quick reply David, you have confirmed what the shop said. I can only hope that Xp will perform with 4
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