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Everything posted by Antbrewer

  1. Hi Barry or perhaps Gday mate! Some ladies might take you bed Barry but I don't. I meet you for a coffee and a chat at your bungalow or at Chancellor Park Coffee Club when I am over there in Buderim but that's about it. I remember Eric and Ernie in bed together and nobody said anything then but nowadays............Hmmmm?? Also Barry Beckham Australian??? That too is amusing. Anthony
  2. Wow Maureen.......What a beauty! The stillness in both the music and the imagery is quite amazing. The stark grandeur of the landscape is shown so well. I loved it. You are back now. Good Anthony
  3. Just picked this up rather belatedly. Absolutely wonderful. A lot of work in this charming AV. Well done Jean. Happy New Year. Anthony
  4. Hi Barry, I have been reading these posts with interest following your initial AV of the Blue Mountains. Having been there with Carolyn when she lived in Sydney before she moved up to Buderim we spent a few days touring and stayed in a cabin in some small village. Even though we went walking along the trails deep in the forests I found it difficult to take a great variety of images. There was a sameness with so many of them. The area is so vast and my photographic ability didn't do justice to this part of Australia. However I do feel that your revised version Barry does such justice to this area with some super images. I have to say that I much prefer this later AV than the first. I really enjoyed this. So now you have three first class AVs of this trip and I have no doubt that there will be more to come . It is Barry isn't it?????? Anthony
  5. A must to download and watch. Anthony
  6. Igor, Many thanks. Three cheers for the forum? Anthony
  7. Thank you very much chaps. Simple when you know how? I have looked at the O&A window many times in the online help (which I must say is cracking) but never picked up on CTRL +A. for this. Thanks Anthony
  8. This isn't a bug but probably me just being rather dim. When I insert a new object beit text or an image whilst in the O&A window the new addition shows in the objects list on the right but not on a new timeline as I would expect. It just sits on the first initial timeline as with version 8 and previous. What have I missed or what am I doing wrong? Anthony
  9. This a must to view. Another wonderful sequence Anthony
  10. Igor, I am in total agreement with Barry on the his suggestion of being able to change the width of the audio line with the double headed arrow as is used elsewhere on the main screen. My tablet is very old but working well but it won't give me options to change for a scroll. Anthony
  11. DG, This is slightly ironic regarding the immediate above post a few minutes ago. I didn't SCROLL down far enough to see your new input. Sorry I will now investigate the new options. Anthony
  12. Hi DG, Please forgive me but I have looked with interest at the online help for your new input on the use of a Wacom but cannot find it. Is this in response to Barry's request regarding the adjustment of the audio line height? Anthony
  13. Hi Fersigo, Following our earlier contact this evening I couldn't come up with an answer to your issue in writing the AVI files. Though I have never wanted to do this before I tried writing the same and experiencing initially a similar result to you. I wondered if this was an intermittent bug so I tried various tests on earlier versions which I still have installed on my laptop. I have to admit in becoming rather confused at all the different results with different project files on different versions of PtE. Not very scientific at all. So I did some simple projects with 2 or 3 slides and it seems to be related to the saving of each project separately before trying to write in a different format, ie HD or AVI. Whether this is the correct answer I don't know? But it works now every time for me and will hopefully for you too. I am sure the clever chaps here on the forum will be able to give a concise explanation. Where did you get the impression that I was experienced??? Certainly not from me. Anthony
  14. Maureen Let me be the first to comment on your latest work. What a beautiful little cameo of a beautiful place. As always the images are clear crisp and sharp and match with most suitable music.. I thought your monochrome fades to colour were lovely. Sickening really. Oh well back to the drawing board. A super little piece. Well done. Anthony
  15. Igor, It is considerably faster on my system. Well done. Anthony
  16. Eric, I'm sorry to slightly raise your heckles in my response.(not my intention at all) . I was just pointing out that it is fun and exciting to explore the different icons and buttons and see what happens. I do this whatever software I'm using. Anthony BTW I only wish I was on any 'smart' list....but sadly I'm not.
  17. Eric, The 'grid ' option icon is on the main O&A window. It is on the top of the window next to the 'copy and cut' tools and not surprisingly the icon is a grid. It has always been there I believe. I have used it many times and I think it is in the right place. The other day you found for the first time the 'arrows' on the top right of the same window allowing to select the next slide etc. A little while ago you had an issue with the '3D' button. Come on Eric have a good look around the screen and explore all the options. There will always be different opinions as to where certain things might be placed but we do need to look at the window. Anthony
  18. Hi Dave, Thank you and very interesting. I am sure that I will be playing with these things in the not too distant future, They look fun. Anthony
  19. Hi John, Like yourself I had opened up the Image and border window a while ago and played with the settings and then turned it off. However in recent AV I have a very old 4:3 TV screen in one of the sequences, I wanted to put a 16:9 video clip into the screen to simulate a program. Opened up the 'image and border' box and in the Crop option I 'enabled crop' and selected 4:3 and inserted the video clip. Perfect. What the animation does.?.....I know not at the moment but it will come. I can see what canvas size does but as yet I don't see a need either. But I'm sure it will be useful for some. All good stuff as they say! Have fun playing. Anthony
  20. I've at last taken the plunge! I have put a link below via Mediafire for one of my AVs. A couple of years ago I was quite sick and lost interest and motivation in everything 'photography' and a lot else too. Then looking on the internet I came across the NASA site and this inspired me to think of PtE and what I could do with these pictures? Apart from half a dozen of my own pictures all the rest are low resolution images with all my own animation and my hazy and probably chemo induced ideas on the implosion of stars etc etc. 20MB. 1024 by 768 (apologies but it was before I moved to 16:9 format). Running time 6mins approx. Best viewed in darkened room ???? (It is Space after all!) Hope you enjoy it. http://www.mediafire...%20are%20we.exe Anthony
  21. DG Thank you very much indeed. That is brilliant. I looked everywhere or so I thought. I had never seen that option in the corner of the window. Really pleased. Anthony
  22. I cannot find any means of adjusting the audio level on an imported video clip in PtE. There seems to be just the 'mute' option in the 'Properties' tab in the O&A window. I appreciate that this might be asking the impossible but if there was a slider to vary the volume I think this would be brilliant. To obtain a balanced output of voice over the video clip is very difficult. Unless there is a way perhaps outside of PtE of accessing the 'codecs to do this. I have no understanding of video. Anthony
  23. To Igor and his team. Now I have managed to install the key I can only repeat the above comments on the final version of 8. I initially had a problem with the 'copy and paste' to input the key and for some very mysterious reason it would not validate but after manually typing the key it is now working. Igor took the time to personally offer his guidance to me. A very personal service. Thank you. A big ''well done' for a incredible product. Anthony
  24. Hi Igor, I am sorry to appear difficult but My key doesn't work. I believe that I am doing everything correctly. I copy the license key from the email I received. I clink on your link 'Pictures To Exe'. This takes me to the main site where I click 'Download ' Version 8 for windows. It all downloads as I would expect but when I paste my key and activate I am told it is an incorrect or damaged key. I am sure it is something I am doing wrong but what??? Anthony
  25. Igor, I am having difficulty downloading the new license just sent sent to me having just paid the $34. When I try and paste in the key and activate I get a message saying it is an invalid or incorrect key Thank you Anthony
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