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Everything posted by Antbrewer
This is so very odd.....to me at least. I have tried various other 'projects' of AVs done over the last few years... Some will open up in the slide list but some will not. ALL will open from the File list. I will close it down now and maybe in the morning sanity will prevail but I am at a complete loss at to what is going on. I cannot see any connection with the projects that work and those that fail to. It is all beyond me at the moment. Anthony
Dave, Yes all slides have ''Main object of slide'' ticked in the O&A window. I've never ever looked at that before but yes they all are ticked. This is a real mystery to me... I have never had this before. What else is there to check? I do appreciate your help. Anthony
I know the Ctrl W issue was raised recently but my query has only happened tonight and is slightly different. Using Ctrl W the images from the File list open in Photoshop as they should but not from the Slide list. When I select from the slide list Ctrl W will open photoshop (if not already running) but will not open the actual image. This problem is on my laptop with XP. Just checked the desktop with Windows 7 and that is fine. Any ideas? Anthony
Dave. I never gave a thought to the file association. I have just made sure I selected the PNG file to open in PS and now all works as it should. It was because it suddenly stopped opening in PS that it threw me somewhat. Perhaps it is my age after all! Anthony
Maybe it is my age or something else creeping up on me but I have a small query which is bugging me. I cannot open up PNG files into photoshop using the 'Ctrl W' action from PtE. I feel certain that I could do this only a few days ago but now when I want to amend or change a png file from the file list in PtE it will not open even though my jpegs open as normal. Is this a Pte problem or a Photoshop problem? I appreciate that I can open them from within photoshop but it is a little annoying to my work flow. Any ideas chaps. Anthony
Igor and all others, What a forum we have.......doesn't anyone sleep? No, they are all on the forum posting answers and comments. Thank you and I do look forward to the new 7.5 and it's features (now I'm back into doing AVs again.) Anthony
Hello Igor. Is it possible to have a line marker in the timeline indicating the end of one piece of music and the start of the next piece? I seem to think that this used to be incorporated in version 4.8 and maybe later versions but it appears to have been dropped in the present versions ie, 7. OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING THAT I SHOULD HAVE TICKED? For me when I have a number of different pieces of music and I add sound effects etc it can be very confusing to work out the length and timings. A visible marker would be most helpful. Anthony
Davy, It is 8.45 am and have just turned on and saw this post and downloaded your AV/ slideshow with background music/ whatever we might call it. Thoroughly enjoyed it...a very nice way to start the morning. Thank you Anthony
Maureen, As far as I am concerned and I guess most everyone else whether we call your presentation an A/V, a slide show with background music or any other type of presentation it matters not one iota. They are very enjoyable to watch with good photography and well put together. I look forward to your next A/V. Anthony
Just as a rider to the above post. I have tried the same routine on my laptop Windows XP SP3, PtE V7.0 Exactly the same limitations as I have on the desktop....All very strange it would seem compared to you guys and possibly everyone else...Heyho not to worry. Anthony
Bert, Wow! Some spectacle is that. Not something we would ever see here in the Midlands. Some really wonderful shots, all with inherent action and colour. A good punchy show. Thanks Anthony
Hello Dave and Peter, Dave...my system is Windows7 Home premium 64 bit...same as Peter's. Also PtE v 7.0 I have just retried the graphical editor and I have no change from my previous findings....ie that PtE will only open an image from PtE slide line with Ctrl W into my default program...(provided I have ticked the 'Default' button.)Selecting another program like 'Paint' with Crtl W has no effect.????? I haven't any other image programs such as elements installed. So I seem to be on my own on this one. As I said in the last post this isn't a problem for me as I use PS CS2 for everything. But what have I not ticked or set up to have this anomaly on my computer? It would be interesting to know so any further comments are gratefully received. Anyway thanks chaps for your replies and interest. Anthony
Colin DG and Peter, First of all I am glad that it is working as you want it to Colin. However I am a little mystified by my findings. I wasn't suggesting that we had to change any file associations only to have the program of our choice ie Photoshop to recogonise the file. I cannot do what DG can obviously do if I understand his post correctly. That is to have images from my desktop opening automatically in one program and have the Ctrl W funtion in PtE opening the image in another different program. This is even when selecting in the editor box ''use the following program'' option (and not the ''use default program'' option.) I have tried to replicate these actions to no avail. What I am finding is that this option of 'use the following program' if different from the default program doesn't work on my computer. Something is out of kilter somewhere on my system............Who knows? Just a thought while I'm perusing this post before sending it...Would I have to reboot the computer to effect any changes made? I'm not wishing to make a meal out of this but as I only want images from my desktop and PtE to open in Photoshop and that is what happens on my computer and has always been the case I am more than happy. Anthony
Hi Colin, Just noticed your post....... Can I ask if your images open up in Photoshop automatically when clicked on from the desktop? (ie, nothing to do with PtE) If not then this is the reason you cannot access Photoshop. One must set the file association of Jpegs to be recognised by Photoshop. Very easily addressed.... Rt click on any image and select 'Open with' On the drop down menu box select 'Default program' select in the new window 'Photoshop' and tick the small check box ''Always use this program to open this type of file'' Now all your images when open will do so in Photoshop. I apologise if you know and have done this but it may be the reason. I hope this helps.......maybe. Anthony
Hi Maureen, Wow..... A beautiful show. Thank you again for yet another. It is now 42 years since we were in Florence and this sort of advert really works. Your shows are always so fresh with such clarity...and the light...absolutely stunning. I agree with your thoughts on panning. Sometimes it is just like having a print moved from one side to the other and we gain nothing from it whereas if used judiciously (as you have) with slow movement it can work with great effect. Wonderful shots and very powerful with the music. Anthony
Hello Janet, May I say how much I enjoyed your first presentation. Very different but nontheless very engrossing. I have seen fractual art before and have wondered about dabbling myself. I have like Gregg been on your site and there is a lot there to see. Very inspiring.I love your 'self portrait' image. Thanks for showing this to us. Anthony
Charlie, Wonderful stuff. This would easily pass for a professional advertisement for the event. It does highlight the ability of PtE to produce a really smooth sequence. BTW it ran perfectly from my desktop with Windows 7. Well done. Anthony
Hello Derek, I would have thought that if your exe with video plays fine on youe PC then your card would be okay? As I said beyond this simple understanding of built in graphics and seperate ones is where my knowledge ends. I have no real knowledge of burning DVDs as I never use videobuilder. I'm sure you will receive the help and the answers you are looking for. Good luck. Anthony
Hello Derek, I cannot answer your query with lots of technical reasons as many on this forum will be able to but I can pass on to you some information that might be an answer to your ''jerkiness''. I have recently been given a new computer with Windows 7 built a friend.Everything fine. When I played one of my AVs (one with a lot of animation) it was a disaster. My friend thought that this jerkiness was the norm for PtE. The computer didn't have a seperate graphics card. All I understood was that PtE runs off the graphics card and not the CPU graphics. So we popped out , bought a good card, inserted it and 'wonderful playback' as I expected. When I had my laptop built by PC Specialist 5 yrs ago I insisted on a seperate card. Hope this may help as you may only have an integral grahics card in the motherboard. I imagine the bright boys reading this may recoil in horror at this simplistic post. But it worked for me. Good luck. Anthony
Hi Eric, Having read all posts on this AV I thought that I would download it (even at 86mg......I do recall your 20mg download limit a little while ago) Intially Norton didn't want to know and binned it saying that it was an unknown threat and very few Norton users had downloaded it etc etc. I have only recently come to having Norton on this new Windows 7 descktop that a friend of mine built for me and ditched AVG for Norton. Eventually I reclaimed this file and watched it. Very colourful and some nice shots. I do realise the point of the show having read your accompanying post and even though it was jerky on my set I feel that you will have fun (with perseverence) incorporating video and stills however controversial this is. The quick fire bursts do compete with video and this trial AV was a little show of many things not sitting as well together as they might, transtitions and timings etc. I thought the music was fine. I imagine that you are pleased with the result and you Eric being as industrious as you are in making AVs will soon have ironed out these little issues. Anthony
Hi Maureen, Just downloaded the Venice AV. I thought it was splendid. I haven't been there since my European hitch hiking days of 1970 and have always wanted to return. I will one day. I believe this might just be your first AV where one can pause and linger longer over the images? Thank you for that. Anthony
The best AV Ever. It's your call
Antbrewer replied to coopernatural's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
There have been so many really good AVs that have been put out on the forum over the few years I have been a member but one alone stands above the rest for me. I believe the 'author' was from Portugal and the name of the show was 'One day last August'. It was sometime before I got around to download it as it was something like 54mb but reading Lin Evans comment on how much he enjoyed prompted me to see it myself. The images were a mix of his own interspersed with old photos of grape treading and other archival ones. A tour de force of memories when he was a lad via a present day train journey. I would love to have it in my folder again so I think I might look for it now. Anthony -
Hello Igor, A splendid AV from the creator of this super software. A gentle sequence showing this wonderful part of our lovely country. So glad that you have had the opportunity to experience walking on the fells. And there is nothing wrong with your little camera. Anthony
Maureen,,,,,Wow ! What a wonderful AV. Stunning images sitting so well with the music. Audiovisual is such a super way of showing the beauty of this country of ours. I think we all want to be there to capture such images. Well done yet again. Anthony
Hi Barry, Well done yet again. Excellent AV/ tutorial. Thoroughly enjoyed it . Stunning photography. Opened on my PC. Anthony