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Everything posted by Antbrewer

  1. Re the 'music site' I tried to go on this morning and couldn't access the page... Will try again but doesn't look too promising at the moment. Anthony
  2. Hello Maureen, I download all your shows and though I do not respond here to all I do enjoy them. This is no exception in an AV really well done. The savage and haunting beauty of this desolate landscape photographed wonderfully with a complimentary soundtrack. Inspite of all the new frills and facilties that the software provides it just shows that a 'straight forward' show competently handled can still be as good as any. Thanks for showing it.
  3. I might follow you Peter over the next couple of days. Anthony
  4. My two pennyworth. I don't pretend to understand much of what has written about over the last few posts about 'invalid characters' etc but why is AVG picking up old exe files that haven't changed name and treating these as trojans etc?.They played perfectly well previously and for me it is only since V2012 that this has started. Sorry if this question is obvious to the learned bunch. Anthony
  5. Ken, I have no doubt that you are doing everything that you can with the other moderators etc and Igor and his team to resolve this. I thank you. Anthony
  6. I have just come online and picked up yesterday and todays posts. This has to be sorted before we reputations are ruined. Hopefully as a moderator Peter contacting Igor might have some push as I have no doubt Igor has more sway over AVG as any individual or group may have. When I contacted them in early November prior to so many others having problems it was quite obvious that the representative that I dealt with had no real understanding of what I was talking about. Ken, I appreciate that you want as much info supplied from each member as possible but surely with the overview (regarding differing versions of both AVG data base and PtE etc ) that so many have written about there must be enough information for AVG to rectify this nonsense. My situation is the same as Jill's and others. Now I have no intention of using PtE for anything serious in the immediate future until I can be sure of the safety of my files. Anthony
  7. Good morning Ksenya and Ken, As I started this thread back in November I can say the issues I've had with AVG relate to PtE exe files from different versions I have created over the last few years. Most recent exe files I have made were with Version 6.5. I have not made any yet with Version 7. AVG has picked up as trojans many of the older exe AVs as well as new ones that I have uploaded made with Version 7 , eg, Barry's Dawn AV the other day. I have always been able to play any exe files of mine with no warnings or threats and it would appear to me that this trouble has only started since downloading AVG 2012....... Whether that is the case for others I cannot say but suspect it may well be. I hope this input is of some help if you are endeavouring to sort it out with AVG. Good luck Anthony
  8. Ken, Re re update. Decided to do a full scan since the last post 30mins ago. NOW avg has picked up Barry's AV Dawn as a trojan and dumped it in the virus vault. I am at a loss.......I then played the 'Skye light' AV by lakelandlass which I downloaded last night from Beechbrook Cottage and that plays fine. I am glad that I am not the only one pulling the few remaing hairs out on my head but I am close to dumping AVG if there seems no visible end to this. Anthony
  9. Ken, Free AVG. Just updated. We have identical version and data base as yours at 9.10 am UK time, and then replyed the Dawn sequence with no threats. Very very strange it would seem. Anthony
  10. Barry, I have just watched your show with no threat warnings at all. Thoroughly enjoyed it and spot on with the music. As if you are in league with Richard Goldsworthy? But I do feel that Ken has a point in his post above and I quote from an ealier post of mine while I was I Buderim about 10 days ago...... Quote ''This cannot be doing either company any good at all with so many people worldwide who have never looked or even heard of this forum (and hence all the concerned dialogue on this subject) and use both PtE and AVG. This must be effecting them with presumably their changing one or both progams. I understand that Igor has been in contact with AVG over this but I would have thought (in my 'simple' way) that all AVG would have to do would be to put out a new overriding update to eliminate the previous rogue updates that we have all received causing this chaos. No doubt I will be told by learned people that it isn't this simple etc etc. But in the meantime?????????'' I have yet to play this AV on my main computer which is still making AVG threats on PtE files. All very annoying. Anthony
  11. I have just downloaded Barry's new AV 'Dawn' and it played straight through with no threat warnings from my free AVG on the laptop. I will try it on my desktop later which is the paid version and await results as last night that version blocked a couple of Exe files again much to my annoyance. Clearly not resolved yet. Anthony
  12. I am now back home in a very cold and wet UK sitting at my laptop. I have just run a full scan and update.(The same data as Ken has posted this morning.) NO trojans or any threats picked up during scan and I have played two short Exe files with nothing untoward..... Still a little cautious but certainly a very good home coming at this stage. Fingers crossed. Anthony
  13. Hello Peter, Is it a little presumptious to hope that this might be the start of AVG getting back to normal? I will be checking both my laptop and desktop on wedesday UK time with optimism. Anthony
  14. It was over a month ago, Nov 2nd actually that I put up the first post on AVG upsetting my exe files on my desktop semi believing it was down to my settings on the recent upgrade to 2012. Initially some responded that it might be just that but very soon this wretched situation started to spread and here we are well into December and no obvious resolution to this problem. This cannot be doing either company any good at all with so many people worldwide who have never looked or even heard of this forum (and hence all the concerned dialogue on this subject) and use both PtE and AVG. This must be effecting them with presumably their changing one or both progams. I understand that Igor has been in contact with AVG over this but I would have thought (in my 'simple' way) that all AVG would have to do would be to put out a new overriding update to eliminate the previous rogue updates that we have all received causing this chaos. No doubt I will be told by learned people that it isn't this simple etc etc. But in the meantime????????? I am still in Australia and return next week to the UK still with the hope that all will well by then..............? Anthony Ps. Eric I think that Colin has AVG from his earlier post.
  15. Me again DG, Just an update on my last post,the friend I mentioned who rang this morning with this Trojan horse found later this afternoon that it was a copy of an AV I gave a few months ago. The same AV exe file that I have lost with others as well. To my 'simple' reasoning this would confirm that this is down to AVG and the lastest updates assuming that the perfectly harmless PtE exe files are infected. I'm off to Aussie in a few days so hopefully by my return this will have been sorted out. I have great faith in Igor....and his team. Anthony Peter I have just seen your reply. Thank you. I have both the paid version and the free one. Exactly the same data base as yours also and both my versions are problematical. I don't feel it can be my computer because of the trouble my friend is experiencing.
  16. DG Thank you for your response. It is a comfort to know that other's are having problems too( in the nicest of ways) But should I be worried and what should I do? I have just run a full scan on the laptop and picked up 16 trojan B.........horses. I than recreated an AV from a project file and gave a different name (I'll try anything!) and went to play it and it was wiped out in a flash. Any advice would be very gratefuly received. Anthony
  17. Sadly this wretched AVG problem has not been resolved. I am now having all my AVs treated as a potential threat on both the laptop and the desktop. Each time I try to play a sequence the warning window appears and orders a shutdown and states that the threat will be put into the virus vault. Everything is now considered a trojan horse. A friend of mine this morning rang me to say one of his documents was blocked in the same way by his AVG. He was very worried as he knows even less than I do re computers. Anyone else out there experiencing this nonsense and frustrations? Anthony
  18. Hi Robert, I'm off to (very)sunny Australia next week (And I will also be seeing our Barry as my daughter lives 5 mins from him and Carol)so I will leave my decision whether to change from AVG to another system till my return. I hear good things from friends about MS Essentials so that would be my choice at this stage. Hopefully AVG will sort this out with their later updates which appear to be the cause of these annoyances. Anthony
  19. Hi Ken, Yes I too had updated yesterday and had to reboot. Annoyingly after an AV sequence starting it was dumped in the vault. This morning I updated again and all appears ''better??????''. John (Big Kev), Sorry to hear that you too are experiencing these problems. Thought it was only me. My issues appear to be with the Identity protection settings in the 'Advanced settings' menu found under 'tools'. I would be interested to hear how you are dealing with this. Is yours Free AVG or Licenced? My Free AVG on the laptop top is fine it is just the paid version on the desktop giving me issues. I'm actually paying for this hassle. Anthony
  20. Igor, Thank you for coming back on this issue. I only ever use the PtE icons so that cannot be the problem. And yes I spoke too soon as it is still happening after having scanned thoroughly 3 times over the last two days. Updated before and after each scan. Very annoying that I have to stop each play of the exe within 10 secs to cancel out this warning message. Anthony
  21. Hello Peter, The main difference between the paid and free versions seems to me the inclusion of the Firewall. There are probably other differences but I've no idea what they are. I have been at the computer for a rather long time this afternoon trying to sort this annoying issue out. I resorted to going on the 'chat line' to AVG and had to wait as I was 32nd in line. Eventually I had a text dialogue with a 'Marco' fellow who was very patient with me and took me through umpteen settings on the firewall and Identity protection areas.Even though I didn't feel at the time that I had done all that he had suggested we put a few exceptions in the settings and with all my fingers crossed it does appear to be working now without the frustrating warning windows of threats that aren't. I have run through the start of many of my old AVs and nothing. I hope I am not speaking too soon. Thank you guys for your comments. I feel I have learnt quite a bit about AVG today. Anthony
  22. DG, Yes the free AVG on the laptop is exactly the same version and database.. 2092/4591...Strange???? Anthony
  23. Thanks for all your comments, I had updated first thing today before this happened and have updated since and rebooted and still the warning against any Exe file I play still appears. On the remotest offchance that the new firewall settings I applied last night had a part to play I turned that off and that made no difference ( I knew that wouldn't ). On my laptop where I have the 2012 Free Avg I have no problems playing my exe files. A little puzzling to say the least but very annoying that I seem to have 'lost' the first AV I played this morning. Anthony
  24. I know that this subject has been on the forum many times. Barry aired it recently with an Avast problem. I have just upgraded my licenced AVG to 2012 version and after an issue with the firewall not working which I have now resolved I thought all would be fine. However on playing my Exe AVs (all created on previous versions than V 7) I receive an AVG warning window of a threat giving me the option to have it quarrantined for further decision or allow. The first time this happened it I selected the wrong option and now I cannot locate the Exe file in the vault (where I assumed it would go) or anywhere else. I appear to have have lost the file completely. I have in the Resident Shield all my such files earmarked to be allowed to play and not scanned. Is this a fault of my settings or is it AVG being too cautious. Help would be most welcome Anthony
  25. Well well well Ken...Thank you for that info, and I thought I was being clever finding it under 'Tools'. Anthony
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