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Everything posted by Antbrewer
Hi Nobeefstu, I ever knew there was any way with PtE to do that. We live and learn. Certainly the way I described does work for XP and Vista and hopefully 7 if MS haven't changed things. Anthony
Hello Jim, Unless there is a change with Windows 7 (being a new OP) the simple way to ensure any image to open in the program of your choice ie, Photoshop is to Right click on any image ( not in PTE at the moment) and choose from the drop down menue 'Open with'. Then select 'Choose program' at the bottom which opens another option box called 'open with'. In this box select the program you want your images to open with in your case Photoshop and then (this is important) tick the little box at the bottom that says'''always use the selected program to open up this kind of file''' You should find that when in PtE the crl and W will open the image into photoshop. Anthony
Hi Peter My thoughts relate (only slightly)to a post of mine a few days ago when I asked about the new icon as opposed to the charming previous one. I cannot begin to answer your query but would only ask Igor why has he changed to a 'cold' impersonal looking icon more akin to PSG. We have a new and pleasant 'project' icon so why not something similar for the 'Exe' file. This would be one of Igor's smallest tasks I'm sure. Anthony (Hopefully)
Mauren, 'WOW' What an enchanting AV. Every image puuled me up to the lakes to start walking and clicking but I'll have to wait till next year. All the previous comments are spot on but may I just add one little point. Please please let us enjoy the pictures for a little longer. For me the next image came too soon.These are pictures to linger on. Wonderful Anthony
Thank you for your reply. I don't think I will try your suggestions as my brain at the moment will not stretch that far. So we will live with the new one even though it doesn't have the charm of the original. Ne'er mind Anthony
A very simple question. When creating a show is the new EXE icon, (the blue square and arrow) permanent or do we somehow have the choice of retaining the delightful old one with the musical note contained? Anthony
Hello Igor and your team. I think all the repsonses of your announcement speak for themselves for your proposals on the next version. They are massive leaps forward and I believe we should all wait patiently to see just how these will present and work in the forthcoming beta versions. I for one will welcome the sound implementation as I feel this will truly help keep the software at the leading edge of today's market. Yours eagerly awaiting Anthony
Hello John, Your comments and thoughts are not new on the subject of borders.. It depends on how we work for how easy or inconvenient any one method might be for each of us. For my own part... If I remember or decide at the processing stage where I do all my pre PtE image work which for me (and I guess most of us?) is in Photoshop or Elements or PSP I will put a 2 pixel white border stroke around each image at the time when I examine and resize, crop etc etc each image. If however I decide to add the border in PtE I tend to follow good old Barry Beckham's method (though he might well have developed a new one by now being the idustrious fellow he is.) Again start by creating a PNG white border (same size as images...eg 1024 x 768 whatever)in the image editing program. Then for each image using the Object and Animation window and paste onto each image the png border and click on top Rt arrow to move to next image in sequence. Seems harder and more tedious to explain than to actually do. Always easier to do at the processing stage though in my opinion. I would not doubt there are other methods out there. Anthony
Maureen, I have at last downloaded your 'Scottish October' and have enjoyed the gentle beauty so much. Thank you for sharing the lovely imagery with us with such peaceful and appropriate music. Sadly my health problems may not be resolved until the start of next summer when I will definitely be on my way back to the mountains of Scotland and hopefully capturing the landscape towards an AV or two. Thank you. Anthony
Always learning. Anthony
Just picked up on this thread. I haven't had an occasion yet to animate with the centre point moved to 'off centre'. So I thought I would just try and yes it moves with the expected result. However it does this with the tool box option 'ignore objects not selected' ticked or unticked. Should this be the case considering both Lin's and Peter's advice to Laszlo? This is really just an academic point at the moment but all part of the great and imfamous learning curve. Anthony
Hi Seven , I good friend of mine Fersigo posted a similar issue on the forum on the 07 10 09. He had some results with the advice given by some members here. I believe Direct X came into the equation with certain 'drivers' as well. I think he changed some advanced options settings in the View menu in PTE. Might be worth looking at the posts. Good luck Anthony
I have recently download V6 and having just run a scan with AVG 9 it has picked up numerous PtE files with the description''the file is signed with a broken digital signature'' This isn't noted as a threat and all files work fine within PtE. Is this significant or is AVG just picking up odd things it may not recognise? Has anyone out there any thoughts. Anthony
Hello Ron, You may remember me from a long time ago where you gave me advice on auto-run CDs. Strangely enough this very problem of saturated ink tanks on the 1290 came up this week with a pal mine. I've looked at your links and the associated guide to installing the external waste tanks and as it says 'it is not for the faint hearted'. These days I do very little printing and though I'm sure my tanks must be fairly full I will await the flashing lights before embarking on this. But thank you for this very useful info. I will use it when the need arises. Anthony
Hi Eric, With so many variables on any computer it isn't surprising there are differences. Glad you do not seem to have the problem that some of us have had. Anthony
Benny, A charming little cameo. But as Peter said the music ended too quickly. Thank you Anthony
Hi JRR, Glad that your files open much faster now. I have also made the same adjustments with AVG on my laptop two months age and all is well there. Anthony
Hi, This is in response to the post from JRR yesterday. I too noticed a totally unacceptable delay in opening the Exe files since upgrading to AVG 8.5( which is such a big beast). So my solution to this annoying delay was to select the 'Resident Shield' in the AVG window... select 'Manage exceptions' and put into the 'directory excludes' box all the 'exe' files and certain other files from the desktop from where I normally locate them. This now allows them to open up as they used to, ie, very fast. In my understanding, these files are not likely to be corrupted as they are exe files and therefore do not require the AVG attention in opening???? however I semi expect someone to tell me that I am totally wrong and run the risk of the computer exploding. But for the last couple of months everything has run perfectly. Anthony
Hi Eric, I totally agree with DaveG regarding the scrolling of the title,from the bottom of the screen upwards as we all tend to read this way. Perhaps it is me being a little dim but I do not fully understand the significance of the title/question relative to the images. However I thoroughly enjoyed the land and seascapes as Scotland is a place I have visited so many many times.The music sits very well the the sequence. Thank you. Anthony
Hi What a delight. A lovely fresh and summery show. Some super photography. Yes it did jump in a couple of places as Moturn mentioned but thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it with us. Anthony
This subject alwas opens up a large can of worms. Isn't that the beauty of a forum? In this case even straying into 'latin' !!! I would consider myself an average + user of PtE. I have a reasonable understanding and command of most of the many and increasing functions but like Peter and some others for my use and style of AVs I do not need many of them. However the facility for audio adjustment (not editing) within PtE seems to me a logical addition. As has been said by many we will have a similar control over the audio imput as we do over the image input in the program. There is one facility which I feel would be very useful if possble. That is a short cut to the editing program, in the way we use Ctrl and W to take a selected image into Photoshop etc . If one could highlight the track required in the Music options box ...( or even on the wave form ) hit the short cut keys and be taken straight into 'Audacity' etc . Is someone out there going to tell me now that this is already a function? Anyway there is no doubt that Igor and his merry men have their work cut out to continue to produce one of the smoothest software programs available. Anthony
Hi Dave, Have you tried to reset the 'opening sequence '. ie, Rt click on any image, select 'Open with', then from drop down menu select 'Choose program' and then select PS and make sure the little box 'Always use this program to open this file' is ticked This should do the trick. But I guess you may have already done this. Anthony
Hi Lakelandlass, I adore Mull and would love to see the slideshow but I cannot see any link. Am I missing something? Anthony
Beware.............Personal message. 'Please Help' It is a scam. I too have had it. Anthony
Print Screen doesn't work in Objects and Animations
Antbrewer replied to Ed Overstreet's topic in General Discussion
This is a fun way to spend Sunday morning! I often use 'Prt Scr' for the same reasons as Ed, ie, for tutorial pages etc but have always used word. No problem whatsoever. I am finding that I too cannot 'Print screen' of the O&A window into any CS version (1,2,or 3) . The main PTE window comes up but not the O&A.?????? Anthony Peter's comment 'p,i,t,a,' and DaveG's desire to 'PURGE ALL' is a little drastic so early in the morning so I will continue with word documents! No pain at all.