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Everything posted by dechols

  1. Jonathan, Does it have to be on the DVD format? You can create the EXE file and save it to a jump drive or comething that could be used on another computer. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think burning the DVD will be difficult (not impossible) on another computer. You would probably need to use an external hard drive to help with the images. Dennis
  2. Bingo!!! Thanks Yachtsman1 and Tom. My D:\ drive (petitioned HD) only had 11 GB I move some files and had 23 GB's and all seemed to go well. Thanks again. Dennis
  3. Tom, I will have to check the PTE version. It's on another computer. The DVD is an internal one and I have burned dvd's with this one in the past. After I complete the title page and go to the next screen, that's when it locks up. I can't even go to task manager to delete the unstable programs to keep the computer alive. Thanks for the reply. Dennis
  4. I have used the video builder every since it came out. Now when I try to make a video (DVD) from my last wedding, the dvd builder locks down and causes the computer to lock up. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks, Dennis
  5. I remember in some earlier versions, there was an option that would allow the dvd to "autostart" the slide show when it was inserted in the player. Is that feature still available? If so where? Thanks, Dennis
  6. Thanks Dave!! That's it.
  7. I have added the file names in the bottom of each image during the slide show but NOW I can't remember how. I'm assuming it has changed through the years and newer versions?? (using 5.1) Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Thanks Lin. I appreciate the link. I will give this a try tomorrow.
  9. Lin, I’m sorry if I offended you or any one else on this forum. IF I could create a slide show as fast as you I would not have any issues at all. I’m just asking/stating that I would like to see an automated option available for some of us who are less gifted. The application I had in my mind as I made this request would be applicable to many high school seniors. I do not want to create a piece of art, I just want to give them a disk that they can use to show their pictures and make print orders from. I have more comfort knowing they will not be taking the disk to a local retailer to have prints made. I offer DVD’s in some of my wedding packages. And I do spend more time with these presentations because I want the DVD to be used as an artistic media showcasing a special time the new couples lives. Weddings are filled with emotions and anxiety and it gives me satisfaction when clients can feel this in a presentation. Hopefully some will understand what I’m trying to say. Thanks
  10. Mark, I hear you. I am a professional photographer who spends too much time already with post processing and I'm very concerned about the extra time needed with this software. I have been using P2E for nearly 5 years and I learned about this program at a professional photographers convention. I know this was the BEST program available to do presentations a few years ago. Now that technology has progressed, I'm concerned that others have caught up or maybe passed with certain features. I'm not trying to create an art piece, I'm just trying to present my photographic art in the most cost effective, but with the latest technology that's available here. I know some of the most talented and nicest guys in this field are on this forum and I don't want to make them mad, but I'm very limited with my hours each day and I don't need to be waisting them in front of the computer.
  11. I know you guy's must be on the right track. Although I've been using PTE for 4-5 years I am still a novice. I just use it for special occasions. This Christmas project I'm hoping to have ready is about our families Christmas for the past 30 years. I lost my sister to cancer in July, and I know this dvd is sad but I'm hoping it will help us to look ahead. I live in the USA (Georgia). Thanks again for all your help. I'm running out of time because I have to leave in about an hour to see other family and want be back here until late. I may have to show one of the DVD's that work and re-burn the gifts at a later date. Merry Christmas, Dennis
  12. If I take the original DVD that I burned through WnSoft Video Builder it operates fine on my TV. But if I take this same dvd and copy it using the Sonic software these copies don't work. Please forgive me if this sounds repetetive but after checking out your links I still don't understand how it works from Video Builder and not after being copied again using copying software for dvd's.
  13. I just burned 10 DVD's (using Sonic after creating a master dvd) and all of these will not play on the dvd. I get this message on the TV screan, "Playing this disk prohibited by area limits". Any ideas?
  14. Donna, Can you tell if the program is mapped to read the right drive? Do you have dual DVD's or one DVD burner and one CD burner? Dennis
  15. Why is it that after I have all transitions perfect on the computer and burn the DVD the speeds transition at a different rate? The overall timeline is not affected but when I have a slow transition it reproduces faster on the DVD. Thanks, Dennis
  16. I know this is probably a stupid question, but I have 10 DVD's to burn for Christmas presents. I have tweeked this presentation for about 2 months and every time I burn a DVD something is different. Either the music is ending too soon or the dvd just hangs up in the middle of the program. Last night I made one DVD that is 99.8% OK. I've burned a couple today that are not OK. IF I ever get a DVD that looks like I want, can I copy them with success using the Sonic software? I only have 10 (printable) DVD's to use that have their pictures already printed on them. I've got to make sure the final product is going to work. Thanks, Dennis
  17. ThanksColin. This has been bugging me for 2-3 years. I wished I had asked you long ago. Dennis
  18. How can I start he music for a certain time before the first slide starts in the show?
  19. Do I have to start over on this project? I have downloaded this file and deleted the old programs, but it still doing the same thing. Dennis
  20. Thanks soooo much for the speedy response. I'll start downloading right now. I hope you and all loved ones have a Merry Christmas. Dennis
  21. When was this released. I think I have 5.10 and I downloaded this about two weeks ago. I know the file name "apr-deluxe_bata.zip" is the same file name I downloaded.
  22. I have a slide show put together that's 14:09 minutes long. I have four songs in this program. I want the last show to fade in slowly and end with the song. I have about 15 second as a transition now. It looks fine when I preview and view with timeline but after I burn a DVD the last slide hardly gets loaded before the music quits. If the music would finish on it's last note all would be well but it isn't. Any suggestions? Thanks
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