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Everything posted by Henri.R
Hi Geoffrey, Ask some betatesting from Igor and do a try-out with your VMWare Fusion.. I'm very curious to your experiences because (on my iMac) Parallels didn't use the graphical card in the right way; that's the reason I use Bootcamp to obtain a real Windows Intel-computer. regards, Henri.
Hi Leona, Igor is working on this.. regards, Henri.
Hi John, It's a good thing to hear about your success! In the meantime we are doing some betatesting for Igor with a Mac version of the famous 'exe file'... I tried the first version today and I can tell you it is amazing On my iMac I see a PtE quality I've never seen before... Of course there are still some wishes, for instance it is necessary (for now) to use exe files made with PtE v.5.6, but Igor is working on some forthcoming issues. It's amazing what this man can accomplish and I wrote him of course to be very grateful. It seems that Mac users are not isolated anymore!! Next goal for me now is to visit an Applestore with a nice usb-stick and ask them to show one of my Mac-exe shows on the new Macbooks , without using Bootcamp and Windows.. regards, Henri.
Hi Igor, with pleasure.. iMac, Leopard 1.5 Intel Core 2 Duo 2,66 ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro By the way, this is the Mac I use with Bootcamp for composing my PtE slideshows, not the computer I take with me for projection; in the near future I'll need a Macbook, of which I don't know exactly the performance of the new NVidia videocard regarding slideshows... regards, Henri.
Hi Ken, You still are remarkable in finding resources, thanks a lot. And by the way, maybe you better should adore your brother and his Mac instead of ignore him and John, according to MacWorld there is a possibilty that the new OS, Snowleopard, will be launched at June 8... But I think there is no need for waiting as the existing OS is so very good. I don't think the newest is always the best and I am convinced that in general we can use our gear much longer than we are told! I like to thank everybody for his encouraging and advising regarding this topic. 'His?' Yes, I'm afraid this is still a men's world; however, in our Photoclub we now have about 40% female members and that was 10 % in the eighties regards, Henri.
John, I'm afraid that explaining the benefits of the Mac will be a little off topic here; but let me tell you that I used Apple computers from 1979-2000. In that year I decided to switch to Windows because almost every one in my photoclub had a PC. One year ago I decided to switch back because of the ongoing trouble with the Windows operating system: the crashes, the viruses, the (in the meantime known) difficulties with Vista etc. Now I'm back on a platform with no viruses, no crashes from the moment I bought this iMac, a very, very solid professional operatingsystem and a beautiful design! And I assure you, I'm a independent tv-producer with no financial interests whatsoever with Apple.. In short, I'm driving a Rolls again... And PtE is the only application I need Windows for.. But don't forget: all this is a very personal matter. I don't know what country you live in but I suggest you to visit an Applestore and just try out one of the computers displayed there; you can't destroy anything in that system.. regards, Henri. Sorry John, I see you live in Scotland. I'm sure there are some good Applestores and/or resellers..
Hi Yachtsman1, Some time ago I had the same problem. After weeks of despair and research it seemed that the flow supplies in that particular building were to blame.. regards, Henri.
Geoffrey, You wrote "It does seem a little strange that THE platform designed and developed for graphics use is left bereft of such a fine tool as PTE for the display of images!?! You're quite right here; great graphical applications like Photoshop were originally developed for the Mac in the nineties, not to mention productions like Starwars, made with Macs... and it's amazing that apps for Windows like PtE, Wings and M-objects, to mention some, doesn't exist for the Apple platform. Let's hope that someday Igor and his team have some spare time to make this splendid PtE suitable for Macintosh; moreover, I'm willing to pay some extra euro's to see PtE running with a Leopard.. In the meantime, I use Bootcamp with XP sp2 (works better than Parallels or Fusion, because of not using the graphical card in the right way?); great disadvantage of course is the risk of viruses, spyware etc. And of course, using 2 platforms is a bit more complicated, but that for me personally, is just one more challenge to keep my brains in good shape... And then, it's a pleasure to create a show with Pictures to Exe.. regards, Henri.
Thank you Brian, I'll study this carefully.. And Ken, I like that "smarty pants dealer' Regards, Henri.
John and Ken, thanks for your reactions. John, maybe you know what they say: the best Windows computer is a Mac? And I indeed asked some Apple premiumresellers here in the Netherlands to demonstrate the Macbook with Bootcamp and Windows to test the graphic capacity, but then they laughed and said: here in my store no Windows! Rather stupid; as far as I know the premium goal for a premium reseller is to sell Apple machines... Ken, thanks for your tip regarding Tom Mendenhall, I'll do that. Regards, Henri.
I'm using a (Intel) iMac with Bootcamp to produce my PtE-shows (with version 5.6) and that is a good combo. The iMac has 4 Gb of memory and a ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro card. The Macbooks is another story: only the Macbook Pro had a separate graphics card but unfortunately the Pro is much too expensive for my budget.... The Macbooks had shared cards and we all know that's no good solution for AV-shows. But recently I saw some specs of the new Macbook with a new type NVidia card (GeForce 9400M) with sharing in a new and different way. Can anybody tell me about using PtE on the new Macbook with Bootcamp(not the Pro). Henri.
Hello Dom, From a professional point of view and as an amateur(yes, I'm both) I'm convinced that for me there's just one type of camera and that is the camera that feels like it's made for me personally! A camera for a photographer is a handtool in the same sense as a hammer is for a carpenter. A genuine craftsman chooses the instrument that suites him /her... And that depends on emotion (how does it feel), on experience( feels this camera like a part of myself) and on knowledge of the metier! Be assured that if for instance I have to choose from 25 reflexes maybe only 2 or 3 have that feeling I'm looking for. So the camera that suites you is a strictly personal matter and as a consequence very, very subjective; everybody has to made a choice for him/her self and that can be a compact, bridge or reflex... However, in my opinion most of the time it will be a camera with some sturdiness to be prepared for rough circumstances and of course capable to shoot pictures with the quality you demand for your slideshows! But fortunately technical bad camera's are nowadays an exception. I wish you a lot of happiness with your new camera! regards, Henri.
Peter, many thanks for your helpful advice. Henri.
Hi Jeff, I came across the same problem and got some very useful answers from Peter, Brian and others, so I may suggest to look at my question about the scrolling text riddle of 9th april 2008. regards, Henri
Hallo Cor, I'll wait for your answer to Brian's remarks. Maar in ieder geval bedankt voor de moeite die je altijd doet voor ons, fantastisch... Henri.
Hello Peter, you're quite right, I always and only saw the button 'Create' and there is no 'save as' option. 'Create slideshow as' is the way to go. Thanks, one's never to old to learn... regards, Henri.
Hello Colin, I know of your problem with saving and/or making an exe file. When you make and consequently save a new exe file, PtE is looking for the folder you used the last time and then overwrites the existing last file, using the same name! I think the problem here is that for making and saving the exe file there is no possibility to choose 'Save as'!! I have a workaround now by placing the first exe file immediately in a new folder with a different name; however I may suggest that Igor provides a neat 'Save as' command for making and saving exe files... regards. Henri.
Thank you Brian, thanks a lot. Life looks really better with a forum like this..... Henri.
Brian, your correction is quite right; of course I still very much appreciate your efforts... and Cor, thanks for the link, but I really do know this conversions. It's just annoying to do every time when reading technical articles... regards, Henri.
Hi Brian, thanks for a brilliant idea and the possibilty to share. I only have one remark: we don't work(or think in, for that matter) with inches, but we use centimeters. So for us here in the rest of the EC it's a bit awkward to work with... regards, Henri.
Hi Dave, I've got your message, many thanks. Apart from that we've to realize that the size of our pictures is changing again and again. For instance, using a 1024*768 projector at present I have to make 2048*1536 for a zoom effect, Peter mentioned that earlier in this thread. In the nearby future this will be 4096*3072 or more so undoubtedly we need more powerful computing not only in the graphics card but in our laptops as well. What I'm trying to say is that in the digital world we apparently must be prepared to change our gear much quicker than in the past where we had a Leitz or Zeiss projector for 25 years or more! And here comes in the list I asked for; namely to make an inventory of the things we must change so we have a possibilty to calculate more or less what we need in $$, €€, ££ etc. And that again is on top of the price payed for a new projector..... Henri.
You know, Judy, somewhere in this world lives a king, named 'business' and his queen is named 'progress'! I don't know where he lives, but he is alive and well, that's for sure... When he thinks it's time he says: 'and now, my people, you change your LP in a CD and then your CD in a DVD, and now in a Blue Ray and now you use for projecting your P2E shows a projector with 1900x1050 resolution!' And then I have to say: 'yes, my king' and then I have just one question: do I have to change my equipment again or not!! Henri.
Dave said: 'ACTUAL PIXELS is what I want'; and again I have to agree with him. Starting this thread I asked: "Recently Igor told us about his new digital Epson projector; resolution 1980x1050, (the new so called HD format). Can anyone tell me what obtaining a device like this,except the picture improvement of course, will mean for our workflow" The big question left for me, after reading all your arguments and the difficulties you described, is now: Why did Igor for his P2E shows buy a 1900*1050 projector? I hope he's reading this and can give us the ultimate answer... Henri.
Dave and Brian, I agree with Dave in this matter. But what we really need I think is a (comprehensive?) list of things to do and to change. If this 1980x1050 and/or HD thing really is our nearby future don't you think we must be prepared? Maybe that somebody already working with this stuff can tell us about his/her workflow and equipment. Of course all this doesn't mean that we must change: obviously every one working happy now must stay happy! Thanks, Henri.
Recently Igor told us about his new digital Epson projector; resolution 1980x1050, (the new so called HD format?). Can anyone tell me what obtaining a device like this,except the picture improvement of course, will mean for our workflow, for instance size and resolution of pictures (panning and zooms included), but also for our equipment regarding monitor, size of harddisks and last but least, do I also have to trade in my laptop for a machine with 1980x1050 screen.? Etc. etc. Henri.