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Bob Brant

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Everything posted by Bob Brant

  1. Thanks Dave, that worked! Now I have another question that I should have asked last time. What happened to the place to enter a photo on the opening page of the slideshow? It used to be on the Main tab of Project Options? Now a Title of Slideshow screen comes up, but here again where do you go to fill it in?
  2. I just upgraded to ver 7.0 from 5.6 and when I went to make my first show I wanted to use my logo on the files and it wasn't finding it. My logo is a 4 layer PSD file in Photoshop CS5 and my understanding is that it must be a .gif file; is that so? When I tried to save the file as a .gif it ended up giving a large white block behind the logo which blocked up a lot of the image. How should I be creating the watermark for the files, and where to save it? All help appreciated.
  3. I recently upgrade to V5.1 and can't find any way to remove Comments from my slide show. When my clients see their initial slide show it has a copyright symbol on it as well as the Picture Number. If they wish to purchase a show, I removed the Copyright Symbol and the Print name and all they got was a straight through show with no controls etc. As I remember there was a button, Remove All Comments, and you got a clean show. What do you do now?
  4. I Just purchased a new PC and will be buying P2E for the new computer, but I also want my old one to be upgraded to match. I understand that upgrades are free but I've never upgraded; how is it done? I've looked and can't find any Program Keys/License numbers etc for my present program, or aren't they needed? My present version is 4.31.
  5. I just downloaded the trial version of 5.1 to my new PC and can't find where you set the file name to show as a comment. On my old PC I have version 4.31 and under the Comments section it lists "Set comments for all slides as:" and I chose Picture Name. I don't see that option in version 5.1 unless it's hidden under some other option. Is it still available or do I have to customize each print with a file name? I don't want to have to do that as it would be a lot of extra work.
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