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Everything posted by susiesdad

  1. I have now tried comparison runs and can find no difference in performance between the PC version run with 'Wine' and the Mac version uploaded by the author. Alan
  2. I did not convert the files I just ran them so there was no file change. They appear to perform just as expected by the authors. I will try a comparison where some shows are uploaded to slideshow club as both PC and Mac and report back later. Alan
  3. Thanks for this Mark. I have installed the app and discovered that by using the included app 'Wine' rather than 'Winebottler' any PC version of a PTE slideshow can be run immediately without being compiled into a Mac app. thus saving precious time and disc space. It is Brilliant, I've been able to catch up on all those PC only versions in slideshows club with out rebooting in to Windows. Alan
  4. Lin When I followed the link the page informs there are no recent video's or playlists Alan
  5. <...> Sorry for editing. But please read WnSoft Forum Rules, Common 1-8
  6. Both would need to be created. The normal exe file will not run on a mac computer. Alan
  7. Same for me. Alan
  8. The Mac version of this show does not appear to want to run on my new iMac. It downloads but will not run. Alan
  9. Bert, I have played your show on my new iMac and I have sound only from slide eight through to the end where it sounds as though it has reached conclusion just at the right moment. Alan
  10. I've just tried with my Wacom tablet and recreated the symptoms. Interestingly I disconected the Wacom and recreated the symptoms with my Logitec mouse. The pointer reappears from behind the object in the frame. Alan
  11. I have a Wacom tablet model CTE-440 running on windows XP and do not experience the problems that you describe. Everythings works satsfactorily. Alan
  12. To make a caption run over more than one slide, using the O&A screen create the text in the first slide as an object, position it correcetly, then select that text object copy it. Then move to the next slide and paste it. The text will appear in exactly the same position as it was in the first slide and can be faded, moved, etc or copied onto more slides. Alan
  13. Just beautiful. Alan
  14. Ken, It is only a light shadow that forms on top of each slat as the blind opens and then folds flat with the slat so it can not be seen then as the blind is closed it reappears but moves upward as the slats become vertical. I've tried to emulate the real scenario, maybe I should make the gradient darker. I've downloaded the zip file to check and I can see the effect on both my laptop and desktop monitor. Alan
  15. Here's the file, I hope Alanblinds2.zip
  16. Hope you dont mind but I have added a shadow on the blinds that almost disappears as the blind is closed. The shadow file is a gradient .png file, made in photoshop which is added as a child of each blind slat. This was done by adding one copy of the image as a child of one blind, keypoints were added with the shadow moving up and down as the blinds opened and closed. Once I had this working on one slat I copied it complete with keypoints and pasted as a child of each slat. I had hoped my attachment would be with this reply but seems not. I'll try again Alan
  17. Sorry Jan There was an error in the Link in my post. I have now corrected it Alan
  18. Jan Why not resize the photos outside the PTE program. There is a free photo editing program called Photoscape previously recommended by Lin that has a batch editor within it that enables you to resize a set of photos to a similar size. It is avaiable from http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php Good Luck Alan
  19. A very different method could be to place the pictures for each slide in separate folders numbered 01 to 30 then the same template could be used over and over. This would mean of course that image file names would have to be changed instead. I have tried this and an executable file is created and runs correctly despite the images having repetative names. Just a thought. Alan
  20. I am suprised as the tests I have done extracted a mixture of file sizes, some files over 1MB, without a problem. Alan
  21. I have just installed today's offer from http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/ "All Medi Grabber" that appears to be able to extract images from Exe files made with PTE. I have just tested with PTE v5 .exe files and have been able to save the images to a separate folder. For those of you who need to rescue images from an old Project this programme seems at first glance suitable. The program must be downloaded and installed today to qualify for the free copy. Regards Alan
  22. I have used for several years a freeware program called Lupas Rename 2000 v5.0 its available in English, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch and German at the download page http://rename.lupasfreeware.org/download.php The benefit I appreciate is the ability to preview the proposed changes you intend to make before commiting the name change. It has many options available. Try it and see for yourself Alan
  23. Gary If you mean jump from one object to the next this already happens once you have selected the first. It works with the arrow keys on a desktop keyboard and the number pad if you switch the Num Lock off. Alan
  24. Keith I've just tried this with a simple png file and it works very well. Everything on the slides, including transitions, occurs beneath the copyright image and shows through any transparent shape. This technique is briliant. Thanks John I shall be using this many times in the future. Alan
  25. Just add a rectangle at the back of the slide fill the screen with it and then change the properties to whatever colour you would like. You could then copy the slide several times and then add the different front pictures on each slide. Notice you may even have a coloured gradient in the rectangle. Makes for even more interesting backgrounds. Good luck and Happy New Year Alan
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