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  1. First of all, beware at this: when you reduce image dimension (e.g. from full resolution of your dSLR to 720 pixel), you ALWAYS loss sharpness. So, you ALWAYS have to sharpen your reduced images. Returning to your problem, you probably use full resolution images in your PTE project. But, when PTE create the DCD, it probably reduces images dimension to DVD standard (I don't remember exact number, but it is close to 700x500, as ft1805 said). So, images loss sharpness. In order to avoid this, you have to reduce image dimension to DVD standard, apply correct shapen on them and finally use these reduced images in PTE project.
  2. Thank you all I'll try.
  3. Hi all I've made a quite large PTE presentation (about 200 slides). While I was working on this presentation, all pictures were stored in a folder. Now, I need to move this folder, so I'll change the pictures path. Is there a way to change globally the pictures paths in PTE, or I need to change every picture path individually? It will be a very boring job...
  4. Thanks Ken for your anwer.
  5. Hi everybody I am creating a slideshows with many holidays pictures. Since a like very much PZR effects, I usually use heavily these effects. But, i feels it's very boring repeat the same ZPR effect on every picture (aasuming that every picure have the same time). Is there a way for export the PZR effect (a PZR effect template), in order to apply in on every picture? Thanks a lot Szphoto
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