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About Almark

  • Birthday 01/01/1960

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    Belfast, Northern Ireland
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  1. Just checking, 'Record Voice Commen' still doesn't work on Mac - due to Mac System limitations? Very stable version, no problems at all.
  2. On a Mac, if I click on a video file and use 'open with' and select 'PTE Video Optimizer' PTEVO will open but it will not open the original file. The original file was a .mov I thought maybe PTEVO needed a .mp4, so I converted it Same result, In order to open the file I had to 'Add' it, then I discovered it could open a .mov. Just FYI
  3. In the past, I have never shot any video. But, I will now, this looks great.
  4. Exactly the same Igor, crashes on the first launch bit when I click on reopen, and find the file, it runs fine. But it is not a problem, I can work around it. I am sure you have much better things to do. It was just FYI, and the possibility a Mac user would immediately identify the problem and tell me I'm a muppet for making a simple mistake.
  5. Hi Igor, i will try the previous version and get back to you. I must stress this is not a big problem, or even a small problem. Just an anomaly. As the Macbook does not have 1920x1080, I used the nearest 16:10 and it was it go over Zoom, I went for 1728x1117. Internal display, which is set under 'Better Display' to Notch, ProMotion, 10 bit, +HDPI ( I have no idea what any of that means!) an Update Update on getting a PTE 'exe' or 'pteav' file to run as a menu on a Mac. Our LAVG Zoom 3-club exchange went well on Friday evening. My Mac cannot produce 1920x1080 (16:9) as it has a default ratio of 16:10. The nearest I could achieve was 1728x1117 pixels (16:10). However, I noticed a few anomalies and others noticed a few annoyances. The anomalies were that my (paid for) mp4 player, Movist Pro, tended to stretch two of the mp4s when I was in full-screen mode. Interestingly, some folks using Windows saw borders, some grey some black, whilst other Windows users didn't. Mac users didn't. This would suggest that some Windows users may need to look at their setup. These bars were an annoyance to some. Another annoyance was the appearance of the mouse pointer, which had disappeared for me, but not it would seem across Zoom. I was told that VLC would automatically hide the mouse cursor, so I have installed it as my default player and it does work better. I noticed no difference in image quality, which was the alleged selling point of Movist Pro. Sometimes the menu would run the mp4 (Movist Pro) open in full screen and stop at the end, and when I closed Movist Pro, it would return to the menu. But, sometimes it opened on a different virtual screen and I had to intervene to get it to display. Then when I closed it at the end, it refused to return to the menu and again I had to intervene and return to the virtual screen with the menu. Why it would sometimes work and sometimes not, is beyond me. In the past, my approach of just using Finder and playing the mp4s from a list simply worked every time. Another simple approach is to create a VLC playlist and play from there. But, a nice menu system does look much more professional. And for competitions and festivals, essential. After seeking advice it seems the only way to get around this is to create an 'exe' or 'pteav' in PTE AV Studio from all the supplied mp4 and then use 'Run Slideshow with return'. I may try this as an experiment, but as PTE AV Player falls over every time it is run for the first time from Finder, yet opens fine when I use the 'reopen' button, I am not too sure. I would like to thank Adrian White, Derrick Holliday and Jill K. Bunting for their advice and support
  6. Hi Jill, I was thinking of reaching out to you. But, you have been so helpful over the years that I didn't want to be a burden, and of course, I know you do not use a Mac. I sent out a few posts to various Facebook groups asking for a Zoom test. My friend from Exeter, Derrick Holliday answered almost immediately (and I then wiped all the FB requests.) What I discovered with a test with Derrick, over Zoom was No sound output, speaker. Zoom thinks my Yeti mic is a speaker, this has to be manually changed to my 'Macbook Speakers' in Zoom Settings|Audio, every time I start. No sound input, mic. Zoom defaults to Boom 3D. I have to quit the Boom3D app. This has to be changed to my 'Yeti Mic', in Zoom eSettings|Audio, every time I start. The 16:10 MacBook screen ratio does not work well with 16:9 1920x1080. My Macbook offers (with 'Notch', 'ProMotion', '10bit' and 'HiDPI') offers 3456x2234px 2056x1359px 1728x1117px You found my Zoom screen recording at 2056x1359px to be rather large, so I have moved down to 1728x1117px Not all MP4's received are at 1920x1028 @ 60fps. Indeed there can be many different settings. This is identified by MovistPro on start-up, which will reflect the details for a few seconds on starting the mp4 video file. If I were to do this again, I might follow Derrick's suggestion of creating a new PTE project for each mp4. Create a blank 1st and last and then save it as a pteav file. This approach allows you to create a menu system that will always come back, after playing each pteav file. But when go have 14 mp4s, this is a lot of work. For 65 at a festival !!! I have it all working now. See you on Friday
  7. Hi Igor, Tom, Thank you both for your detailed replies. Before I started to build the menu on my MacBook Pro (MBP) updated everything, PTE Studio 11.0.12 Silicon, PTE AV Player 11.0.12, MacOS14.4. Once all was updated I rebooted my MBP. I already had both 'exe' and pteav' files set to open with PTE Player as the default setting on my MBP. However, I did have Crossover and the Windows version of PTE AV Studio on my MBP. When I run my menu exe within Crossover 24 it opens without a hitch and after my mp4 video plays (automatically in full screen in Movist Pro) when each mp4 stops I quit Movisit Pro, it returns back to the menu, perfect. I then shut down Crossover, and rebooted, and when I try and run either the exe or pteav file with PTE AV Player, by double clicking, it crashes. (previous screen shots refer.) It offers me the option to 'Reopen' and when I do this both the exe or pteav file will run fine PTE AV Player. I get the same result by opening PTE AV Player as an app from 'Applications', it asks for the file and opens in PTE AV Studio fine. Although the PTE AV Player refuses to close and I have to use Force Quit. (just FYI) I am confident I will be able to host the event over Zoom this Friday. It is just a bit strange that I can't double-click in Finder without an error.
  8. Hi Igor, thanks for your speedy reply. I thought I might have been doing something wrong. I did download the latest versions of Studio and Player, before starting the menu. Both 'exe' and pteav' files are set to open with PTE Player as the default setting on my MacBook Pro 16" M2Pro. 1. Yes 2. I did this and get the same error message attached. If I click on reopen it opens it fine. 3. This works, much in the same way as 'Reopen' in the error message. PTE Player just doesn't;t seem to work directly from Finder as the default app by double clicking on an exe or pteav file. Strange.
  9. I have built the menu page and it all works great, expect that PTE AV Player crashes when first opened but opens the menu successfully on 'Reopen'. Once open and running the menu system leaves PTE AV Player and opens my mp4 player. I have to manually return to PTE AV Player after each mp4 finishes, this isn't a problem.
  10. Hi folks, I am trying to build a simple menu on my Mac, to produce an exe, that I will run mp4s using Movist Pro. I can get it to work, but it never works first time. When I run my exe menu file, PTE AV Player fails to open and I get an error message, attached. There is an option to reopen and when I select this and run the exe file again, it always works. I have PTE AV Player set as the default app to run exe files on my Mac. Exactly the same happens when I create a Mac version of the exe pteav file. PTE AV Player crashes, but if I use the 'Reopen' button, find the file , it works. All files attached, except the large linked mp4 file. Can I ask a Mac user Does PTE AV Player run the exe first time? If it doesn't, I include the project backed up as ZIP. Could you have a look to see if I have done something wrong in the PTE? Or, any ideas? Archive.zip LAVG3club_Mar11-2024_12-08-05.zip
  11. Thank you kindly. I am using the latest version, I reinstalled it just in case. But thanks for the tip, I now see that my mentee is using V10 [Main] opt_scr_height=1080 opt_scr_width=1920 filetype=Project file of PTE AV Studio CreationTool=PTE AV Studio Pro 10.014 PteVersion=10.014 Which is probably the problem.
  12. Hi folks, I am helping a friend who created a backup as ZIP. I know that this does not include the font and why this is the case. But when I try to change the font, it will not work. The original pte file was made on a Windows PC and I am using a Mac. I have come across this problem before and the only way I could change the font was by not changing it, just wiping it and creating an image in PhotoShop instead. So, I installed the Windows version of PTE via Crossover22. Sadly, when opening the pte file many, but not all, of the transitions reverted to AB (No transition time). The slide timings were all over the place and the overall length was shortened from 4.m30s to 3m20s. In other words, it was Donald Ducked. So, I gave up on that approach. I can't share the backup as ZIP, as the file belongs to a mentee (I am a PAGB AV Advisor). I will ask the mentee if is happy for me to get help, privately, from someone I know on the forum. Has anyone come across this before? Sadly, I can't share screenshots as this would identify the mentee and the show. Mark Allen
  13. I just use DeepL to translate for example Спасибо тебе. Я где-нибудь воспользуюсь этими настройками. Проблема не в точках и амплитуде колебаний. Проблема в контейнере. Если каждый файл переносить в отдельности, на сборку слайда уйдет очень много времени. Я не думаю, что кто-то стал бы делать это в сложном слайд-шоу. Обычно я помещаю все в один контейнер, затем копирую его и собираю слайд. Давным-давно я собрал бабочку в Adobe After Effects. Спасибо за помощь и советы. Thank you. I'll use those settings somewhere. The problem is not the points and amplitude of the oscillations. The problem is the container. If each file is transferred separately, it would take a very long time to build the slide. I don't think anyone would do this in a complex slide show. I usually put everything in one container, then copy it and assemble the slide. A long time ago I put together a butterfly in Adobe After Effects. Thanks for your help and tips.
  14. Hi folks, just FYI, on my 2019 iMac with 8GB video card and 64GB RAM, my fan would go full blast when creating a mp4 in Publish. This was using the early Somona Beta. Eventually, my fan stopped working and had to be replaced. But, updated to the new somona and the fan still goes nuts and CPU resources go up to 400% I bought a new 16" MacBook Pro, chipped with a M2Pro. What a difference. The fans do come on, but only to about 2,000, I can hardly hear them. Everything is so much faster, indeed I think the M2Pro is overkill for the work I do. But, nice to have
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