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Thanks Andrew, I am glad you enjoyed it.
V7 b12 I worked on around 40 slides and then went to add a blank slide at the start and end. I set the slide time to 2 secs with a 1 sec fade. When i previewed it, I got an error message saying there was an error in C:Worlds\PTE... After that everything was wrecked. I could no longer open the first slide to edit the settings. When I created an exe, it failed to run. So I gave up.
Mick, Spirit Island is surrounded by a frozen lake at the time I visited. So no boat trips. Mick, Maureen, it seems that the slow fades and subtle pans and zooms can still told the attention. Jan, this was not in my back yard, I'm from Belfast, Northern Ireland. I have been to Canada before, but never Alaska. I hope to return to both, God willing. BTW the whale just appeared, we were not on a whale watching tour, it was a trip up the Tracy Arm Fjord to see the Sawyer Glaciers. On the way back to Skagway this whale seemed intent on putting on a performance, with tail splashes, fin slaps and of course breaching. The guide gave detailed reasons as to why the scientists think they do these manoeuvres, but finished with, "but I think they are just having fun". It certainly looked like it to me ;-) Thank you all for your feedback.
Lin, as you know sometimes you do things in the hope that some other PTE user will pick up on them. I am so pleased that you did! It has made my day, thank you!
Some of you will be aware of my style of slide show, so you know what to expect ;-) Nothing fancy! Just 4 mins of fades designed to show off my travel photography. Mainly landscapes but also some wildlife; foraging bears, breaching whales and a bald eagle. Locations include: (Canada) Bannf (Sulphur Mountain, Bow river and falls), Lake Louise (frozen), Athabasca Falls, Columbia Ice field, Mildred Lake Jasper, Rocky Mountaineer; (Alaska) Tracy Arm Fjord, Glacier Bay National Park. The bears were in Canada, Yukon near Emerald Lake. The intended audience is family and friends, and folk at my camera club. This is the first draft, and I am quite happy with it. However; as always, all feedback, tips, suggestions and general comments are most welcome. (It was only after I had finished it that I remembered that I should have used 16:10 rather than 16:9, but maybe the second version...) PC version link Mac zip version link downloads moved to mediafire as my bandwidth was too high...
Thank you for the feedback. No; I did not know this and will carefully consider your points on my next revisit to the project.
Thank you all for the feedback on my slide-show.
Did I miss it? Is the there a beat of V7 to download and play with/
Done, uploading now, same name same link. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated...
Yes I now see that, on review. it is worst in the the first set of mono ones. Thanks Barry, I will have to back and redo them, the bright area outside the image is a distraction. (I thought I might have got away with it:-)
Almark replied to Lakelandlass's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Maureen; I was told, before I went, that December was the time to go. But once on board, the staff said no, the best time to see the Northern Lights is in late February, when it is at it's coldest. In December, when I went, the lights may be there but you can't see them because of the clouds. Clearly the staff that are on the ship know best, so I always recommend photographers in search of the Northern Lights, to go in February. However; I know of at least one guy, who has waited for sun spot info and then searched for a cancellation. Went on the cruise and saw nothing. Best laid plans, and all that! My wife and I were lucky to see them, but the best shows were from on board the ship. With the ship roiling about on the water, and the vibration from the deck, my tripod was useless! -
Good Grief! That took almost as long as the first draft. I have updated the download, same link. I took the image that followed the mono ones and darkened, desaturated and blurred it. I then used these as the backgrounds for the 3 mono sections. I used the image that followed as it then blends from mono to colour. You will see what I mean when you watch the show. I also resized all the square mono images from 1200x1200 to 1100x1100 and added a small 2px stroke border. I had to go out of my comfort zone (Capture NX) and use layers in Photoshop, so I now have 3 psd files, mono 1-3, just in case I need to go back and change things. I think this works better, but of course I would say that! Again, all feedback is most welcome. Download here Updated again to fine tweek the music, and mac version added: mac version
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I had previously prepared two shows, one in colour and the other in mono (that some of you have kindly commented on above.) Of course I then got feedback suggesting it would be good see both in one show. I tried a few times but it never really worked, but recently I have been playing with the square format and thought with the right music is just might work. It was this piece of music that encouraged me to have another go, I really liked the soft 'de da de da' sections and I agree it is a bit soulful but I thought I had images that would suit. I said it was a first draft as I didn't really spend much time putting it together, about an hour and most of that time was used trying to harmonise the flow of the colour images. I had thought of making the square images smaller, but I wanted to use as much of the screen size as possible. I like Barry's suggestion of placing them on top of a blurred, darked, mono background. I will play with that now. Is it an AV or a presentation of my images? My aim is both ;-)
First draft of an experiment. This for my daughter, who asked me for a selection og my photography. I found the music and liked the 'de da, de da, de da, de da' bit. So I am trying to use that 'de da' bit with some square format, mono work. The rest is colour at 1920x1200. All feedback welcome! Download Here Updated again to fine tweek the music, and mac version added: mac version
Some great sounds there David.
Almark replied to Lakelandlass's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Absolutely superb! As you know I did the same trip, but you clearly got much better weather than I did in December 2007. On my trip the temp went from picture postcard pretty, snow and ice, at -10C to +5C and what the Captain claimed was like a tropical storm, that washed away all the snow and ice in a day! I really enjoyed the show, so much so, that I immediately watched it again! Wonderful work, well done! -
Thank you all for your feedback, like David P above I have also come across some 'strange' posts (very politely put). However I take on board all the comments made: I fully agree with Lin that perhaps folk that want feedback should ask for it, (I have amneded my first post to reflect this). I can also see Peter's point about social networks broadband and so on. (I use the messaging service within facebook for all my text messages and it is now almost replacing my email.)
I found this Av to be disjointed, an eye for beauty, flowers and then cityscapes and so on. It simply did not work for me. All the different sizes of images with borders were, I thought, distracting. Just IMHO.
When I first joined this forum I saw an AV by Barry Beckham. I did not know who he was, or anything about him. I pointed out two things that I saw and thought could be improved on. BB came back and said, "well seen, I missed that" and thanked me for me comments. Since then I found the forum to be a source of wonderful examples of AV work. Viewing other peoples work can be inspiring, and then reading the constructive feedback by others, makes me watch the show again and consider the comments made. I often give detailed feedback, and simply comment on what I like, don't like in the hope that folk will take such feedback as simply information. Take it and use it, or bin it as you wish. Human Nature, being what it is, tends to make folk respond to individuals AV's if they have taken the time to do the same for them. I must say that I have gained a lot from this forum, but I am concerned about many of the recent posts, that may be considered banter, or just for a laugh. (Or perhaps vindictive, malicious, intent on stirring up debate.) This is not what I joined this forum for. So what do you think the purpose and priorities of this forum should be?
Hi George, I enjoyed your show and it clearly shows off the dom's template very well. However; I thought that many of the images had a great deal of noise, that could I suspect be reduced with some work. Perhaps because I was viewing at 1920x1200 some of the images appeared soft (not as sharp were they should be) and some had jpg artefacts (possibly as a result of compression.) A good show, it reminded me of my times in Vegas.
I enjoyed the show. I felt the first slide was out of place and that the second one with the titles should have been the first. The first one could be moved to link in with the other montage images that appear near the end. There was on photo that had cars on the left hand side, I would have cropped the cars out. Just very minor points I fully accept. A good show, and one I will share with my camera club.
I enjoyed the show, a great example of the dom's temlate. The photography was often superb, wonderful work, well done.
Lovely Davy, I loved the transitions. Wonderful work, well done!
Wonderful work, well done!
Thank you all for the feedback. I look back on some of my first attempts in AV (2006), in ProShow and PTE, that were prepared at 1024x768. Because of a lack of discipline and management I find that cannot find ;-) the pte file, or if I do, the images can't be found (due to computer changes / hard disk upgrades and so on.) We all learn from experience. For anyone interested, I now use an external esata 1TB for my photos and av's, and movies. I use Capture NX2 for all my adjustments, and will sometimes use Photoshop for edits, and Lightroom for management. Having the lightroom cat on an external HD means I can use my laptop when not at at my main 'puter.